Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4051: overbearing

The look of Emperor Xitian became increasingly ugly.

He came today, really has nothing to do with Emperor Cangming.

Found a baby girl who had been stolen for more than 20 years

How could he, the father, remain indifferent?

Even before he came back, he never thought that the situation like this would happen.

Qin Shaofeng's unrealistic identity was really able to let Wu Jinshan help him this way, which was far beyond his previous expectations.

While hesitating, another wave of spatial fluctuations appeared.

When he saw the people walking out of that space fluctuation, his expression changed slightly.

It can't be said to be joy or worry.

People who come will naturally ask more questions, it is the strong man in Cangming Palace.

And surrounded by hundreds of Void Realm and Void Realm mighty people is an old man in golden robe.

The old man didn't seem to have any aura of cultivation base.

But in his eyes, the faint aura of superiors exuded, but most of the people who saw him lowered their heads subconsciously.

The person who followed the old man was naturally Young Emperor Cangming Cang Qingtian.

Naturally, the identity of the elder does not need anyone to explain.

Cang Ming Tian Di Cang Luo Jun.

"The people of the endless mountain, when seeing the arrival of the emperor, don't you hurry up to meet him?"

An old man beside Jun Cangluo suddenly shouted.

at the same time.

The aura of the old man exudes, he is also a mighty person at the pinnacle of nothingness.

Its imposing manner is probably stronger than Ximen Tianxin, the Great Emperor Xitian.

"It turned out to be him, the immortal king Situ Kongcheng."

The expression of Emperor Xitian suddenly changed.

After he arrived early, he was in trouble right away because he wanted to confirm whether Ximen Bingning was his lost daughter.

If it were true, he would naturally not be able to let Young Emperor Cangming succeed.

At least not yet.

But he had already overestimated the combat power of Cangming Palace.

Unexpectedly, the Great Emperor Cangming had been able to draw this fellow who was known as the number one powerhouse of the Demon Path into his command in these years.

Seeing that, it turned out to be his loyal lackey.

The Emperor Xitian didn't know what to do for a while.

"Situ Kongcheng? Haven't you been destroyed yet?"

In an instant, a sound full of vigor resounded from the endless mountain.

The space is distorted again.

Immediately, an older figure slowly emerged in the void, staring at Emperor Cangming with scorching eyes, but his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

"I really didn't expect that the majestic Emperor Cangming would be able to bring in the number one demon who killed countless lives under his command. This is really an eye-opener for the old man!"

The old man who just appeared did not give the Cangming Emperor any face.

In fact, he didn't have that need at all.

Although the status of Emperor Cangming is noble.

But in a sense, the person who just appeared was no less than Emperor Cangming.

It's even worse in seniority.

The person who just appeared.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about the identity.

It is now the first person in the endless mountain, endless muddy.

"Situ Kongcheng has indeed done a lot of wrong things, but since he followed this emperor, he has really restrained his killing intent, otherwise what you see will not be such a peaceful and indestructible devil emperor." Great Emperor Cangming Tao.

"It's a good one to look back. If this is the case, the old man can understand that the old man will kill the little baby in the sky now, as long as he can sincerely repent, the emperor can forget the past?" The endless domineering side leaked.

Obviously, it was only insinuating words, and it sounded so overbearing.

Qin Shaofeng has also seen endless muddy several times.

But the endless chaos at that time looked like a kind old man.

It was the first time he had seen it, endless muddy revealing such a domineering side.

"Then you might as well try."

Emperor Cangming was obviously a little angry.

He also knows that the nickname that endless mud used to be in the arena is: bastard.

An almost confirmable infamy.

But endlessly, he is always so simple and decisive.

Although endlessly looking at things, he has a strong vision.

But he didn't know some twists and turns, as long as it was something he felt should be done, he would not care about any constraints at all.

There have been countless hob meats, making his generation prefer to fight the strong for three hundred rounds rather than face him.

"So you can even try this?"

The endless chaotic laughed a few times, still full of domineering, and the figure suddenly disappeared.

next moment.

Spatial fluctuations appeared from the vicinity of Emperor Cangming.

Although there are a lot of powerful people from all quarters, there are not many old people from the past.

Ever since the strong reputation of the endless mountain spread.

Not many people dared to mention the slander of the endless chaotic year.

As a result, there are not too many people present today who really know the endless temperament.

Even Long Cangqiang, the patriarch of the dragon clan, grew his mouth in the first place.

"This...is it a bit too fast?"

A strong dragon clan trembling lips slightly said: "Patriarch, the ancestor of the endless mountain, do you really want to go to war directly?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know, the endless mountain really can't mess with it!"

Long Cangqiong's face was full of sadness.

He also did not expect such a scene to appear.

At least in his knowledge of human intelligence, he hasn't mentioned that endless muddy has such a side!

Now it seems that it is not right that the Nine Great Masters can not provoke.

This former mountain lord of the endless mountain, today's ancestor, is probably the first one who can't be offended!

There was a disagreement, even Young Emperor Cangming could kill him.

Although such a decision can't explain his difficulty, don't forget that this person has the ability to mobilize the three endless mountains with one sentence and can't be offended!

Looks like a temper that is not afraid of fear.

If he really provokes this person, he believes that even if it is a separate Cangming Palace, I am afraid that this person would dare to lead people to annihilate.


"Who was the human intelligence in the first place? This ancestor of the endless mountain is simply a more terrifying existence than the Great Emperor Cangming!" said another dragon expert.

His words spoke to the hearts of all dragons.

One by one, the dragon races turned into human forms, and their looks became more and more weird.

When the dragon clan was still surprised internally.

The war in the sky has already begun.

Although Qin Shaofeng watched the battle in the air with his own eyes.

But his cultivation base is really too weak, it is really impossible to understand the endless fighting style of the uncle.

Coming out from the side of Emperor Cangming, the one who came to fight was naturally the first person in the magical way who was known as the immortal monarch.

He couldn't understand the battle.

But it can also be seen that the Indestructible Demon Lord may have the strength of an unrivaled person when facing the Great Emperor Xitian and others.

But the existence of this generation of endless muds is not what he can imagine.

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