Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 405: Xu Tianyang

There is only half a month left until the last three months.

At this moment, someone inspired the second light of bronze, which naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

For a time, countless powerful geniuses rushed to the position where the second bronze light was.

When it is strange that some enchanting geniuses with a spiritual aura value of 30 million, after approaching the bronze light and discovering that the other party is a team of 100 people, their complexion changed drastically for the first time, and then they turned around without looking back. left.

This team of one hundred people, although all composed of legendary ten realm masters.

But obviously just this, and it cannot deter these real geniuses.

The reason why they left directly was because they recognized the identity of the team, to be precise, the identity of the young leader of the team.

It was precisely because of that young man, even the descendants of some of the Qianshan Sect's three-dimensional realm powerhouse, had just retreated.

At that speed, it seems that if it is slower, there will be a terrible disaster.

There are also people who don't understand this situation, and they have already killed the bronze light.

But these no matter how strong their strength is and how many people there are, they will never go back.

Perhaps it was because of Qin Shaofeng's treacherous situation before, which made many people pay attention.

At this point, many people did not return, and others became vigilant.

And at this time, they also discovered that the enchanting genius among the big forces hadn't made another move.

Last time, it was good to say that because Qin Shaofeng entered Yunque Peak, those enchanting geniuses did not chase Qin Shaofeng.

But this time, the other party was no longer in Yunque Peak.

Some people felt something unusual about this discovery, and after finally inquiring, after hearing something, no one took action.

For a while, the people who were pursuing and killing all stopped. It seemed that after this moment, everyone had eliminated this second bronze light.

Three days later, on the ninety-eighth peak, the boy was still there.

However, at this moment, the young man's expression was very unhappy.

"Damn, the **** didn't come to chase down Ben Shao, this made Ben Shao so boring, Ben Shao just got a little bit of interest, and he was disappointed!"

No one came to chase him down, and the boy was very angry.

Compared with other people, they were afraid of being chased by a large number of people after they sparked the bronze light, but this young man went the other way, hoping to be chased and killed.

It's a pity that this boy's wish is destined not to be realized.

But this young man was very upset in his heart, and finally a thought came to him.

Then, this young man went to chase and kill others.

For a while, many people were killed again. After this happened, everyone felt extremely afraid of this second bronze light.

Everyone was chasing after the one that Qin Shaofeng inspired before, but now this second bronze light, everyone started to flee instead.

In this situation, it wasn't until the tenth day when the second bronze light appeared, that the young man left contentedly and headed to the top of the hundredth mountain.

This also relieved everyone.

And from this moment on, some people who have collected the complete Qianshan Order, only then began to plan to integrate the bronze order Qianshan Order to stimulate the light of bronze.

In the last five days of the three-month period, the third bronze light was activated.

But this time, the person who inspired the bronze light seemed not so lucky and not so strong.

Just as soon as the bronze light was ignited, he was killed.

However, the person who killed him didn't know where to go, and he was decapitated without touching the bronze order Qianshanling.

Then, a battle for the bronze order of the thousand mountains broke out.

This battle lasted for a whole day before it was completely over.

And for the next two days, no one was igniting the light of bronze.

It was only in the last two days that there were two people at the same time, sparking the light of bronze within an hour, and finally after hiding and fighting, no one succeeded.

They were all replaced by others.

So far, the bronze light that has been excited has appeared five times.

This is regarded as the Qianshan Order from Qin Shaofeng, which means that no one can inspire the Qianshan Order again.

Because the Qianshan Order of ten bronze steps has already appeared, it is impossible for anyone to stimulate the light of bronze.

But at this moment, at the top of the 100th peak, Xie Zijun stood up, finally planning to end this mission.

Although he is the person in charge of the entrance examination this time, he is really responsible only for those who have the bronze rank Qianshan Order and are eligible to enter the reserve camp. Naturally, he will ignore the others.

What only made Xie Zijun's brows wrinkle slightly is that the people who inspired the Bronze Light, except Qin Shaofeng, the other three have been sent here.

But at this moment there is still one person who has not come here.

Because the other party, like Qin Shaofeng, was the one who inspired the bronze light after ten days, and then did not choose to be transmitted by the bronze light.

What displeased Xie Zijun the most was that the other party seemed to be delaying time deliberately. At this moment, he had clearly reached the 100th peak, but he had no intention of coming up immediately.

But at the same time, what made Xie Zijun very helpless was that the identity of the other party made him somewhat helpless.

Although there is still one day before the three-month deadline, this is over.

At this time, many other people appeared in the distance below, and they were all the ones who had entered the entrance examination this time and had high scores.

After some tests, the top 100 celebrities can be ranked.

But these things were not what Xie Zijun did. He already knew that no one would inspire the light of bronze anymore, so Xie Zijun naturally didn't intend to delay anything here.

With this time, he might as well return to the Qianshan Sect to practice.

Folding his brows, Xie Zijun suddenly faced the bottom and said softly: "Xu Tianyang, if you don't come up again, I can go, you can go back by yourself when the time comes!"

I don't know what method Xie Zijun used to make his sentence spread far away and directly to somewhere below the top of the mountain.

And the strangest thing is that no one can hear this voice except for himself and the person he wants to convey this sentence.

Qin Shaofeng only used the ability of small **** to hear this.

Xu Tianyang?

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and somehow thought of someone.

But the next moment, a loud laugh came, and Qin Shaofeng knew that he was right.

"Hahaha, Xie Zijun, why are you in a hurry! Isn't it time for this?"

With laughter sounded, a figure jumped up, followed closely by four guards, one woman and three men.

As soon as he saw the other party, Qin Shaofeng showed such an expression on his face.

Because the person here was exactly what he had met at the beginning, the boy with a hundred legendary ten-tier teams.

It's just that Qin Shaofeng felt a little more surprised at the boy's performance at this moment.

This kid actually dared to call Xie Zijun's name directly, and it seemed that he had known Xie Zijun a long time ago.

But the other party is not afraid of Xie Zijun, and even the expression on the other party's face from this moment, I am afraid that Xie Zijun is not regarded as the same thing, right?

This made Qin Shaofeng guess that he had a very uncomplicated identity, and he was even more sure at this moment.

And what concerns Qin Shaofeng the most is that at this moment, the other three people with bronze rank tokens all changed their expressions, revealing a hint of fear after seeing the boy.

This is even more illustrative.

Xu Tianyang?

With a slight movement in his heart, Qin Shaofeng wrote down the other party's name.

Xie Zijun seemed to have been used to Xu Tianyang's performance for a long time. He ignored Xu Tianyang and said: "Since there are all the people, let's set off!"

But this time, Xu Tianyang was unhappy.

"and many more!"

With a flash, Xu Tianyang directly stopped Xie Zijun, and said uncomfortably: "There are no ten people here, and the time has not come, why are you Xie Zijun leaving. Are you lazy?"

Being questioned by a person who didn't even have a small Yuan Dan realm, Xie Zijun had a very good temper, and his heart was agitated at this moment.

If it hadn't been for Xu Tianyang's identity, I'm afraid Xie Zijun would have taken the initiative to teach him.

But even if he couldn't make a move, Xie Zijun didn't mean he could swallow this breath.


Xie Zijun laughed suddenly, and then sneered at Xu Tianyang, and said coldly: "What should I do? That's my business. What kind of thing is Xu Tianyang, you dare to intervene?"


Xu Tianyang exploded in an instant, he didn't expect that Xie Zijun would dare to speak to him like this.

"Xie Zijun, you are so courageous, you dare to..."

"Why don't I dare?"

Xie Zijun abruptly interrupted Xu Tianyang, looked at Xu Tianyang coldly, and said disdainfully: "Xu Tianyang is afraid of you, but it does not mean that I Xie Zijun is also afraid of you, and even I look down on you, because besides relying on your identity as Lao Tzu, What else can you do? If you didn't have you, you would be a shit!"

Qin Shaofeng was dumbfounded.

In the past few days, Xie Zijun gave Qin Shaofeng the impression that he was a slightly elegant person, and he felt like a teacher!

But now Qin Shaofeng knows that Xie Zijun still has such a rough side.

Not only him, but also the other three geniuses with Bronze Rank tokens, at this moment, looked at Xie Zijun with admiration.

so amazing!

This person actually dared to speak to Xu Tianyang like this, it seems that his identity is not simple!

As for Xu Tianyang, his face was already very gloomy at this moment.

But what Xie Zijun did even more absolutely was that he didn't give Xu Tianyang any chance at all. He turned around and gestured to Qin Shaofeng several people, and then took several people directly into the teleportation formation.

If you want to enter the real Thousand Mountain Sect, you must pass the teleportation formation on the top of the 100th peak. If you are from other places, it might be difficult to enter the Thousand Mountain Sect.

In the words of Xiaoqiuqiu, that is that the entire Qianshanzong seems to exist in an extremely powerful space formation.

And the formation of the nine-star holding the moon on the last ten peaks of the top 100 peaks is probably a basic point of this space formation.

At the same time, this is also the entrance of the Qianshan Sect.


With a flash of white light, Qin Shaofeng and others followed Xie Zijun and quickly disappeared from the formation.

As for Tang Qijian and Du Meng, they descended from this peak a few days ago and went to meet those legendary geniuses.

When I heard that the two of them wanted to enter the reserve camp with their own strength, Xie Zijun admired the two of them a little, and simply let them both get two places in the top 100.

Although there is some suspicion of using power for personal gain, with Xie Zijun's eyesight, he can still see that whether it is Tang Qijian or Du Meng, he can definitely rank in the top 100 in the legendary realm of this entry assessment.

This is nothing like using power for personal gain!

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