Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 406: Not a reserve camp

Seeing the disappearing figures of a few people, Xu Tianyang's face was extremely furious before the teleportation formation.

This made the four guards, one woman and three men, beside him, but he dared not say a word.

"Damn, damn, this Xie Zijun is really damn, who does he think he is? A mere disciple of inheritance, dare to be so presumptuous in front of me, he is looking for death!"

Xu Tianyang was very angry. In fact, Xu Tianyang also knew that he could live today and have a very high status in the Qianshan Sect because of his Laozi.

But the more so, the more Xu Tianyang cares about it.

And it was precisely for this reason that he participated in this so-called entrance examination, relied on his own ability to enter the reserve camp, and even became a succession disciple in the reserve camp.

He wants everyone to understand that even if he does not rely on his father, Xu Tianyang is a true genius.

Regarding the words Xie Zijun just said, Xu Tianyang couldn't wait to cut the other party thousands of times.

But when he thought of Xie Zijun's identity, Xu Tianyang also had a trace of jealousy in his heart.

Don't look at what he said to Xie Zijun, but even if he didn't want to admit it, Xu Tianyang knew that if it wasn't for his father, with his current cultivation base, he might not even be qualified to speak in front of Xie Zijun.

"Hmph, Xie Zijun, please be proud of you! After my cultivation level surpasses you, I will definitely bring back the shame I brought to me today, thousands of times!"

With a low angry roar, Xu Tianyang also stepped into the teleportation formation.

But at the moment when the teleportation left, Xu Tianyang felt that he seemed to have forgotten something.


The white light flashed and the space changed.

When he saw the surrounding situation clearly again, Qin Shaofeng found that he had reached an exceptionally tall mountain.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng and others are just the teleportation formation at the foot of this mountain.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng still felt the spiritual power emanating from this mountain in front of him.


It is spiritual power, but not spiritual energy.

Only after the spiritual power has been condensed to a certain level, can the environment of a place emit spiritual power fluctuations.

It feels like this whole mountain is alive.

Not only Qin Shaofeng, but several others were also shocked by the situation at this moment.

At this time, Xie Zijun laughed and said, "This is where you will stay for a while."

"Is this the preparation camp?" After hearing Xie Zijun's words, one of the other three suddenly asked.

Unexpectedly, when he spoke, Xie Zijun shook his head and vetoed it.

"No, this is not a reserve camp!"

Shaking his head and saying something, Xie Zijun started to explain when Qin Shaofeng and others were surprised.

"Let me tell you this. The minimum requirement for our preparation camp for disciples of the Thousand Mountain Sect inheritance is to possess spiritual power to enter it. This time, because of some accidents, you have 100 legendary realms to enter. "

"However, even if this is the case, if you are only in the legendary realm, you still cannot enter the training ground of the reserve camp. If you want to enter the real reserve camp, you have to wait for promotion to the Xiaoyuan Dan realm. Now this place is just deliberate. Because of the existence of one hundred of you, one of the three hundred inner peaks is a place for your cultivation."

Listening to Xie Zijun's explanation, Qin Shaofeng finally understood.

There is actually such a thing, it seems that this preparation camp for the disciples of the Thousand Mountain Sect inheritance is a very difficult place!

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng thought: Then did he quickly raise his level and enter the real reserve camp?

After all, if you want to upgrade, you can upgrade immediately, and you can also directly upgrade to the triple level of the Xiaoyuan Dan realm!

Not only did Qin Shaofeng think so, but the other three people had the same thoughts at the moment.

Not a real reserve camp?

What are you still hesitating about? Hurry up to gather the original core and enter the real reserve camp. This is the top priority.

Although the cultivation environment on this mountain is good, I am afraid it is still slightly inferior to the real reserve camp, right?

As if seeing the thoughts in the hearts of a few people at this moment, Xie Zijun suddenly spoke again: "Oh, yes, I advise you not to rush to the Xiaoyuandan stage, or you will regret it!"


Hearing Xie Zijun suddenly said such a sentence, several people were very puzzled.

Don't rush to upgrade to the Xiaoyuandan realm?

Would you regret it?

What is the reason?

I have already entered the reserve camp, so why do you suppress the realm?

It is the right way to improve your realm early!

Although a few people did not say it, Xie Zijun probably understood what they were thinking at this moment.

However, he didn't say anything. He just smiled and said: "Okay, I won't say too much. In the order in which you obtained the Bronze Stage Qianshan Order before and after, you entered the first training room. There is a jade slip in each training room. Please understand the specific situation yourself. I have other things, so I won’t leave it much!"

After speaking, Xie Zijun turned and stepped into the teleportation formation again.

When the formation was launched, Xie Zijun heard the last word.

"I hope we still have a chance to meet again!"

But no one noticed that at the moment when he was teleported and disappeared, Xie Zijun's eyes fell on Qin Shaofeng, and he sighed softly in his heart.

Master, the task arranged by your old man, I have completed it.

Based on what I said before, I'm afraid Xu Tianyang will not trouble Qin Shaofeng in a short time.

Qin Shaofeng, I can only help you here, so you can take the rest of the road yourself!

Alas, I don’t know what Qin Shaofeng’s origins are, but it’s really a rare thing that Master Zu cares so much!


As soon as Xie Zijun left, the three geniuses also hurriedly left.

Perhaps it was because Qin Shaofeng was not well known, and after personally feeling Qin Shaofeng's breath, the three of them had a slight fear of Qin Shaofeng in their hearts.

Because they all felt Qin Shaofeng's powerful strength, and felt that they were not Qin Shaofeng's opponent, they naturally feared Qin Shaofeng.

In fact, the strength of these three people is not low, they are all geniuses with an Aura value of more than 30 million, especially one of them has an Aura value of more than 40 million.

But after seeing Xie Zijun's attitude towards Qin Shaofeng, they subconsciously thought that Qin Shaofeng's identity was not simple.

His identity is mysterious, his strength is powerful, and the methods are still very cruel, killing countless people.

Thinking of the attention of such a person before, how dare the three of them stay with Qin Shaofeng for a while.

Without saying hello, the three hurried away.

Qin Shaofeng naturally didn't care about this, and directly led Zhao Yun'er out to the place where the training room was.

A total of 108 training rooms have been built on this mountain.

This has the same design as the cultivation caves on the mountain peaks Qin Shaofeng met before.

This is like upgrading the cave to a training room.

And every training room is extremely luxurious!

Yes, this is Qin Shaofeng's first impression of this training room, luxurious!

At the top of the mountain, on the row of training rooms in the row, what Qin Shaofeng saw was a training room that looked like a mansion.

No. 1 training room corresponds to this number, and Qin Shaofeng was the first to obtain the Bronze Rank Qianshan Order. The best training room No. 1 naturally belongs to his training room.

Moreover, the top ten training rooms are the best training rooms, and they are all the training rooms deliberately prepared by the Qianshan Sect for the owner of the bronze order Qianshan Order.

Qin Shaofeng's is No. 1, and Zhao Yun'er, who received the bronze order Qianshan Order from Qin Shaofeng, is naturally the No. 2 training room.

It is worth mentioning that the other three people were dumbfounded when they found their own training room under the guidance of the Qianshan Order they had.

Because the training rooms of the three of them are the last three training rooms in the top ten.

Obviously there were only five or six people, but they were ranked last.

Regarding such a problem, they couldn't understand how.

Of course they wouldn't understand it. According to the order, even Xu Tianyang's training room is probably only the sixth training room.

However, in Xu Tianyang's situation, he probably won't come here, but will go directly to the real reserve camp.

After entering the training room No. 1, Qin Shaofeng discovered why this training room was the size of a mansion.

Because in this training room, there are not only places to eat and sleep, but also rooms for special training, as well as rooms for martial arts and practice moves.

In a word, every project related to cultivation has a separate room here.

Qin Shaofeng counted carefully, and found that including the sleeping room, this so-called No. 1 training room actually had 36 rooms, large and small.

"Tsk, it's a reserve camp that Qianshanzong pays attention to! The room just for the legendary disciples is so luxurious, it seems that for true genius, Qianshanzong is very generous!"

After spending nearly half an hour, after visiting all the rooms, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but sigh.

"Of course!"


The white light flashed, and the ball appeared.

After taking a punch, Xiaoqiuqiu said: "For any sect, an outstanding genius is indispensable, because every sect must have enough geniuses if it is to be passed on. Only when the sect becomes stronger and stronger can it be passed on."

"So! For true geniuses, I am afraid that no sect will be stingy!"

When Qin Shaofeng heard it, it seemed that the same was true.

It is true that the future of a sect depends on the younger generation, and only if it has enough genius, the sect will not decline.

"Well, forget it, let's not talk about this. By the way, Xie Zijun will not say it. Every practice room has a jade slip. Although I have seen this practice room, I am afraid there should be a lot of things. I don’t understand. After reading the jade slip, I should get a lot of information.

With a murmur, Qin Shaofeng began to look around.

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly heard it, and Zhao Yun'er's voice came from outside.

"Shao Feng, come out, I have something to tell you!"


Is it Yuner?

Suddenly hearing Yun'er's voice, Qin Shaofeng was puzzled.

Why did you come to me so soon?

Is there something?

Thinking about this, Qin Shaofeng walked out quickly.

But after going out, Qin Shaofeng discovered that Zhao Yun'er was not alone at the moment, and that the person who came to look for him with Yun'er was a middle-aged beautiful woman who was still charming.

The first time he saw this middle-aged beautiful woman, Qin Shaofeng blurted out.

"Auntie Qing? Why are you here?"

ps, there will be an outbreak in the last two days, thank you for your support! Love you guys!

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