Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 407: Super God Summoning Card

Auntie Qing?

This middle-aged beautiful woman who suddenly appeared was the first time Qin Shaofeng met Meng Xin'er, the woman who appeared with Meng Xin'er and possessed a powerful giant eagle and beast.

It was this middle-aged beautiful woman who found the ancestor of the blood evil spirit and went to rescue Qin Shaofeng and Meng Xin'er.

Qin Shaofeng naturally knew each other.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng also got acquainted with the other party during the time in Meng's house, and called the other party Qing Aunt like Meng Xiner.

However, what makes Qin Shaofeng more puzzled is that this aunt doesn't seem to have a good impression on him, and she always faces herself indifferently.

However, these are not important, what is important is why Aunt Qing is here.

At the next moment, Aunt Qing's answer finally made Qin Shaofeng understand.

"Why can't I be here anymore?"

Aunt Qing frowned slightly, and said displeasedly: "As one of the ten elders of Qianshan Sect, where can I be without Qianshan Sect?"

Uh, what?

Aunt Qing is the top ten elder of Qianshan Sect?

Although Qin Shaofeng still didn't understand the situation of the Qianshan Sect at present, Qin Shaofeng knew only by hearing this name that Aunt Qing's identity was probably very important in the Qianshan Sect.

Ten elders!

This must be the existence of Niu Breaking!

Zhao Yun'er seemed to see that Aunt Qing seemed to have something wrong with Qin Shaofeng, so she couldn't help pulling Qin Shaofeng, and the two got together to communicate in a low voice.

Then Qin Shaofeng figured it out.

Not only Qing Aunt, Qin Shaofeng knew from Zhao Yun'er that Zhao Yun'er's father and Meng Xin'er's father had also joined the Qianshan Sect.

Even the father of Zhao Yun'er and Meng Xin'er now owns the Qianshan Sect, an identity that worships elders or something, anyway, it's the kind of awesome.

But for some reason, neither of them is in the Qianshan Sect.

However, after leaving this time, Zhao Yun'er's father deliberately met with Aunt Qing, and then entrusted all his disciples to Aunt Qing, even Zhao Yun'er.

"Daddy told Aunt Qing that as soon as I entered the Thousand Mountain Sect, I followed Aunt Qing to practice, but..."

With that, Zhao Yuner's face was filled with confusion and hesitation, and she didn't say anything for a while.

At this time, Aunt Qing said what Zhao Yuner had said plainly.

"Except you, Brother Zhao said, I don't need to intervene with you, everything depends on your own destiny."

Speaking of this, Aunt Qing deliberately gave a slight meal, and then she said naturally: "Of course, even if Brother Zhao didn't say it, I won't take care of you!"

Qin Shaofeng is speechless!

He didn't know when he had offended Aunt Qing, which made Aunt Qing seem to dislike him very much.

When Aunt Qing's words fell, Zhao Yun'er was unhappy.

"Aunt Qing——!"

Suddenly grabbing Aunt Qing's arm, Zhao Yun'er began to act like a baby.

"Aunt Qing, can't you let Shaofeng go with me?"

For Zhao Yun'er, in the heart of Aunt Qing, she is the same as Meng Xin'er. She grew up watching these two little girls as her own daughters.

Naturally, Aunt Qing couldn't resist Zhao Yuner's acting like a baby.

But this time, Aunt Qing was very firm.

However, when she finally saw Zhao Yuner's coquettish appearance, Aunt Qing sighed.

"Hey! Yun'er is not Aunt Qing, I am cruel, and you still don't know some of these things. Now if you ask Qin Shaofeng to follow me, it would not be a good thing for him!"


Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yun'er were shocked when they heard Aunt Qing's words, and at the same time they were even more confused.

Is there any hidden secrets?

Zhao Yun'er frowned, and wanted to keep asking.

But at this time Qin Shaofeng said that her opening stopped her.

"Yun'er, please don't be embarrassed by Aunt Qing. In fact, it was Aunt Qing who asked me to leave with her. I won't, because in my opinion, I am the one who enters the preparation camp and becomes the disciple of the Thousand Mountain Sect inheritance. The way to go! So, you can go with Aunt Qing with peace of mind! I'm fine by myself."

"Shao Feng, you..." Zhao Yun'er's expression was anxious, it was evident that Qin Shaofeng's face was determined, and in the end she didn't say anything more.

But this time, Aunt Qing glanced at Qin Shaofeng quite admiringly, then hesitated and said to Qin Shaofeng: "Boy, from now on, you better not let people know your father's name, and..."

Aunt Qing's face suddenly became serious, and she cautiously said to Qin Shaofeng: "You must be careful alone. Never let anyone know any information about your parents. Remember this name. If you can, don't show up. In front of this person!"


After this sound, Aunt Qing took Zhao Yun'er and disappeared.

But at this moment Qin Shaofeng's mind was the voice of Aunt Qing.

"Remember this person, his name is Xu Feiyang!"

Xu Feiyang?

After hearing this name, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly.

For the first time, Qin Shaofeng knew everything in his mind. Perhaps this so-called Xu Feiyang should be his father's enemy, and his strength is definitely not simple.

Otherwise, Aunt Qing wouldn't emphasize it so deliberately to herself.


At this moment, Qin Shaofeng murmured a little weirdness in his heart.

"Xu Feiyang? Nima, Xiaoye Dad's name is Qin Feiyang, this Xu Feiyang is also called Feiyang, why are two people with the same name wrong?"

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng didn't know why, and suddenly thought of Xu Tianyang in his heart.

Qin Shaofeng had a feeling in his heart, it seemed that Xu Feiyang and Xu Tianyang should have some kind of relationship.


After returning to training room No. 1 again, Qin Shaofeng felt a little more urgent.

What's so special, as soon as Xiaoye entered this Thousand Mountain Sect, he seemed to have a super powerful enemy. What are the meanings of this!

Dad! Dad!

Under normal circumstances, it should be the son who is causing trouble, and I will wipe the ass.

But now why is it the other way around!

It is a pity that Qin Shaofeng knew that no matter how much he complained, things had already happened, and complaints would not change much.

But Qin Shaofeng understood a little bit, whoever he cares about, as long as he becomes stronger and sweeps the enemy with absolute strength.

Therefore, as soon as Qin Shaofeng returned to the training room, he planned to upgrade his level.

Besides, the three-month period for the assessment task of entering the sect will arrive as soon as tomorrow.

Regardless of this, Qin Shaofeng will be promoted to the Xiaoyuan Dan realm.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng has not been promoted is that one is because he entered the reserve camp, the second is...

It's because of the training room in front of me!

Looking at the room in front of him, Qin Shaofeng asked Xiaoqiu in his heart: "How about the room of Xiaoqiu? Should I be able to bring my spirit roots into full play?"

"Don't worry, this room is probably a room specially designed for people to absorb spiritual energy. The spiritual energy contained in it, but the spiritual energy drawn from the depths of the thousand mountain sect, that spiritual vein is definitely the most suitable for your spiritual energy to transform spiritual power. Place!"

"That's good, I won't delay anything, now I will be promoted to the realm of Xiaoyuandan!"

With that said, Qin Shaofeng retreated from the room and entered this room.

The moment Qin Shaofeng retired and opened the door, Qin Shaofeng felt a pure aura, rushing towards him, and the whole person was refreshed.

However, Qin Shaofeng quickly woke up, knowing that he was not enjoying the spiritual energy, so he quickly sat down cross-legged, and then gave the system an upgrade order.

"System reminder: Player Qin Shaofeng has already completed the ultimate upgrade mission from the legendary realm to the Xiaoyuandan realm. Does it really increase the current level?"


"Ding Dong!"

After a confirmation, Qin Shaofeng immediately heard a system prompt.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for completing the ultimate upgrade mission, and his level has been increased. The current level is Xiaoyuandan First Heavy!"

After this system prompt, Qin Shaofeng immediately heard two Dingdong prompts.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for obtaining system rewards, and his level has been increased by one level. The current level is Xiaoyuandan two!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for obtaining system rewards, level up by one level, and the current level is Xiaoyuandan triple!"

After level one was promoted, the two levels rewarded by completing the ten-star limit task were quickly implemented.

Qin Shaofeng's level soared directly to the triple level of Xiaoyuandan.

However, the system prompt has not ended yet.

"System reminder: Player Qin Shaofeng’s current task "Entry Assessment" has reached the completion degree of nine-star progress. The system has determined that based on player Qin Shaofeng’s current situation, Jiuxing is already the highest degree of completion, so the'Entry Assessment' task has ended. ."

Qin Shaofeng also understood this sound of the system's prompt.

Indeed, with the current situation, this is indeed its limit.

Even from the very beginning, after he merged the Bronze Order Qianshan Order, Qin Shaofeng knew that he could only complete the nine-star level at most.

Because this time the Qianshan Sect, at most, took out one thousand and ninety-nine yuan orderless Qianshan orders.

He directly merged a hundred yuan, and at most, only one thousand yuan would be left.

But if you want to collect all these Qianshan Orders, this is simply unrealistic.

The ten-star level of completion this time is definitely a heaven-defying level!

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about this anymore.

Because even if it is to complete the nine-star degree, Qin Shaofeng is very much looking forward to that random special item and a reward.

In Qin Shaofeng's opinion, any words with special words attached to the system are definitely good things.

At this moment, not only him, but also the small ball flashed on his shoulder.

Obviously, Xiaoqiuqiu also wants to know what kind of good things the system will reward this time.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for winning five ordinary lottery opportunities. The current number of ordinary lottery opportunities is eight!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for winning the special lucky draw three times. The current number of ordinary lucky draw chances is four!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for earning 5 million points. The current points are 11.33 million and 7432 points!"

After the three system prompts for the number of prize draws and points, the system prompts Qin Shaofeng and Xiaoqiuqi were looking forward to finally made a ding-dong sound.

"Ding Dong!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for obtaining a special item Super God Summoning Card!"

Super God Summoning Card?

When I heard this name, Qin Shaofeng felt a joy, because the thing that could be called this name was definitely an awesome treasure.

In fact, it was true. After seeing the attributes of the so-called Super God Summoning Card, Qin Shaofeng was completely shocked.

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