Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4061: Play

"My nephew, a member of my martial arts, the cultivation level can indeed represent most things, but it is not absolute."

Qin Shaofeng's face still had that calm expression on his face.

But when he spoke with his left hand, he quickly squeezed the handprints one by one, causing the endless print to quickly beat in the heart of his hand.

"Stop talking nonsense, Cangming's first sword!"

Cang Qingtian had already been impatient to wait.

The long sword in his hand shook slightly, causing the cold light urged by Yao Shenbing to burst out suddenly, turning into countless sword lights to stab Qin Shaofeng.

And this is just the beginning.

The sword light flickered at the same time.

Cang Qingtian had already moved.

The cultivation status of the heaven is worthy of being the pinnacle level in the realm of the shining star, and it actually has a hint of space power.

It is a pity that the heaven is still only the heaven.

The difference between the Glory Star Position and the Void Realm is simply not the same.

Qin Shaofeng's mouth still had a faint smile.

"Really a very good opinion, then you should also try this sword technique!"

Qin Shaofeng also shouted.

"Ghost cut!"

He suddenly turned into a sharp sword light, heading towards the clear sky.

That's right! It's Jianmang!

Although Gui San Zhan is also a martial art of superb rank.

But in this Cangming Realm, the martial arts of superb rank are just the initial martial arts.

Even though he had gone through various methods to improve Ghost Three Slash, he couldn't compete with the clear sky at all.

The use of this sword still seems to be the ghost three cut.

In fact, it is already Seven Color Sword Art.

A colorful sword art that is a fusion of Gui San Zhan and Heavenly Secret Sword.

"This is... swordsmanship?"

Cang Qingtian was taken aback by his sudden sword.

Since he had already confronted Qin Shaofeng, he had naturally explored many things about Qin Shaofeng.

He clearly knew that what Qin Shaofeng was good at was the sword technique.

It is said that it seems to be a kind of martial art of ghost three cut thousands of years ago.

Although the power is close to the rank of heaven and earth, in his opinion, it is still just a simple martial skill.

Suddenly seeing Qin Shaofeng using such a move, he was immediately shocked.

What martial skill is this?

"First sword, sword cut!"

Cang Qingtian did not let the surprise in his heart last long.

With another burst of shout, the sword light that appeared in his hand fell towards the sword light that Qin Shaofeng had transformed.

"Responding to it is not bad!"

Qin Shaofeng looked at the swordsmanship he had displayed, with a slight smile on his mouth.

But at the same time as his words sounded, the figure had become hundreds of ways.

"The Law of Phantom?"

Cang Qingtian suddenly sneered: "Qin Shaofeng, if your cultivation level can reach the same level as mine, this kind of phantom technique may still have an effect on me, but now, there is no..."

Before his voice was over, his eyes suddenly widened.

Because he clearly felt it.

Qin Shaofeng was clearly still in a positive phantom just a moment ago.

But the next moment, he has already gone behind him.

"This, how is this possible, your cultivation base cannot control such a skill at all, and your martial skill is only a god, how can you have such a power?" Cang Qing Qing couldn't help exclaiming.

How could he easily kill Qin Shaofeng with the suppression of the cultivation base he originally thought.

It was really impossible to think that Qin Shaofeng could still use such martial skills.

Rao is the insight of his cultivation, and he can't tell the truth at all.

"Brother Liao, you might be able to see how the kid can use that level of martial arts?" a top power leader asked.

"I don't see it, it is absolutely impossible for him to use Ghost Sanzhan."

"Hey, you have some ghost three-cut martial arts in the heavenly ghost gate, and we have all seen them. If we have such abilities, we should all know some, but this kid has used such martial arts."

"I really can't understand it. The only thing that can be confirmed is that what he is performing is definitely not Ghost Three Slash."

"Then Brother Liao, do you feel he has a chance this time?"


"Brother Liao is right. Although that kid's martial arts skills are weird, he is only a ninth-level moon position. How can it be compared with the young emperor across several large levels?"

"Don't say anything, this one is absolutely beautiful, let's watch it with peace of mind!"

"I hope that kid can stick to a few more tricks."

"Yes, otherwise it would be too boring."

People from the top powers are all talking about it.

Even the powerhouses of the overlord force couldn't help being surprised and curious.

Different identities.

The major forces on the side of Emperor Cangming were not their own, so they did not ask each other.

But the guess in my heart is getting deeper.

Is that Qin Shaofeng's martial arts so peculiar?


The gap in cultivation is too big, no matter how peculiar his martial skills are, obviously there is no hope of rebellion.

What a pity, what a pity!

The relationship between the parties is inherently complicated, so naturally there will be no exchanges.

But Long Cangqiang, the patriarch of the dragon clan, has already gone to the vicinity of the endless chaos, and said through the voice: "The endless ancestor, shall we take rescue later?"

"Rescue? Don't you think that Shaofeng will lose?"

The endless and muddled answer made the dragon clan chief stunned for a while.

Long Cangqiong subconsciously turned towards the battlefield that seemed to have been occupied by Qin Shaofeng, and said in doubt: "The endless ancestor, Qin Shaofeng's martial arts is indeed weird, but after all, he is only a ninth-level moon position cultivation base, and Cang Qingtian is not the same. At the level!"

"What if there are some gaps in cultivation base?"

Endlessly laughed, and continued to transmit the sound: "Our endless seal of the endless mountain is affected by the martial arts of the martial artist very little. Even if the endless seal of a generation of disciples is displayed by the cultivation base of Shaofeng, the power can be compared with the clear sky. contend."


The endless eyes widened suddenly.

He just knew that the endless seal of the endless mountain was very tyrannical.

It seems that there is still the title of the head of the Cangming Realm Seal Jue.

It is unimaginable that its tyrannical degree is actually here.

A generation of disciple Yin could actually allow a small ninth-level martial artist to have the ability to compete with the powerful.

"Shaofeng has to choose to shoot, obviously with his confidence."

"The difference between the two of them is indeed huge, but the difference in combat experience is also huge. The old man believes that the kid has his confidence."

The endless and muddled views immediately made Long Cangqiong shut his mouth.

Long Cangqiong's heart was left with unclear speechlessness.

He also admitted that Qin Shaofeng's martial arts were extraordinary.

But if Qin Shaofeng had the power to defeat the Heavenly Martial Artist, he couldn't believe it.

It seems that endless chaotic believes in the strength of that kid too much.

He can be careless, but I have to pay attention, otherwise, what is wrong with that kid, Long Yin still can't fall out with me?

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