Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4062: Shield with one blow

Once Qin Shaofeng shot, his attention was completely focused on the opponent.

Compared with Qing Qingtian, his current cultivation base is indeed huge.

But he also has complete confidence.

The combat experience is just one aspect.

His martial skills are also not comparable to that of a clear day.

Devil cut with one move.

It seems that it is just a martial art that has undergone some changes.

In fact, his move has incorporated too many martial arts skills.

The Ghost Three Slash and the Heavenly Secret Sword in the Seven Color Sword Jue, and the teleport technique in the Seven Color True Jue.

Anyway, the Ghost Three Slashes he is currently performing, will never be seen by anyone.

He will naturally go all out.

The successive instant movements made it seem to outsiders that it was really a special ability in his martial arts.

He even blended in the id inherited from Chaos.

Among dozens of phantoms, what appeared was not only him who was teleporting, but also his self who was constantly teleporting.

Under such falsehood, he believed that even Master Juechen would not be able to see anything.

"Qin Shaofeng, do you really think that you have some special attainments in martial arts, so you can really cross so many realms to fight this Shao Emperor?"

Cang Qingtian suddenly released his life and laughed.

The breath of Tianwei Wuxiu suddenly filled the entire battlefield.

"The power of the sky, the first sword, the sword cut!"

After Cang Qingtian felt the pressure that Qin Shaofeng had brought to him, he immediately showed his full strength.

Tianwei Wuxiu really couldn't control the power of space.

But after the martial arts realm reached the shining star position, he was already able to simply control some of the power of heaven and earth.

Not to mention that he has reached the limit of shining star position, heaven position!

The violent fluctuation of the power of heaven and earth.

Qin Shaofeng immediately felt as if the whole world was going to oppose him, trying to solidify himself.

If Cang Qingtian's cultivation reaches the Void Realm, Qin Shaofeng can be sure that he will not have the slightest chance.

But the heavenly position is still only the shining star position.

There was a chill in his eyes.

"The suppression by the power of heaven and earth can't suppress this seat!"

When Qin Shaofeng suddenly shouted, dozens of phantoms were already in the attack range.

"Cang Qingtian, take this knife from this seat, demon cut!"

When the words were yelled out, the ghost song of the sword in Phantom's hand had been cut down.

"Here, die to me!"

Cang Qingtian had never thought of suppressing Qin Shaofeng.

He did this in order to slow down Qin Shaofeng's speed, so that he could find Qin Shaofeng and other deities.

Unexpectedly, Qin Shaofeng noticed that things had changed, so he would make a move immediately.

He was suddenly overjoyed.

Relying on his Celestial cultivation base to fight against Qin Shaofeng's small earth-moon martial artist, there is no need to worry about what happens.

The terrifying cold light long sword in his hand suddenly slashed towards Qin Shaofeng who had already shot him.

"Cangming's first sword!"

The same burst of shouting sounded from his mouth.

The spectators saw this scene suddenly and sighed at all.

All in his heart secretly said: Qin Shaofeng is still too anxious.

Long Cangqiong was ready to shoot immediately.

But just as his body breathed out, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Patriarch Long doesn't need to be anxious, and my junior brother is not so easy to lose." A voice with a smile sounded.

Long Cangqiong turned his head in amazement, and saw endless smile pointing at the place of battle.

Long Cangqiong was shocked and hurriedly looked back.

I saw a scene he never thought of appeared.

Qin Shaofeng, who was still slightly in the upper hand, was cut in half by Cang Qingtian and the swordsman at the moment when the swords crossed.

"This this……"

Long Cangqiang was speechless immediately.

Could it be that these people in the endless mountain all want to see Qin Shaofeng die?

It should be impossible, right?

When he was thinking about it, another cold light appeared from behind the clear sky.

It turned out that another Qin Shaofeng shot.

"How can it be!?"

When Cang Qingtian smashed Qin Shaofeng with a single sword, he already knew that what he had killed was nothing but a ghost.

But feeling the threat coming from behind, he couldn't help exclaiming.

As Young Emperor Cangming.

His combat experience was not as good as Qin Shaofeng's, but he also took out a shield for defense in the first place.

Such defensive treasures cannot be counted among the treasures they have prescribed.

One-handed shield for a moment of defense.


The fierce attack shook the power, and the left hand holding the shield in the sky trembled slightly.

"It is indeed very powerful, but if you have this power, you still don't have the qualifications to compare with this young emperor." Cang Qingtian roared.

Qin Shaofeng's strange way of fighting really made him extremely angry.

But at the moment of roaring.

He felt a more terrifying force emerge from the shield in his hand.


Another attack came.

Relying on the cultivation base of the shining star position, the power of heaven and earth he controlled suddenly burst.

The horrible energy immediately dissipated towards the surroundings.

Rao is the one present, and the weakest cultivation base is also the strong Yaoxing.

But also under the horrible wind blowing, it felt a little shaky.

"Is that kid really just a ninth-level monthly cultivation base?"

"How could his combat power be so tyrannical?"

"It seems that it has far surpassed ordinary Tianyue Wuxiu, right?"

"I would even like to know how he deceived Young Emperor's eyes just now and made a sneak attack on Young Emperor."

"Is that really Ghost Three Slash? Superb martial skill Ghost Three Slash?"

"how can that be?"

"His martial arts are at least Heavenly Rank or higher, maybe, maybe..."

There was a burst of discussion.

But no matter how surprised their words were or how many guesses they were, they couldn't tell why.

Qin Shaofeng's martial arts and combat power far exceeded their imagination.

And when their exclamation is still not over.

Another knife of Qin Shaofeng had already come.


Three consecutive knives made Cang Qingtian take a few steps back subconsciously.

And on the shield that he took out at random, because of Qin Shaofeng's three attacks, a slight crack had appeared.

"No! Impossible. Although the shield of this young emperor is not up to grade, it is also a heaven-level defensive equipment. Even the martial artist in the Yaoxing position cannot cut cracks in three ways." Cang Qingtian exclaimed.

When he exclaimed, Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate at all.

Kill Na with a single knife, and the endless mark on his left hand has been slapped out.

Yes, it was just a cut.

A hit after triggering a triple hit.

As for Cang Qingtian's exclaim.

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng was even more unlikely to give him an answer.

According to normal circumstances, even if he chopped 30 knives and 300 knives one after another, it was impossible to crack the shield.

But in his attack, he incorporated the power of the space sky map!

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