Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4063: Total suppression


Qin Shaofeng's shot speed is so fast.

At the same time that the knife fell, the endless seals that had been prepared in the heart of the left hand had already been bombarded.

As endless mud said.

The endless seal that Qin Shaofeng possessed was the seal of a generation of disciples.

Even if there was a reason for his insufficient cultivation level, which made it impossible to display the true power of the endless seal, it was an attack of the heavenly rank.

The bombardment of the endless seal immediately caused the shield with cracks to burst open.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him.

Others may only know this sentence, but don't know how to do it.

Qin Shaofeng is an exception.

When he saw the moment the shield exploded, he had already put away the war knife ghost song.

The power bonus that ghost music can bring to him is indeed very powerful.

But it takes a certain amount of time to wield a weapon.

His convergence directly included the ghost song into the Heavenly Dragon City of the Sea of ​​Knowledge. The speed was fast, but his thoughts flashed.

In the next blink of an eye, his right hand was already making a fist, and it fell towards the clear sky.

His knowledge in boxing is very average.

But after he got the colorful inheritance, he turned all the hand-to-hand techniques into colorful martial arts.

The blast of this punch immediately made his fist flash with scarlet light.

A palm shadow appeared in front of his fist.

"This, shouldn't this be the palm of our Tianji Tower?"

The ancestor Wentian felt a familiar feeling when Qin Shaofeng performed the cut just now.

At this moment, the familiar feeling came to his heart again, making him almost subconsciously exclaimed.

Secret palm? !

The strong from all sides looked at him in surprise.

Even the Great Emperor Cangming couldn't help saying: "The boxing technique that the kid used is indeed weird, but he is clearly using the boxing technique. How can there be shadows, and how can it be the palm of heaven?"

The ancestor asked Tian was speechless for a while.

Where can he speak clearly?

The reason why he said that just now was only because of the subconscious feeling in his heart.

It feels weird, even he can't tell why.

How can this explain to him?

When their eyes all fell on Wentian ancestor.

The scenes that appeared on the battlefield made the side of the endless mountain who had not looked back, all become stunned.

They saw it with their own eyes.

The moment Qin Shaofeng found an opportunity, he seemed to have become a violent tiger.

One punch and one palm doesn't matter what the move is.

Anyway, he only had one goal, and that was not to give Young Emperor Cangqing a chance to breathe.

Rao Shi Cang Qing's cultivation base has reached the realm of heaven.

Under such dense raindrop attacks, he couldn't even find the slightest chance to fight back.

Only in such a moment, he unexpectedly entered a situation where he was completely passively beaten.

"It's just a mistake in one move. How could the battle become like this?"

Long Cangqiong's eyes almost stared out.

Staring at Qin Shaofeng fiercely, his eyes were filled with incredible expressions.

And the group of strong dragons he brought with him was even more staring.

As dragons, they rarely leave Dragon Valley.

Even if there are rare battles.

They also have tyrannical cultivation bases and bodies far surpassing their peers.

When I saw Qin Shaofeng's choice.

Even if they are on Qin Shaofeng's side, they are not optimistic about Qin Shaofeng at all. They really can't imagine that the battle has just begun and it turned out to be like this.

This is too unscientific, right?

"Then, over there... what's going on over there?"

On either side of Emperor Cangming, someone finally discovered the strangeness of the fighting Qin Shaofeng and shouted out in shock.

In an instant, everyone's eyes followed the direction that the man pointed, looking towards the battlefield.

Seeing that Young Emperor Cangming, who was supposed to kill Qin Shaofeng easily, was actually in full defense.

Although Qin Shaofeng has the advantage.

The huge gap in cultivation level also made it impossible for him to break through the defense of Young Emperor Cangming in a short time.

But even so, this battle scene shocked everyone's jaw.

"The young emperor is a strong man, how can he be at a comprehensive disadvantage?"

"Does the Young Emperor want to play with that kid?"

"It seems very possible!"

"It may also be that Young Emperor wants to see the strength of that kid."

"This statement is also very reasonable."

"You said...Will the young emperor fall into that kid's trap?"

"What international joke?"

"Yes, the young emperor is the cultivation base of the heavenly position, and that kid is just a small earth-moon ant."

"The martial artist of your family's monthly position can use a trap to deal with a celestial martial artist?"

Everyone began to curse.

After all, the difference between the two people's cultivation bases was too big, they couldn't believe that Qin Shaofeng's real combat experience and martial skills really suppressed Cangming Shao Di Cang Qing Qing to this level.

Those who came out of the top forces naturally had some gaps in their cultivation bases.

And in their hearts, Emperor Cangming and Young Emperor Cangming were the top existences today.

The shadow of the famous tree.

So they didn't dare to think about Qin Shaofeng's combat power.

They dare not think that, but it doesn't mean that everyone is like that.

The look on Ximen Tianxin, the Great Western Heavenly Emperor, was already full of weird looks.

Although he has already surrendered to Emperor Cangming.

Arrogant, he couldn't be like a certain force, and he would directly become a dog-like character like Emperor Cangming.

Even in some aspects, he was unhappy with Emperor Cangming.

Facing the scene before him, he wouldn't really think that the so-called Young Emperor Cangming should kill the Quartet as invincible.

On the contrary, the scene before him is not impossible in his opinion.

After all, Cang Qing's combat experience is really too bad.

If you let him evaluate it.

There are only the three words ‘Second Generation Zu’.

But the scene before him still gave him a feeling of subversion of the Three Views.

What kind of existence is that kid?

With the mere ninth terraces of the moon position cultivation base, can you beat the clear sky like this?

The more he thought about it, the more incredible it became.


No matter what they think.

No matter who should win or lose in their hearts, it is obviously impossible to be the result of the battle before them.

Qin Shaofeng's combat experience is probably incomparable even in ten clear days.

Although his attack could not break Cang Qingtian's defense for a while.

But the more so, the more intensive his attacks.

One punch and one palm is completely out of order.

Even at certain times, attacks such as the black tiger's heart digging, the monkey stealing peaches, and the cross-eyed attacks can be displayed.

His only goal is to defeat the clear sky.

In addition, all means of attack, it seems that there is nothing unusable.

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