Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4069: Phantom mask

Ximen Tianxin's expression suddenly became extremely embarrassing.

As the Great Emperor Xitian, one of the four great emperors of the Cangming Realm Human Race, where has he been humiliated in the past?

It just happened that he just helped the Great Emperor Cangming defeat the endless mountain.

When you turn your head, you will tell the other person to be brother.

They didn't give him any face, and made him unable to say anything.

It's because he has all kinds of unhappy in his heart.

Following the defeat of the Great Emperor Cangming, he could only say in a low voice: "Brother Canglan was joking, I think that year..."

"The year was then, and now is now."

Endless Canglan interrupted him again and snorted coldly: "If the emperor is okay, please leave! The Lord of the Mountain will also entertain all the friends of the Dragon Race."


Ximentian could see it mentally.

People don't want to talk to him at all, and if you talk more politely, you might be driven away directly.

"Oh, just forget it."

Endless Canglan still didn't think about giving him a chance to speak.

Lazily twisting his words directly, he said to Long Cangqi: "Endless Canglan thanks all the friends of the dragon clan for their great help, walk around, I will let people prepare the best banquet, let's not get drunk or return today."

Wu Ending Ning waited for the generation of Wu Endless Mountain disciples, all knew the anger in the heart of the senior brother, and naturally they would not feel that there was something wrong.

The strong players of the dragon clan felt that the three views were refreshed.

This unfamiliar owner of the endless mountain does not seem to be a simple character!

The result of the previous battle was only one aspect.

This person who was able to distort the words of Emperor Xitian in such a public manner was really a super talent.

I just don't know if he really wants to fight each other out, or simply dare not involve the two parties together.

"Brother Canglan!"

With a flash of Ximentian's mind and body, he had already come to endless Canglan.

Blocking his way, he said: "Brother Canglan, I really didn't come here today to help Emperor Cangming, but according to the clues my disciple brought back, the Zibing Ning that Qin Shaofeng brought back to the endless mountain is very likely. It is my long-lost daughter, and I also asked Brother Canglan to help, so that I can see you next time."

"Ximen Tianxin, since there is nothing wrong with you, why are you here to stand in your way?"

Endless Canglan furiously rose up: "Or do you say that you are the emperor Xitian, thinking that Lord Cangluo has lost his face in retreating, and you want to use the power of your great Xitian to fight our endless mountain alone?"

"Brother Canglan, you know what I didn't mean."

Ximen Tianxin felt really anxious.

He may think that, as a father, he wants to get his lost daughter back, but he has overlooked too many things.

Although the head of the dragon clan, Dragon Sky, is also inferior to the wise men among humans.

But after all, he has lived for thousands of years, and he clearly knows some things to say and what not to say.

Long Tianyin didn't have so many twists and turns, and he immediately said with contempt: "I used to think that Emperor Cangming and the unqualified Void Hall Master were shameless. I didn't expect that Emperor Daxitian was also shameless and shameless. Of goods."

"It seems that the so-called great emperor of mankind is really not very good, and only the Northern Sky Great Emperor has such a great emperor's cultivation, it is really sad!"

"Long Tianyin, what are you talking about?"

After all, Ximen Tianxin is the honor of the emperor.

He can accept the humiliation of endless Canglan master and apprentice.

But a mere dragon clan of a junior level, who was not qualified to yell in front of him, immediately made him angry.

"Is this young patriarch wrong?"

Facing Ximen Tianxin’s glaring, Long Tianyin did not see the slightest timidity in his expression, and still contemptuously said: "You clearly know that the despicable villain Cang Luo Jun is looking for the purple girl, and he will definitely leave eyeliner near the endless mountain. What is shameless to stay here to find the mountain leader?"

"Fortunately, this is the endless mountain. The master of the mountain does not have the same knowledge of you as a despicable villain."

"If you dare to say such shameless words in our Dragon Valley, you only need this young patriarch to give an order to keep you Daxitian into a big ruin, do you have the courage to be the young patriarch?"

Long Tianyin's words can be described as not giving face to the extreme.

But when he finished speaking, Ximen Tianxin was stunned.

He suddenly realized that he was indeed too anxious.

Even the things that can be seen by a dragon clan junior, how come he has ignored the self-proclaimed and resourceful Xitian Great Emperor?

"Nephew Longxian is right, it is indeed the Emperor's fault."

Ximen Tianxin hurriedly apologized: "This emperor wants to be a guest in Wujin Mountain for a while, I wonder if Brother Canglan would welcome him?

The grand Emperor Xitian begged to be a guest.

Even in Cangming Palace, Emperor Cangming must greet him warmly.

Look at the endless Canglan...


The seemingly endless Canglan has already pulled the dragon sky away.

Listening carefully to what they are talking about, it turns out that people with a low level of cultivation in the endless mountain have been sent down by them. They are discussing whether to go to the restaurant in the city under the mountain and find the ordinary chef in the restaurant to cook.

Ximen Tianxin felt humiliated again.

However, he found this humiliation by himself, and his old face couldn't help but flush.

"Emperor, should we go back first and just leave a few people to watch the situation here?" a Daxitian expert asked.

When Ximen Tianxin heard this, he immediately felt that his IQ had been insulted again.

As Long Tianyin said.

Even they could think of leaving someone to investigate the whereabouts of Ximen Bingning, how could the unwilling Emperor Cangming leave willingly?

"Go down the mountain first!"

With a sigh, Ximen Tianxin took the lead towards the bottom of the endless mountain.

But he did not leave.

Instead, he asked most of the people he stayed to go back to take care of the affairs of Daxitian, and he took the two strongest Daxitians to stay in the endless city.

The situation in Endless Mountain is finally back to normal.

Except for a group of ordinary cooking methods facing the table, the top ingredients cooked are not like people looking at each other.

There are two flowers and one branch each.

Qin Shaofeng, led by Ximen Lingzhong, has been flying to the highest point of the clouds.

Looking up, Ximen Lingzhong finally changed his direction when it seemed that he could faintly see the end of the sky.

More than half an hour passed.

When they landed again, Qin Shaofeng didn't even know where he had come.

"This is the most treasured phantom mask I used to take refuge, and he will belong to you from today." Ximen Lingzhong's voice sounded first.

Qin Shaofeng subconsciously took it.

I saw that the phantom mask was like a light and shadow, even if he held it in his hand, he didn't even feel the slightest substance.

"Phantom Mask?"

He subconsciously covered the ball of light and shadow on his face.

A little bit of cold feeling appeared, and then it was like returning to normal again, as if he didn't wear that mask at all.

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