Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4070: Identity

"Although the Phantom Mask does not have any powerful functions, it is also an existence of the Yao Shenbing level."

"As long as you bring it, even if it is a martial artist with a half-step Tiandao cultivation base, you can't easily see through your true face, but you'd better not appear in front of such a strong person."

"The Endless Mountain side believes that we can do a good job in the follow-up, but the Great Emperor Cangming will surely let people chase you down secretly. The Phantom Mask can only help you change your head. Your name and the martial arts used should be changed slightly. Some are good."

Ximen Lingzhong repeated all the things he could think of.

This is not the first time Qin Shaofeng has changed his face.

It’s just that at any time in the past, I was not as well prepared as I am now, and nodded and smiled: "If this is the case, then I will call Li Taibai from now on, the word Jiu Xian, and the name Qinglian Jushi."

Qin Shaofeng randomly chose a name for himself.

"Li Taibai? Return the word? Return the account? I really don't understand what you think."

Ximen Lingzhong muttered casually before continuing: "Although I will protect you secretly at some point, it is impossible to protect you anytime and anywhere. If you encounter any danger, you still have to solve it yourself. You'd better not There are too many thoughts of relying on me."

"Have I ever thought about it?"

Qin Shaofeng rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Although your cultivation base, Uncle, is very strong, the guards around me are not weak!"

As he said, he opened the Fan Mansion.

Before Emperor Cangming and the others went to Endless Mountain, he had already received news that Ke Jiuxiao was about to break through.

Anyway, this group of people Ximen Lingzhong knew that he didn't need to hide and tuck them again, and released everyone from the fan house one after another.

"You brought them by your side?"

When Ximen Lingzhong saw the group of people who appeared suddenly, he rolled his eyes and said: "It seems that the old man is really worried, but even if you have them by your side, you should not rely too much on their power. After all, if the young eagle is If you don’t practice yourself, you can never fly for nine days."

Regardless of his attitude.

But in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, these words he said were really for his benefit.

"Big brother, what happened before, everyone is okay?" Ke Jiuxiao has already come to Ximen Lingzhong.

"Naturally it's okay."

Ximen Lingzhong looked at him, then looked at the others, nodded and said: "Since you have all cultivated to the brink of breakthrough, you can upgrade your cultivation level as soon as possible while the old man is still there!"

Qin Shaofeng had this idea originally.

Everyone stopped thinking too much, and started a series of breakthroughs.

Ximen Lingzhong's cultivation seems to be just the Void Realm.

Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to treat him as a powerful Void Realm at all. With him personally taking care of him, Qin Shaofeng also began to count his own things.

But all the precious things were thrown into Sky Dragon City by him.

Even that suit of Yao God is no exception.

Everyone's successive breakthroughs lasted for a while.

By the time everyone broke through, Qin Shaofeng had already completely changed his image.

When everyone looked over again, they were somewhat startled.

"Qin Shaofeng, what is your dress now?"

Li Naling was most speechless in his current attire, and couldn't help but ask.

After cross dressing.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng seemed to have become an unfashionable, free and easy boy.

One section of hair is long and one section is short, and there are still a few strands of hair on the cheeks covering a small part of the face and eyes.

The Fan Mansion folding fan was still stuck in his waist.

But in his left hand he was holding a wine gourd of the pseudo-yao **** soldier level from the treasury of the city lord's mansion in the endless city.

The right hand was holding the hilt of a sword, and the tip of the sword was drooping on the ground, as if it were just an ordinary fire stick.

Such an image seems to have never appeared in the history of the Void Realm and the Cangming Realm.

Whether she or Ximen Lingzhong, it is obviously impossible to know a certain celebrity on earth.

Qin Shaofeng is really not sure how that celebrity is.

But it does not prevent him from thinking for himself.

Various games, as well as changes in various novels, after passing through his sum, have produced such an image.

"From now on, I am no longer called Qin Shaofeng, but Li Taibai, the immortal poetry sword." Qin Shaofeng smiled.

"Shi Jian Xian? Isn't it a Jiu Xian, Qing Lian Lay?"

Ximen Lingzhong asked subconsciously.

"Uh... this, whatever you want!"

Qin Shaofeng waved his hand helplessly.

As a modern person, he hasn't studied the name and font size in ancient times. He really doesn't know how to call it.

Anyway, this is the Cangming Realm, and he doesn't have to pay much attention to it. Naturally, he doesn't need to worry about something wrong.

"The world laughs at me too crazy, I laugh at the world can't see through, uh... this seems to be Tang Bohu, forget it, anyway, it belongs to me, the poetry sword fairy Li Taibai, hahaha..." Qin Shaofeng smiled proudly stand up.

As an earth otaku, his heart has longed for a little madness.

Now that he wants to change his image, he is naturally happy to change like this.

Everyone was speechless for a while.

Qin Shaofeng didn't tell them too much, saying: "Since I am now an unrestrained poetic sword fairy, then you will continue to cultivate in my fan house."

"Luo San should indeed practice hard."

Wang Sheng has also broken through Qin Shaofeng's unlimited resource supply.

Seeing that he was once more tyrannical than himself, but now Luo San, who has become an ant-like, couldn't help but speak.

"Luo San should really practice hard, and wait until the breakthrough."

Mo Ya and Di Shan also nodded gently.

"You guys continue to practice in Fan Mansion, and I will accompany him to practice in this Cangming Realm." Li Naling has long wanted to see the outside world.

"No, the prisoner, although you have broken through, it is still too dangerous. A bad one may bring danger to Qin...Sword Immortal." Mo Ya's words have changed halfway.

Why doesn't Li Naling know this?

But she is really suffocated!

"It's better for you all to continue to practice. According to my estimation, your cultivation level will not reach the void. I am afraid it will be difficult to help me in the next crisis." Qin Shaofeng said.

He witnessed the battle of the endless mountain with his own eyes.

"Others can practice. Now that Jiu Xiao and Wang Sheng have made a breakthrough, they should stay and do some favors for me first," Ximen Lingzhong said suddenly.

Several people looked back subconsciously.

Qin Shaofeng had already explained what Ya'er had said to them, and everyone no longer regarded Ximen Lingzhong as an enemy.

Ke Jiuxiao had long wanted to follow his master.

Finally, when the master spoke, he immediately agreed.

On the contrary, after looking at Li Naling and Qin Shaofeng for a few times, Wang Sheng nodded helplessly.

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