Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4072: Drunk in the fallen leaves

"Damn! Luo Zhong, what nonsense are you talking about, hurry up and protect this young master from running!"

The group of young people finally ran over.

Rao is their fatigue level, which seems to be higher than that of Luo Zhong brothers and sisters.

But the extreme fear in their eyes still made the boy who was obviously the tallest shout loudly.

The young man's name was Du Shijie, and he was the young master of the City Lord's Mansion, a city not far from the edge of this mountain.

He is only seventeen years old now.

It stands to reason that you should not enter such terrifying places as the Cangming Mountains.

However, for a while now.

In addition to one major event in Tianbei City, the entire Tianbei City, or even larger, the entire Beitian desperately needs to find the help of strong casual cultivation.

In the most recent period.

Don't say it was his little master.

According to Du Shijie's knowledge, even his younger sister, Du Yueer, who was only twelve years old, left Tianbei City under the protection of the strongest of the City Lord's Mansion.

Although the Cangming Mountain Range Du Shijie came from was extremely dangerous.

However, their team is also one of the three strongest teams, and they are only active on the periphery of the Cangming Mountains. There shouldn't be any danger.

But he never thought of it.

It was supposed to be a simple search operation, but because the young Master Lu who came with him accidentally stepped on a bird's egg and became extremely dangerous.

That bird's egg was only scattered in the grass, and there was only one ende.

Walking in this kind of mountain forest where weeds are over knees, there is another group of them who have no experience in mountain forests. Where can they notice such a bird egg?

But the danger came because of that simple kick.

When the bird's egg is broken.

The young master of the Lu family squatted down and took a look.

Just as he uttered the word "bad luck", a group of black shadows descended from the air, directly covering the young master Lu's heavenly spirit to pieces, and his brains splashed freely.

The poor young master of the Lu family died directly.

"It turned out to be the evil wind crow, all the strong are preparing for the battle, the little children quickly leave here!" The strong guard of the city lord mansion shouted loudly.

Their trip is a joint action between the City Lord's Mansion and the major families.

The three major families of Tianbei City, the Luo family, the Bai family, and the Lu family all participated.

Under the personal leadership of the strong man in the City Lord's Mansion, more than twenty strong men fought with the evil wind crow.

The youngsters and sisters of them originally planned to watch the excitement.

But they couldn't think of it.

The Huangyue martial artists who were originally very powerful in the family, just after resisting the initial attack of the evil wind crows, actually attracted a larger group of evil wind crows.

The arrival of the evil wind crows in groups, almost instantly enveloped more than twenty strong men.

The screams sounded one after another.

They were so scared that this group of children who had never seen the world, how could they escape without killing them?

"I really can't run anymore."

Luo Zhong shook his hand hard and said: "We have been searching for ten days in the Cangming Mountains. We can't find the way back anymore. Is it really meaningful even if we continue to run?"

"Well, you can't wait to die!"

No matter how high Du Shijie's status among this group of people is, he is only a child who has never experienced wind and rain after all.

Hearing that he was dead, tears immediately fell from his eyes.

"I, I don't want to die, I don't want to become crow's food like the third brother, wow!" A little girl cried.

Compared to the low sobs of the previous few people, the little girl crying was sad.

The loud cries seemed to be the same for fear that perhaps the bad wind crows who were looking for them didn't know the direction.

The boy from the Bai family turned pale in fright, and rushed over, covering the little girl’s mouth, and said in a choked voice: "Lu Yaya, even if we don’t know how to live, you don’t have to pull us in such a hurry. go to hell?"


The little girl's nose and mouth were all covered, her breathing was difficult, and she immediately struggled.

Pushing away the hand of the Bai family boy abruptly, he took a few breaths of confidence, and still cried out, "My name is Lu Qianqian, and Yaya is only the name of my parents."

How can such a group of children know what to do when they escape?

A series of shouts seemed to have alarmed a certain special existence sleeping beside this small lake.

Where Luo Zhong and his sister Luo Xing'er were lying, the pile of fallen leaves next to them suddenly moved.

An abrupt tumbling shocked these young people who were still in shock.

However, they have no strength at all.

Even the two little guys lying next to each other did not have the ability to dodge at all.

A gray, corpse-like hand, slowly patted them, and the two little guys could not come and dodge in a hurry.

In other words, they were so scared that they forgot to dodge.

next moment.

That one was pale, as if it had just been buried in the ground, and for an unknown number of years, it encircled the little girl Luo Xing'er and slapped Luo Zhong's face with a slap.

It was cold to the bone, it seemed that it was not a living person's palm at all.

With such a touch, Luo Zhong was so scared that he wanted to scream, but he was so scared that he couldn't scream.

In the middle of the two, Luo Xing'er, who was surrounded by that arm, saw a small face from her, at most a gray face that was slapped away.

It seems that this face was buried deep in fallen leaves for too long.

A very large ant was crawling fast on that face unexpectedly.

This group of them was already in shock.

Suddenly saw such a scene.

Luo Xing'er, who was not so courageous, was frightened and fainted.


Although Du Shijie was the same young age.

But he was a somewhat calm person among this group of people, and immediately jumped up.

After so many years of training in the City Lord's Mansion, he knew clearly that all kinds of magical existence in this world could appear.

There are even ghost slaves who don't have soul and wisdom and only know how to scratch and bite, but they will never show up.

The sudden scene in front of him is definitely not a corpse.

Maybe some weird Wu Xiu was joking with them.

He knew this in his heart.

But his age is too young after all, making him unable to control his voice at all.

A touch of misery, but also with a deep panic.

This caused Bai Wensong, who was the most calm boy in the team, to jump with fright.

"What, what?!" Bai Wensong also exclaimed.

And Lu Qianqian, who was scared to cry, burst into tears once again under such fright.

The loud cry of crows immediately evoked the cry of crows.

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