Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4073: What is he doing?

"No, that group of crows are chasing over again, let's run quickly." Bai Wensong shouted in surprise.


They don't even know where they are now, where do they know where to go?

Not to mention, they are exhausted to the extreme, who can run?

"Wow wow wow wow..."

Lu Qianqian was left with endless crying.

Luo Xing'er was scared and passed out.

Luo Zhong was even more frightened into a sluggish state. Where else can anyone answer Bai Wensong's words?

Bai Wensong was even more anxious when he saw this, and pushed Du Shijie abruptly, saying, "Don't be in a daze, let everyone run away!"

"Run away?"

Du Shijie trembled in fear.

But his eyes were fixed on Qin Shaofeng, and his voice trembled: "No, we won't run away."

"Don't run? Don't you run and wait for death?" Bai Wensong felt that he was almost mad.

"We may not really die."

Du Shijie was still shaking violently.

But when he spoke, Bingxian had an idea.

While speaking, he walked tremblingly towards the figure lying among the fallen leaves.

Rao is that he has feared to the extreme.

Hearing the crows coming closer and closer, he still pushed towards the person lying on the ground, who looked like a skeleton.

"Front, senior?"

Du Shijie was too scared.

His push was really hard, and he pushed the man on the ground forward and fell down.

At this time, Lu Qianqian also just woke up from a coma.

But she didn't expect it.

When she opened her eyes, the first scene she saw was the head that looked like a thousand-year-old corpse, ramming her towards her.

Suddenly, he rolled his eyes again and fainted again.

‘Boom! ’

There was a muffled noise.

Fortunately, Lu Qianqian fainted again.

Otherwise, at her young age, her head was hit hard by that ‘mummy’ head, and she would definitely be hit and cry.

"Hi! Me, me, I am not, not on purpose..."

Du Shijie didn't expect that under extreme fear, he would push so hard with this push, and instead scared himself and sat on the ground.

But what he didn't even know was.

The person lying on the ground like a corpse was in deep sleep, and unless he was stimulated by a dangerous breath, it would be difficult to wake up.

He was in fear, this push was a little harder.

Coupled with the murderous aura of the evil wind crows coming, the sleeping person finally made a sound of ‘um...’.

This is clearly not awake.

Du Shijie had long been frightened by his actions.

On the contrary, after Bai Wensong noticed the change of the person on the ground, his eyes had become shiny.

He... turned out to be a living person!

How can it be? !

A living person could actually fall asleep in this dangerous Cangming Mountain, and even if it weren't for their disturbance, he would not be able to wake up.

How strong is he?

While he was still thinking, the crow's crow was getting closer and closer.

Bai Wensong knew that he could no longer hesitate.

He immediately moved, rushed to the sleeping person, shook the sleeping person severely, and at the same time shouted: "Senior, you will wake up soon, a large group of bad wind crows have killed you. If we don’t wake up quickly, we will all die here!"

Shout after shout.

The sleeping person is already awake.

In his series of shouts, he finally had a new action.


The sleeping man finally raised the arms pressing on the siblings and stretched deeply.

"Senior, you are awake."

Bai Wensong shouted in surprise: "Senior, the evil wind crows are chasing and killing us, shall we run away?"


The Sleeper Zhong Sports opened his eyes.

But he ignored Bai Wensong who was shouting non-stop beside him, but scratched his face where the ants had crawled.

Later, it seemed that he finally felt that there was an ant on his face.

With a wave of hands, the ant swept away.

Again it was scratching the itchy place on his face.

All the teenagers who were still in panic just now looked over.

They are very clear.

Since the person in front of him is not a dead body, it must be their hope of survival.

"Senior, the evil wind crows are chasing us in a daze, so you can quickly kill those crows, right?"

"There are so many bad wind crows, seniors should run away with us?"

"Senior, you, you are not a corpse?"



Everyone gave me a word, and finally awakened the sleeping person from his sleeping state.

"What are you doing, what are you arguing about, can you make people sleep well?"

This person finally made further moves.

But instead of sitting up, he lifted the left hand pressed by Luo Zhong's brother and sister from the fallen leaves.

He didn't seem to notice until now, two people were lying on his left arm.

Raising his left hand, he immediately lifted the siblings out.

Until this moment.

Luo Zhong could clearly see what kind of stone was there that he had just clicked, but a wine gourd held in his hand for this person who had not fully awakened until now.

The sleeping person still did not stand up.

Instead, he unplugged the wine gourd with his right hand and loosened the wine gourd toward his mouth.

Some drinks washed on his face, and he didn't seem to notice it as his neck flowed onto his hair and clothes.

After pouring some wine into his mouth severely, he got up contentedly.

The young people looked at his difficult move to get up, and couldn't help being stunned.

Luo Zhong, who was extremely shocked, didn't even notice his sister who was in a coma. Because of this man's rude movements, he was awakened by the fall.

"Wow! Wow!..."

The evil wind crow finally chased it over.

The harsh screams made the faces of all the young people show horror.

Look at the half-awake person.

He frowned tightly.

"What are you crying for?"

"Don't scream!"

"Too annoying!"

The man cursed three times in succession.

After the voice ended, he finally opened his tired eyes.

He raised his head with difficulty and looked at the sky that was already dark.

The crows of countless crows made him jump with anger.

"What kind of shit, it makes people not sleep well, and all his sisters are going to **** me!" The man roared.

Just when a group of young people thought he was finally going to make a move.

But seeing him who had just sat up, he actually fell down again, stretched out his hands and groped on the ground.

Once again, everyone was stunned collectively.


Is it really reliable?

What is he looking for? Isn't he looking for his weapon?

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