Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4074: Disturbing dreams

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

The crows are getting closer and closer.

The person who was constantly groping hadn't found the imaginary weapon yet, causing everyone's heart to rise to his throat.

They were already unable to run, and now they have completely put their lives in the hands of the unreliable sloppy people.

Bad Wind Crow's IQ is poor.

They can also feel it.

Among the people on the ground, who poses a greater threat to them.

There is almost no hesitation.

The crow who launched the attack first sprinted toward the scruffy man.

"Senior, be careful, the evil wind crow has attacked you." Du Shijie screamed in surprise.

When they saw this, they had no hope of survival.

Lu Qianqian and Luo Xing'er, who had just woke up, were even scared to cry.

It's too late to say, then fast.

In the eyes of some people, the rank of the evil wind crow is really nothing, but it is also the existence of the yellow moon.

Especially when such a large group of bad wind crows came together.

I'm afraid that the general position of the earth and the moon is strong enough to encounter, and there is only one way to escape.

But when everyone thought that the sloppy man was about to die in the mouth of the evil wind crow, they saw a series of sword lights suddenly flashed out of the sloppy man.

Just when the evil wind crow rushed to the sloppy man within three meters.

Dao Jianmang chopped the evil wind crows into several sections.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for slaying the seven evil wind crows of the Yellow Moon and gaining 7000 stars and months."

The voice of the system sounded in the sloppy man's consciousness.

That's right.

This sloppy to the extreme, in any case, it is an existence with an extremely strange temperament, it is Qin Shaofeng who has changed his face.

After these few days of experience in the Cangming Mountains, his cultivation has reached the first-order heaven and moon realm.

And after several days of exploration, he has truly understood the situation around the Cangming Mountains.

In order to do a good job of this identity now.

He really slept without any defense before.

As a strong man of Tianyue, even if he did not deliberately do anything.

When this group of young people ran within a kilometer of him, they had already alarmed him.

Listen to the young man’s conversation a little bit.

He finally made a move at the moment when the evil wind crow arrived.

"Front, senior!"


"What's the matter, what just happened?"

"Senior, you..."

When Lu Qianqian and Luo Xing'er saw the evil wind crow approaching Qin Shaofeng at an extremely fast speed, they were already so scared to cover their eyes.

The sound of blood splashing just now made them scream in shock.

The other teenagers clearly saw the scene just now.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Even Du Shijie, who felt that Qin Shaofeng should be very strong from the beginning, couldn't imagine that he would encounter such a tyrannical existence later.

They were still in shock.

Qin Shaofeng finally found his long sword from the fallen leaves.

After these days of use.

The long sword has become filthy, and there are even a lot of dirt in many places.

It's just that the soil is dark brown, just sticking to the sword body.

These young people lack eyesight.

If a person with sufficient eyesight comes over, I believe it can be recognized at a glance, that piece of soil is stained with blood behind the sword, and the owner of the sword has not done anything to it.

This has been so for a long time, which led to such changes.

The tip of the long sword is even more curly.

"Well, is this senior's weapon... not so good?"

"Senior's cultivation base is so powerful, how can he use a long sword with a curly blade?"

"No, Senior's sword should be a heavenly weapon!"

"Heaven, heaven?!"

Du Shijie's vision is much stronger than others.

As soon as his voice came out, he was told that someone was almost scared to death.

I have to say that the long sword in Qin Shaofeng's hands is really bad.

Heaven grade long sword is nothing more than.

Fan Mansion has him who can easily refine Yao Shenbing, but he is simply not eye-catching.

In his opinion, this sword can only be used to pretend.

Where is a ragged piece worth his care?

In this way, there will be the present appearance.

Start with the long sword.

When he stood upright staggeringly, a terrifying sword intent burst from him.

"A group of little bugs even dared to call funeral in front of me. It's so damned!" Qin Shaofeng shouted, his body still shaking.

It seems that he still hasn't been able to ease his sleep and drunkenness.

But at the next moment.

His figure suddenly rose to the sky.

"One Sword Frost and Cold Fourteen States!"

Qin Shaofeng suddenly shouted.

Between his sudden swings of the long sword in his hand, countless sword lights suddenly burst out.

A battle between warriors of the same rank.

He naturally wouldn't disperse his sword qi to this level.

These evil wind crows already existed like ants in his eyes now.

The system has even directly reduced the experience value by ten times due to level suppression. When he faces the evil wind crows, he naturally does not need to have any more careful emotions.

The sword light burst out in an instant, and suddenly a shower of blood flashed from the sky.

It was like a rain of blood.

Following this, there were more dead bodies of evil wind crows.

"Fei Liu went down three thousand feet, suspected that the Milky Way fell for nine days! Hahaha..."

Qin Shaofeng laughed wildly again.

In the past few days, he has truly entered the state of self-imagining crazy poetry.

With a sword in his hand, he couldn't help but shout out two famous poetry lines.


The evil wind crow group did not feel fear because of his sword, but became even more crazy.

The endless crows did not seem to see hundreds of crow corpses, but instead enveloped Qin Shaofeng.

"Senior, be careful!"

"Senior, don't be surrounded by bad wind crows."

"Senior Dao is better to fight the evil wind crow on the ground!"

The young people on the ground were immediately stunned by the scene before them.

They did not dare to imagine how Qin Shaofeng would survive such a scene.

Qin Shaofeng didn't seem to hear their voices.

Taking advantage of the bad wind, the crow enveloped him.

He flew a few feet suddenly, stepping on the nearby bad wind crow, and his figure did not feel like it had fallen, but rose higher and higher.

"Your blood makes me prosperous! Hahaha..."

Today, Qin Shaofeng is already a powerhouse of Tianyue rank, how can he care about the attack of such a group of Huangyue rank evil wind crows?

Among the arrogant laughter.

The sword light that was more terrifying than before flashed from the group of evil wind crows.

Just a flashing room.

At least half of the evil wind crows that surrounded him had already fallen towards the ground.

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