Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 409: The hard indicators of the reserve camp?

This made Geng Can look embarrassed on the side, but despite this, he looked at Qin Shaofeng with a stare-eyed look.

"Now, what about this!"

Qin Shaofeng didn't have any appetite for the two of them, and directly threw the two bronze steps Qianshan Ling to them.

The appearance of Qin Shaofeng's completely indifferent clothes made Miss Geng Si angry.

"Qin Shaofeng, please be careful with me. This is the quota for entering the reserve camp. If you throw it this way, you are not afraid of being broken?" The fourth young lady said angrily, and his hands hurriedly caught the two thousand mountain orders.

Qin Shaofeng:...

"Really, it's true. I didn't expect you to be a good kid!"

After carefully reading the two Qianshan Orders, Miss Fourth suddenly raised her head, walked to Qin Shaofeng, and patted Qin Shaofeng's shoulder carelessly, as if I admired you very much.

But the corner of Geng Can's mouth twitched slightly, and the expression on his face was very strange.

He is not his fourth sister, and Geng Can has always been concerned about Qin Shaofeng's affairs.

Therefore, Geng Can is quite clear about Qin Shaofeng's ‘great achievements’.

In fact, Geng Can never expected Qin Shaofeng to do such a thing.

Kill thousands of legendary realm masters, and even hundreds of legendary geniuses among them.

Even some time ago, the Luo family heard the news that the enchanting genius Luo Tian was killed. The first time Geng Can learned about it, he was wondering if the person who did it was Qin Shaofeng.

Because Luo Chaokun died with Luo Tian, ​​and the place where they died, and the place where Qin Shaofeng last appeared, were both on the edge of the 90th peak.

This makes Geng Can have to guess in this regard.

But guessing is always a guess, even if it is true, Geng Can will not say it.

After watching for a while, Miss Fourth said directly to Qin Shaofeng: "After all, make a price, we want these two bronze steps for the Geng family!"

At this time, listening to his fourth sister said this, Geng Can also said hurriedly: "Yes, you are not polite, such a valuable thing is very important to me, you can rest assured to make a price."

But Qin Shaofeng smiled softly, shook his head, and said, "Forget it, Brother Geng Can, didn't you waste a place in the spiritual room for me? It's just as my gift to you!"

Qin Shaofeng already knew that the so-called spiritual room was the room full of pure spiritual energy that he had promoted before.

It's just that, on this mountain, the spiritual chamber here is more than ten times better than the spiritual chambers of other inner peaks of the Qianshan Sect.

Hearing what Qin Shaofeng said, Geng Can naturally disagreed.

"This is not, Shao Feng is too expensive, I..."

Before Geng Can finished speaking, Qin Shaofeng waved his hand to stop him, and said something that Geng Can and Miss Fourth could not refute.

"Speaking of preciousness, it's just two bronze steps of the Qianshan Order. Can it be as valuable as the secret method I told you two before?"

With that said, Geng Can and Miss Fourth were quiet.

They hadn't felt anything before, but when they went to find their ancestors, after speaking the secret method, their ancestors said something that shocked them.

"What a magical secret method, it is so mysterious, no wonder it is in Xiao Chan'er, and if I can master the power of this secret method, I am afraid I can go further!"

Geng Can and Miss Si naturally knew how strong their ancestors were and what realm they were.

The two also understand their ancestors, this so-called further step is what amazing news.

Until then, the two of them knew what Qin Shaofeng had brought out.

This made the two of them extremely moved, and because of this, Miss Fourth did not doubt what Qin Shaofeng said after receiving the news from Qin Shaofeng, and immediately believed Qin Shaofeng.

If this is for another person, saying that he has a bronze order Qianshan order that can enter the reserve camp, and it is still two dollars, it is estimated that the fourth lady will be a bad curse in the first time.

Seeing what Qin Shaofeng said, the two didn't say much anymore.

The fourth young lady even said boldly: "Qin Shaofeng, you are really bold, you are a friend!"

To be honest, Qin Shaofeng couldn't find a sentence to describe this person.

Put it this way!

This Geng Can fourth sister, seriously speaking, is definitely an out-and-out big beauty.

In this regard, I am afraid that even Zhao Yuner and Meng Xiner are also inferior.

No way, who calls this the fourth lady is already well-acquainted.

He exudes the flavor of a mature woman, coupled with that beautiful face, is simply the perfect lover in Qin Shaofeng's dream.

But after knowing the personality of these four young ladies, what made Qin Shaofeng feel weird was that he didn't have the slightest desire for such a peerless beauty who was the perfect lover in his dreams.

Even somewhat outrageous, Qin Shaofeng still felt that the other party was a buddy man.

Such a contrast made Qin Shaofeng completely messed up.

Miss Si is indeed not a procrastinator. After talking to Qin Shaofeng, she walked aside, took it out to Qianshanling, and began to connect with others.

With two bronze orders of Qianshan, besides his fifth brother, there is still one piece left, and the fourth lady will naturally use it completely.

As for Geng Can, he chatted with Qin Shaofeng. In fact, Geng Can also wanted to know Qin Shaofeng's experience during this period.

This is definitely not the same as listening to others.

But after hearing Qin Shaofeng talk about his experience during this period, Geng Can felt a lot in his heart and admired Qin Shaofeng even more.

As for Qin Shaofeng, Geng Can was a little surprised.

Because at this time, Geng Can had actually cultivated to the pinnacle of the legendary realm, and his spiritual energy had actually exceeded 30 million.

But speaking of his cultivation base, Geng Can actually said that it was because of the secret method Qin Shaofeng took out that his ancestor had some insights and some methods.

The reason why Geng Can reached so quickly is that he is inseparable from these methods now.

In the final analysis, it was Qin Shaofeng's credit.

But after hearing this, Qin Shaofeng was speechless again.

A powerful secret?

Although he guessed that the secret method was a bit good, he never expected to achieve such a powerful method.

I'm fainted, isn't that little thing saying that it's just a small means to dredge and control the power in the body?

But now it seems that it is not the same thing!

His eyes flashed slightly, Qin Shaofeng sneered in his heart.

Hmph, it seems that there are a lot of good things in that little thing, even if it is a so-called little trick, it is probably not simple.

Well, if you have time, you can blackmail, uh, dig out more, let the little thing spit out something.

At this moment, on the nest of the experience tree in the original world space, the ball shivered fiercely, and then instantly sat up, looking around.

"How come it feels a bit cold! Ah, that's not right!"

As if suddenly thinking of something, Xiaoqiuqiu groaned angrily: "Hmph, it's definitely the big devil's bad idea to me. I have to pay attention during this time!"

I have to say that Xiaoqiuqiu's induction is very sensitive, even if it is restricted by Qin Shaofeng's cultivation base, the premonition in him is still very strong.


Not long after Qin Shaofeng talked with Geng Can, Miss Fourth came back with a smile on her face.

But after walking to Qin Shaofeng's side, Miss Four suddenly frowned, as if she had sensed something, she looked closely at Qin Shaofeng.

Being stared at by her like this, Qin Shaofeng was instantly uncomfortable.

But before Qin Shaofeng asked why, Miss Fourth exclaimed: "Qin Shaofeng, you have been promoted to Xiaoyuan Dan?"

It turned out to be this!

Qin Shaofeng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded with a smug expression on his face: "That's right, someone who has just been promoted, in fact, if it weren't for the entrance examination this time, I would have been promoted to the Xiaoyuan Dan realm."

But as soon as he finished speaking, Qin Shaofeng felt something was wrong.

Because at this time, not only the Fourth Miss, but also Geng Can's face changed when he heard that Qin Shaofeng had been promoted to Xiao Yuan Dan, and he became very nervous.

"Shao Feng, you, you, how come you are promoted to Xiaoyuan Dan realm soon?"

Geng Can was anxious, looking at Qin Shaofeng, his tone of speech unexpectedly brought a hint of panic.

Uh, what's the situation?

Qin Shaofeng was instantly stunned.

Miss Fourth seemed to see the incomprehension on Qin Shaofeng's face, and couldn't help but ask: "Don't you understand nothing, just promote to the Xiaoyuan Dan level?"

"Understand? Understand what? Is it that after entering the reserve camp, you can't freely upgrade your cultivation base? Isn't this after you have been promoted to Xiaoyuan Dan, you can enter the place where the real reserve camp is?" Qin Shaofeng was even more confused at this moment.

"Hey, it really is!"

After hearing Qin Shaofeng's words, Miss Fourth sighed, and Geng Can also had a bitter smile on his face, but his face was even more worried.

"Indeed, the reserve camp does not limit the improvement of the cultivation base, and even if the cultivation base is promoted faster, it will be more rewarded by the sect." The fourth lady began to explain.

But when he heard this explanation, Qin Shaofeng didn't understand it even more.

In that case, isn't it a good thing for me to be promoted to the Xiaoyuan Dan realm?

But what do you mean, one by one, it seems like I'm going to heaven. What is this going to do?

Without waiting for Qin Shaofeng to ask why, Miss Fourth's tone changed sharply, and said to Qin Shaofeng earnestly: "But, there is one thing, but it is very different!"

"In our Qianshan Sect preparatory camp, where we only appeared for the purpose of selecting inheritance disciples, in short, we need to choose the real genius, and it is also the enchantment among those geniuses. Therefore, for everyone in the preparatory camp, There is a hard indicator!"

With that said, Miss Fourth looked at Qin Shaofeng's gaze, and unexpectedly brought a trace of sympathy.

"And this hard indicator is that every time every disciple of the reserve camp is promoted, he needs to be tested. Only those who pass can continue to stay in the reserve camp. If they fail, they will not meet the requirements after a month. In the end, there was only one, and he was kicked out of the reserve camp!"

Yu hand stretched out, Miss Si stretched out her right hand, Qin Shaofeng raised her index finger at the tip of his nose.

Just when Qin Shaofeng started to feel a little intoxicated because of the smell of a delicate fragrance, Miss Fourth said something that made him dumbfounded.

"Ten times! If the spiritual power cultivated in the body is ten times that of ordinary people, this is the hard indicator of the reserve camp!"


What if the spiritual power is ten times that of ordinary people?

Or he will be kicked out of the reserve camp?

The tender white Qianqian jade fingers, Youxiang, etc., all disappeared from Qin Shaofeng's mind at this moment.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng only had one thought left in his mind.

Ten times the spiritual power, that is, ten times the spiritual power of ordinary people!

At this time, Qin Shaofeng thought of his spiritual root.

Thunder Body!

Three products!

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