Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 410: Detecting spiritual power

When I thought of my thunder body, I thought of my current spiritual power.

Suddenly Qin Shaofeng was a little unconfident.

Especially after he entered the Xiaoyuan Pill Realm, he went up to two levels in a row, and each level actually only increased a hundred points of spiritual power, Qin Shaofeng was completely in pain.

No, it doesn't hurt anymore.

Because it has been completely broken!

Damn, why don't I know this!

And no one told me so much!

But as soon as this thought appeared, Qin Shaofeng recalled a smiling voice.

"Oh, by the way, I advise you not to rush to the Xiaoyuan Dan realm first, or you will regret it!"

I circled a cross, not that no one said it, but Xie Zijun had kindly reminded myself, but I didn't take it seriously.

Even the jade slip that the other party said, I didn't seem to read it!

With that said, it's so peculiar that no one else can be blamed.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's sad look, Miss Fourth and Geng Can glanced at each other, and they didn't know how to comfort Qin Shaofeng.

In fact, every disciple in the reserve camp, even if they can make a breakthrough, does not break through immediately.

Except for the rare enchanting existence in the reserve camp, who was not cautious when breaking through?

After all, ten times the spiritual power of ordinary people is not so easy to cultivate.

Especially the stronger the realm, the more difficult it is.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng finally understood that this Qianshan Sect's reserve camp was a freak concentration camp.

Ten times is the minimum requirement not to be kicked out?

God knows, will there be some terrifying evildoer, thirty to fifty times as high!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was very envious of Yun'er.

Yi Yun'er, no matter how she improves, I am afraid she will not be brushed out of the reserve camp!

However, following the cultivation of Aunt Qing, the so-called ten elders of Qianshan Sect, I am afraid that Yun'er does not need to enter the reserve camp.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng’s gloomy look, the fourth young lady finally gritted her teeth and said: "Qin Shaofeng, don’t worry, just for the sake of the two bronze steps, I will definitely not let you be driven out of the reserve camp. , Just make up for the lack of spiritual power. You are just entering the Xiaoyuan Dan realm now, there is still hope!"

Qin Shaofeng opened his mouth, and wanted to tell him that he was already in the triple realm of Xiaoyuandan.

But after seeing Miss Fourth's face that was very worried, but it was extremely determined, Qin Shaofeng finally silently shut up.

Forget it, it won't work. Being an ordinary disciple of the Thousand Mountain Sect is pretty trivial. Anyway, the cultivation resources are not very helpful to me.

Killing monsters and upgrading are king!

"Let's go, test your current spiritual strength now, and see how far you are!"

With that said, Miss Fourth didn't give Qin Shaofeng any time to react, she dragged Qin Shaofeng directly into the training room No. 1.

Under the leadership of Miss Si, Qin Shaofeng was taken into one of the training rooms.

This made Qin Shaofeng very speechless, and the four young ladies knew better than himself about the feelings of this training room.

Later, Qin Shaofeng learned that the training rooms of the formal preparation camp disciples were all laid out in this way. Naturally, they would not be unfamiliar to the fourth young lady who was already in the realm of Great Yuan Dan.

Qin Shaofeng had been to this room before, but after seeing that there was only a five-meter-high pillar in this room, Qin Shaofeng didn't care.

At this time, he learned from Miss Four that the five-meter-high pillar was a special instrument called a spiritual strength tester!

"This is the spiritual measuring pillar that specifically detects spiritual power. Although the spiritual measuring column in your training room can only detect spiritual power with a maximum of nine scales, it is enough!"

Miss Si pointed to the measuring pillar to explain to Qin Shaofeng, and then said to Qin Shaofeng: "Okay, now inject your spiritual power into this measuring pillar, and then this measuring pillar can reflect your spiritual strength. The intensity of it."

Qin Shaofeng also discovered at this time that nine patterns of scales were still engraved on this spiritual measuring column.

This thing can actually detect the strength of spiritual power?

I just don't know, what is the difference between the strength of the spiritual power detected and my actual spiritual power value.

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng didn't say much, put his right hand directly on the spiritual measuring pillar, and then ran the spiritual power in his body and injected it into it.


Just as Qin Shaofeng injected spiritual power, the lowest position of the measuring column suddenly flashed slightly, and a burst of grayish-yellow light appeared.

Eventually the light spread slowly, and soon reached the first scale.


When the first scale, the light spread up, and after a slight light, Miss Fourth finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh, even more. It seems that your kid is pretty good. As soon as you enter the Xiaoyuan Dan realm, you have ten times the aura value of ordinary people. This is a blessing in misfortune!"


Is this up to standard?

Qin Shaofeng was dumbfounded!

How does this feel so simple!

No, as if thinking of something, Qin Shaofeng's expression suddenly changed.

Sister, the fourth lady thinks she is the first realm of Xiaoyuandan, but she is already in the third realm of Xiaoyuandan.

This triple realm has a spiritual power value required to meet the standard, which is normal!

But at this moment, Miss Four exclaimed.

"It's on, it turns on the second scale?"

After Miss Fourth exclaimed so suddenly, Qin Shaofeng discovered that at this moment the second scale on the measuring spirit column also glowed brightly.

And soon, the third scale lights up.

However, at this time the light seemed to have stopped spreading.

Seeing this, Miss Fourth said incredulously: "Oh my god, I didn't expect that your kid had just been promoted to Xiaoyuan Dan, and his spiritual power reached this level. This has exceeded the requirements of Xiaoyuan Dan double, even Even Xiaoyuandan's triple requirements are more than half, which is incredible!"

But these words caused Qin Shaofeng's heart to be shocked.


This is the double requirement, just more than half of the triple?

I circled a cross, I am in the triple realm of Xiaoyuandan!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng wanted to cry without tears.

But at this moment, there was a cold snort of disdain from the ball.

"Hmph, you are stupid, you still don't admit that the spiritual power in your body is not enough, you won't use the cloud pills in your Dantian! Did you treat those five cloud pills as jelly beans?"

Yes indeed!

I forgot about Yundan!

Qin Shaofeng was overjoyed, and he didn't consider the attitude of a smaller ball, and immediately activated the Yundan in his body.

But at this moment, the ball said another sentence.

"Don't explode all, just mobilize the spiritual power of one cloud pill. If there are too many, this spiritual measuring pillar can't stand it!"


Listening to Xiaoqiuqiu's words, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly and he had a guess.

However, now Qin Shaofeng also knew that it was not the time to think about those things.


A cloud pill's spiritual power revolved, and the light of the measuring spiritual pillar rose sharply. Under the unbelievable gazes of Miss Fourth and Geng Can, three more scales actually lit up for a while.

"Six...six graduations?"

She seemed to be extremely unable to believe her gaze, Miss Fourth looked back at Qin Shaofeng in disbelief, and exclaimed: "Six thousand points! Qin Shaofeng, you actually entered the first level of Xiaoyuan Dan, with a spirit of six thousand points. Strength, you must know that this has exceeded the requirement of 5,000 points of the small Yuandan's triple spiritual strength!"

Sure enough!

Before Xiaoqiuqiu, Qin Shaofeng had a guess.

Now after hearing what Miss Fourth said, Qin Shaofeng immediately understood.

The value of spiritual power detected by this measuring pillar is exactly the same as the value of spiritual power on his own system attribute.

What Qin Shaofeng didn't expect was that if an ordinary person was promoted to the first level of Xiaoyuan Dan, his spiritual power would be 100 points.

In this case, is his actual situation worse than an ordinary person?

When I thought that my own small yuan pill triple layer was actually 300 points of spiritual power, according to the requirements of the Qianshan Sect, even after ordinary people were promoted to the small yuan pill triple layer, it would also have 500 points of spiritual power!

What a special thing, the third-grade spirit root is really rubbish!

However, seeing the disbelief of the Fourth Miss and Geng Can at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved and released his breath.

If it was only the first level of the Xiaoyuan Pill, but it had 6,000 points of spiritual power, it was a bit too scary, and Qin Shaofeng also knew his realm, in fact, he couldn't hide it at all, so he could simply announce it directly.

As soon as the breath was released, Qin Shaofeng said with a smile: "The fourth young lady is not so surprised. In fact, I am not at the first level of Xiaoyuandan, but at the third level!"

After feeling Qin Shaofeng’s breath, Miss Fourth suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and said, “That’s how it is, I’ll just say it, you kid is too exaggerated. One layer has 6,000 points of spiritual power. This is an ordinary person. Sixty times as much!"

However, Miss Fourth did not see her younger brother Geng Can, her eyes widened at this moment, she still looked like she couldn't believe it.

But after listening to her fourth sister, Geng Can smiled bitterly in her heart.

Fourth sister!

My fourth sister!


Xiaoyuandan triple!

This is the point!

Shao Feng just said, he just broke through to the Xiaoyuan Dan realm!

Not only did he break through level 3 in a row, and reached the third level of the Xiaoyuan Pill, his spiritual power was actually more than ten times that of ordinary people, reaching 6,000 points, which fully met the requirements of the reserve camp.

This is a shocking thing comparable to Yizhong's six thousand spiritual power points!

But after taking a look at his fourth sister, Geng Can finally didn't say anything, just sighed.

At this moment, Geng Can suddenly felt that he was getting further and further away from Qin Shaofeng.

Before learning about what Qin Shaofeng had done during the entrance examination, Geng Can still secretly competed, intending to catch up with Qin Shaofeng with the help of his ancestors.

But now Geng Can has no such thoughts.

Because he suddenly felt that Qin Shaofeng was a purebred abnormality, ordinary people, no, even some powerful geniuses would definitely not catch up with him.

Maybe only the real evildoers in the reserve camp can Qin Shaofeng really compete?

With a move in his heart, Geng Can thought of certain legends he had heard.

Then, after looking at Qin Shaofeng, there was a glimmer of expectation in his heart.

I don't know, after Shaofeng this kid enters the real reserve camp, how much shock will this Thousand Mountain Sect cause?

There was a hunch in Geng Can's heart, I'm afraid it won't take long for Qin Shaofeng to become famous in the preparation camp of Qianshan Sect.

Even if one said it was bad, Qin Shaofeng would let the Qianshan Sect's reserve camp maintain the same record, breaking it abruptly!

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