Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 411: Two requirements

Because he had already been promoted to the Xiaoyuan Dan realm, it was impossible for Qin Shaofeng to stay here any longer.

Soon, the next day, Qin Shaofeng's Qianshan Order was received, a message the same as Miss Si said.

This information came directly from the Qianshanzong reserve camp, meaning that the other party knew that Qin Shaofeng had already breached the Xiaoyuan Dan realm, and asked him to go for a test of spiritual strength within three days.

In other words, Qin Shaofeng can stay here for two days at most.

However, Qin Shaofeng had already planned to leave directly.

Because even if they continued, they couldn't wait for Du Meng and Tang Qijian.

Those remaining Legend Realm disciples who can enter this mountain will take ten days at the fastest to pass the competition and win the 90s to come to this mountain.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng could only hand the other two bronze orders of Qianshan to Geng Can for the other party to pass on to Du Meng and Tang Qijian.

Until then, Geng Can and Miss Fourth knew that Qin Shaofeng still had two bronze orders of Qianshan.

Even when it was learned from Qin Shaofeng that he had obtained six bronze orders of Qianshan Sect in total, the fourth young lady called Qin Shaofeng a big pervert.

The next day, when another person came to the Geng family, Miss Fourth left with Qin Shaofeng.

When entering the teleportation formation, Miss Fourth said to Qin Shaofeng: "Yes, let me tell you one more thing. If you want to enter the reserve camp, only the disciples of the reserve camp can bring people in. Because only the Qianshan order of the reserve camp disciples , In order to open the teleportation formation to the place where the reserve camp is located."

With that said, Miss Fourth took out her own Qianshan Order, and then with that silver-white Qianshan Order, lightly waved a light, and opened the teleportation formation.

silver white?

Seeing the Qianshan Order in the hands of Miss Fourth, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly.

Could this be the order of Qianshan that is one level higher than the Bronze Step?

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but asked, "Fourth Miss, your Qianshan Ling should be higher than my Qianshan Ling, right?"

"Yeah!" Miss Fourth nodded slightly and smiled: "Yours is only a bronze step, and my Qianshanling has already risen to the silver step, so it is naturally higher than you."

"So, how many ranks does this Qianshan Order have?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

"Well, I don't know the details!"

Miss Fourth hesitated, then thought about it, and then she said: "However, as far as I know so far, there are no steps, bronze steps, silver steps, and gold steps above silver. However, I also I heard that after becoming an official disciple of the inheritance, the Qianshan Order he possesses is of the Purple Golden Order!"

Bronze, silver, gold, purple gold?

In this way, if it is considered a rankless level, this Qianshan Ling is afraid that there are at least five ranks.

After thinking about it, Qin Shaofeng asked again: "The fourth young lady, how should Qianshan Lingyou raise his rank?"

Unfortunately, Qin Shaofeng overestimated the patience of Miss Fourth.

That is, Qin Shaofeng himself, the fourth young lady was patient and explained so much to him.

If you change to someone else, I'm afraid Miss Four will have no patience long ago.

But now even if Miss Four is a little patient at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's several questions are directly exhausted.

"Hi, why are you having so many questions!"

After complaining, Miss Fourth said with a slight anger: "After you officially become a disciple of the preparatory camp, these things will appear on your Qianshan Order. You can check it out by yourself at that time. That's much clearer than what I said. Up!"

Qin Shaofeng's face was blank, and then he remembered the Lord in front of him, but he was a violent temper!

With a wry smile, Qin Shaofeng hurriedly apologized: "Yes, yes, Miss Fourth is right, I am impatient, I won't ask!"

"It's almost the same!"

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng was so acquainted, Miss Fourth nodded her head, then suddenly remembered something, and said to Qin Shaofeng fiercely, "By the way, don't call me from Miss Fourth Miss or Miss Four. I am not without a name!"

With that said, Miss Fourth stepped directly into the teleportation formation, leaving a word for Qin Shaofeng.

"Remember, this lady's name is Geng Qiutong!"

Geng Qiutong?

Good name!

To be honest, Qin Shaofeng hadn't paid attention to the fourth young lady's name before. Now when he heard the other's name, his heart lightened slightly, but then there was another wry smile.

Beautiful people, beautiful names!

With this combination, the fourth lady, Geng Qiutong, is already perfect.

But why...

Why is this temper, this character!


After passing through the teleportation array, Qin Shaofeng soon arrived at a strange but full of spiritual power.

"finally reached!"

Walking out of the teleportation array, Geng Qiutong laughed, then turned to Qin Shaofeng and said, "Okay, I won't introduce you to anything. Now I will take you to register. After everything is done, you will slowly experience this place yourself! This real Reserve camp!"

As the saying goes, there are people who are easy to handle. Under the leadership of Geng Qiutong, Qin Shaofeng quickly completed the registration, and then also tested the spiritual strength and was fully qualified.

However, after the registration was completed, Qin Shaofeng was speechless looking at the numbers that appeared on his Qianshan Order.


Yes, among the thousands of disciples in the reserve camp, Qin Shaofeng only ranked 901th.

The number on the Qianshan Order is the ranking of all the disciples in the reserve camp.

Every month, the Qianshan Sect will distribute some training resources based on this ranking, and every disciple in the reserve camp also gets different levels of authority based on this ranking.

At this time, Geng Qiutong had already left.

As a disciple of the Preparatory Camp of the Silver Tier, the competition was even more tense, which took more than a day and was a waste for her.

After bringing Qin Shaofeng into the reserve camp, she hurriedly left.

However, after leaving, Geng Qiutong also told Qin Shaofeng that if there was anything to do, he would send a message to her directly. If it could help, she would definitely help.

We have entered the reserve camp. The communication between the Qianshan Order is completely instant, and it is completely possible to have a normal chat with the Qianshan Order.

Although Qin Shaofeng nodded and smiled, he agreed.

But Qin Shaofeng had already decided in his heart, it's better not to disturb the other party.

After finding his training room, the first thing Qin Shaofeng entered was to check the information that Qianshanling had already appeared.

Having suffered a loss before, Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to be careless.

Qin Shaofeng checked it all night.

After one night passed, Qin Shaofeng finally had a clearer understanding of some basic conditions of this reserve camp.

Before, Qin Shaofeng thought that the Thousand Mountain Sect had 1,000 peaks, but in fact he was wrong.

Because the Thousand Mountain Sect has more than one thousand peaks, but one thousand and eighty.

There are a total of one thousand and eighty, each of the hundred peaks is a position, the outermost one hundred are the base points, and the three hundred outer peaks, three hundred inner peaks, and three hundred and three yuan realm peaks gather a full one thousand The power of the giant peaks constituted an extremely huge spatial array.

It is said that this space array is still the ancient space array.

Of course, in the mouth of a little thing who claims to be this lord, this so-called ancient space formation is not a real ancient formation.

However, this time, Master that XX did not show disdain, but said something that surprised Qin Shaofeng.

"Well, although it is not a real ancient space formation, this Qianshanzong's space formation is not low in level, and it can barely reach the level of the top formation by calculation."

Qin Shaofeng, who has inherited memories of the old alchemist, although he is still not proficient in the formation method, he also knows some levels of the formation method.

The formations, from low to high, are low-level formations, intermediate formations, high-level formations, and top-level formations.

Of course, this is the division of the formation on the Origin Continent. If it were in the Nine Cloud Continent, the low-level formation in the small ball mouth, the Xiao Zhoutian illusion formation, was already equivalent to the high-level formation in the eyes of some people.

This high-level formation is naturally infinitely weaker than the real high-level formation.

But the accident was here. The Qianshan Sect was actually invisible in a large space formation that was about to reach the top formation, which really surprised Qin Shaofeng.

However, Qin Shaofeng felt relieved when he thought that this was the formation of a thousand giant peaks.

That's right, the so-called Thousands of Giant Peaks are actually not the real Thousand Mountain Sect, but the array of the Qianshan Sect's spatial array.

And it was the Qianshan Sect, but the last eighty giant peaks.

However, even so, because of the spiritual veins deep underground, this still allows the thousand giant peaks to have different levels of aura because they are in different positions on the large spatial array.

There are several types of giant peaks, such as outer peaks, inner peaks, and Diyuan peaks.

But Qin Shaofeng knew now that the true power of the Qianshan Sect was the eighty giant peaks in the space array.

The place where the reserve camp is located is the first ten giant peaks among the eighty giant peaks.

And there are still 70 giant peaks, 30 of which are in the secret realm of giant peaks.

The secret realm of giant peaks is a secret realm opened up by the power of a giant peak. The space of each secret realm of giant peaks is not small, and there are monsters of different levels everywhere.

This can be regarded as a trial place deliberately arranged by the Qianshan Sect for the preparation camp disciples, and even the inheritance disciples.

In addition to these, there are other giant peaks such as Inheritance Peak, Five God Peak, and Shenjian Peak, but Qin Shaofeng only knows these names now.

For specific information, he can only get more detailed information after he upgrades his cultivation base and Qianshan Order level.

Speaking of the rank of Qianshanling, it is linked to the rank of disciples in the reserve camp. Qianshanling with a bronze rank is a bronze rank disciple, and a silver rank is a silver rank disciple...

And to raise the level of Qianshan Ling is actually very simple.

As long as two requirements are met, it can be improved.

The first point, naturally needless to say, that is, the spiritual power value must meet the requirements of the current realm.

The second point is to have enough record points.

Record point, a record score possessed by every disciple of the reserve camp.

When first entering the reserve camp, everyone has ten record points.

Then, after entering the reserve camp, if you compete with others, winning will increase your record points.

On the contrary, once they are defeated, they will be deducted a little record point.

If it is a person's record point, if it is zero at a certain moment, then I am sorry, you just wait to be kicked out of the reserve camp!

Although each battle will only increase or deduct a little score point, some people will be gambled. This is not controlled by the Qianshan Sect, and the disciples of the reserve camp are free to decide.

In fact, Qianshanzong hopes this.

Because of this, the competition between the reserve camps has become more intense.

Once fierce, it can even stand out some real geniuses.

Such geniuses are the talents that Qianshanzong attaches great importance to, and they will spend more abundant resources to cultivate.

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