Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 412: Helpless ways to improve

When a bronze disciple has 1,000 record points, he can be upgraded to a silver disciple.

At that time, the Bronze Stage Qianshan Order could also be upgraded to the Silver Stage Qianshan Order.

For silver to rise to gold, one hundred thousand record points are required.

Because there are only 1,000 disciples in the reserve camp, all the ways to get score points are not just a competition between reserve camps.

Sometimes there are competitions in the reserve camp, such as a competition every three months.

This reserve camp is held every three months, and everyone has to participate, so you don’t have to think about it. If I don’t compete with others, I won’t have the idea that my record point will drop.

Because in every competition, everyone has to fight at least three people, even if it keeps losing.

However, fortunately, this kind of martial arts competition is also carried out separately. Small Yuan Dan and Xiao Yuan Dan, Great Yuan Dan and Great Yuan Dan, those who have not yet become inherited disciples in the Three Yuan Realm, are another level of contest. .

But this is not the most demanding. The most demanding is that the reserve camp has a big competition every year.

Different from the general competition, in the grand competition, all the disciples of the reserve camp are in a unified competition, matching their opponents randomly.

Therefore, it is very likely that it is just a small yuan pill, but it is a big master who has encountered the earth yuan realm.

Moreover, in the competition, everyone has to compete at least ten times before they can leave.

Under such circumstances, no one dared to think that with ten points of record, he could stay in the reserve camp and practice.

However, if the performance is outstanding, you can get a lot of record points, which is a very good opportunity for improving your own level.

Of course, the premise is that you have that confidence and that strength.

But what made Qin Shaofeng very speechless at this moment was that he found that he had come too in time.

Because half a month later, it will be an ordinary competition, and then two months later, there will be a big competition.

This means that Qin Shaofeng must strive to make his record point exceed ten points during this period of time.

Because if there was a tragic luck, Qin Shaofeng could only be kicked out of this reserve camp if he encountered Great Yuan Pill ten times in a row, and even a master of the Three Yuan Realm.

"Although I am confident that my luck will not be that bad, it would be better to get more record points!"

After reading the introduction of this record point, Qin Shaofeng murmured, already thinking about how to earn this record point.

Although there are only two requirements for upgrading the Qianshan Order, Qin Shaofeng knows that it is only a requirement for record points. This seems to be one item, but in fact it is very complicated.

It was because Qin Shaofeng had already noticed that in this reserve camp, the record points were often linked to his own strength.

Without strong strength, with a large number of record points, that is a very serious matter.

Because once someone thinks that someone has a record point that is not equal to their own strength, they will be invited!

The invitation to fight in the reserve camp cannot be rejected.

Of course, you can't just invite you to fight.

The prerequisite for the invitation is that the goal of the invitation cannot be lower than the level of the person who issued the invitation, or even the same level.

This means that only people with a lower realm can invite people who are higher than their realm. This is also called a leapfrog invitation!

But here is the reserve camp. Everyone is ten times as strong as an ordinary person in terms of spiritual strength alone. If it is not a very confident person, who would dare to leapfrog and invite it?

Moreover, this leapfrog invitation requires a gambling performance point. As for the number of gambling fights, it is determined by the object of the invitation.

The most important thing is that once one party is invited, the competition fails, but it is necessary to pay three times the record points proposed by the invitee.

If this is not enough record points, it can only be kicked out of the reserve camp.

But once you win, you can get half of the record points of the opponent you invite.

And once the person invited to the game loses, not only does he need to pay half of his own record points to defeat his opponent, but even because he is successfully invited to the game, he has to prove that he has more record points than his own strength, and he needs to be punished.

In fact, it's nothing, just deduct 9/10 of the record points.

Therefore, because of this, no one wants to be invited by others for no reason.

And once someone is invited to fight by a leap, he will definitely treat the person who invited him as the enemy of life and death, and directly put forward the score point of letting the other party go directly.

Therefore, this time the appearance of the invitation is often when a person suddenly gets a lot of score points.

But in the same way, people are often kicked out of the reserve camp because of this.

For some reason, after seeing this kind of leapfrog invitation to fight, Qin Shaofeng had a strange feeling in his heart, as if he would be invited to fight.

"Oh, I should think too much!"

Shaking his head gently, Qin Shaofeng stood up, moved his unstretched body all night, and then prepared to leave his training room.

Now Qin Shaofeng knew that the reserve camp had the bottom line for spiritual power in all realms of the Xiaoyuan Dan realm.

The qualifying line of the first layer of the Xiaoyuan Pill Realm is 1,000 points of spiritual power, the second is 2,000 points, and the third is 5,000 points. When it reaches the fourth level, it requires 10,000 spiritual power.

The five-fold is 20,000 points, six-fold 50,000 points, seven-fold 100,000 points, eight-fold two hundred thousand, nine-fold three hundred thousand, and ten-fold requires at least 500,000 spiritual power points.

Each of these realms is ten times that of the average person.

But this situation is bad news for Qin Shaofeng.

Looking at his attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly: "According to Xiaoqiuqiu's statement, my third-rank thunder body has increased by one level in the Xiaoyuandan realm, and the increased spiritual power definitely does not meet the requirements of general conditions. This is considered to have a tenfold increase in Yi Jin Jing, and that is also unable to meet the minimum requirements of the reserve camp."

Indeed, now Qin Shaofeng knew that his spiritual power value had reached the requirements of the reserve camp.

But now he is only in the three-level realm of the Xiaoyuandan. According to the situation given by Xiaoqiuqiu, Qin Shaofeng knows, and based on his current situation, he is promoted to the tenth level of the Yuandan realm, which is at most 3000 points of spiritual power.

In this way, after being increased by the Yi Jin Jing, it is only 30,000 points of spiritual power.

In this way, even if it has the spiritual power of five Yundan, all of them add up to only 180,000 points of spiritual power.

This is far from the minimum requirement of 500,000 for the reserve camp.

"No, not to mention the tenth level of the Xiaoyuan Pill. I am afraid that with my thunder body, I can only meet the most requirements when I am in the fifth level of the Xiaoyuan Pill. However, once I am promoted to the sixth level, I am afraid that my spiritual power is worth. Not enough!"

According to Xiaoqiuqiu’s prediction, Qin Shaofeng upgraded to the sixth level of the Xiaoyuan Dan realm, and in fact he could only have 600 points of spiritual power. The Yi Jinjing bonus was considered to be five yuan pills, which is only 36,000 points. There is still some gap with 50,000 points.

Qin Shaofeng now had two choices in front of him. One was to improve the quality of his "Alchemy."

As soon as the level of the "Sutra of Pills" is upgraded, more cloud pills will naturally be cultivated.

Once the number of cloud pills increases, even if the level of spiritual roots is low, he can rely on the number of cloud pills to make up for his lack of spiritual power.

But Xiaoqiuqiu also said that now his "Alchemy" is already a heavenly five-star.

Then the next level is naturally a holy one star.

However, it is not easy to promote the five-star "Pill Classics" of the heavenly rank to the holy rank.

At the very least, according to the situation Xiaoqiuqiu said, if you haven't been promoted to the three-dimensional realm, don't think too much about upgrading the saint-level "Alchemy".

In this way, there is only one last way left to me.

This is to raise the level of the spiritual root of the thunder body.

As soon as the spiritual root level is upgraded, more spiritual power can naturally be cultivated.

Moreover, even if it is a rank one, after the Yi Jin Jing tenfold increase, plus five Yun Dan, his spiritual power will be greatly improved.


After turning his gaze, Qin Shaofeng looked at the 108 Yoga poses with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

"Oh, although this 108 yoga poses can improve one's spiritual roots, it seems difficult to practice! I have practiced the twelfth pose for so long, and now the thirteenth pose still has no clue! "

"Huh, do you still need a headache for such a simple thing?"

There was a sound of disdain, and with a flash, the small ball appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

But after hearing the words of Xiaoqiuqiu, Qin Shaofeng's eyes suddenly brightened, and he said a little excitedly: "What? Do you know how to practice that 108 yoga poses?"

Unexpectedly, the ball shook his head for the first time.

"How is it possible? What kind of ghost yoga exercises, I haven't seen it before, how can I know the specific cultivation method?"

do not know?

A hint of disappointment flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

But at this time, Xiaoqiuqiu proudly said: "Huh, although I don't know the method of this exercise, according to my experience, this so-called body exercise is inseparable. Of your own body."


Upon hearing Xiaoqiuqiu's words, Qin Shaofeng secretly said something in his heart, and hurriedly asked, "How to say?"

"What else can I say?" After giving Qin Shaofeng a contemptuous look, Xiao Qiuqiu continued, "No matter what kind of physical exercise, it is for cultivating the body. In that case, you can raise your body first. If you practice this technique in reverse, it will naturally improve this technique."

"I don’t dare say anything else. You, the 108 Yoga poses. If I am there, I am confident that you can practice at least 36 poses. If this is on the Origin Continent, I can let you achieve it. Dacheng realm!"

The tone of the ball is extremely confident, and the expression on his face is also full of arrogance.

But this time, Qin Shaofeng believed it.

After thinking about it carefully, Qin Shaofeng really found out that it seemed to be like this.

Before, my body has suddenly improved a lot, and the progress of yoga pose 108 has directly reached the twelfth pose.

If this is according to the method that Xiaoqiuqiu said, it may really succeed.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng was in pain.

The small ball gives a simple way to strengthen the body, which is to use medicinal materials to assist in lifting.

This was nothing at all, but Qin Shaofeng almost cried looking at the pages full of medicinal materials.

I circled a fork, so many medicinal materials, how many spirit stones do you need?

And this is still the initial stage of medicinal materials?

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng discovered that it seemed to have a long way to go to improve the spiritual root level by using the 108 simultaneous yoga poses!

But Qin Shaofeng also knew that this method was reliable compared to upgrading the grade of the Alchemy.

At the very least, the despair that didn't improve the "Alchemy", you don't need to wait until you are promoted to the Trinity Realm.

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