Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4101: poisonous insect

"It turned out to be just a bug-playing guy."

Chu Huan sneered and said, "Since you are playing bugs, then take out your bugs and let my son see what your bugs can do to me."

The look on his face is still full of gaze.

As if possessing no matter how powerful a bug is, there is no right to scream in front of him.

Su Chang was originally a proud man.

And under the influence of the orc blood, he is very irritable.

Just Chu Huan's expression almost made him run away.

"Since you are looking for death by yourself, then I will show you my flying yellow armor!"

Su Chang roared.

Seeing his cultivation base shook slightly, patches of bugs flew out of his sleeves.

Flying yellow armor?

It was the first time Qin Shaofeng heard of this name.

But when he looked at the so-called flying yellow armor, he almost burst out laughing.

The name is indeed weird, but it is just a bunch of locust-like things.

The difference is that the belly of those flying yellow armors are all transparent, and some yellow things seem to flow in their belly.

A pair of sharp big teeth often show a crimson color.

I just don't know how good the bite force is.

Or it's really caused by poison.

When he was still wondering, he saw that a group of Fei Huang Jia had gone near Chu Huan.

The flying yellow armors approached in no hurry.

But when they were still three meters away from Chu Huan, they stopped collectively and seemed to condense into a certain formation in the air.

Or just ordinary enclosure.

Qin Shaofeng, who didn't know much about insects, couldn't understand what was going on.

I saw the next moment.

All the flying yellow armors spit out the liquid in their stomachs collectively.

The belly dries out instantly.

But when those liquids appeared in the air.

Qin Shaofeng faintly saw that some of the impurities in the air had already corroded a little bit of smoke that was difficult to detect when they were in contact with the liquid.

It's so corrosive?

Did these flying yellow beaks grow up with sulfuric acid?

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help being surprised.

Chu Huan's cultivation base is no longer much weaker than him, and naturally you can see how terrifying the corrosive nature of those flying yellow armor venoms.

But his face still has the look of gaze.

"I thought your bugs are so powerful, it turns out that you only have this method?" Chu Huan shook his head with disdain.

Immediately, I saw a golden light radiating from him.

"The Emperor's Photo!"

Chu Huan finally spoke a moment before the venom came.

There was a loud shout, making him shine.

this moment.

His image in the eyes of everyone really looked like he had become an emperor on earth.

The golden light on his body is more like the domineering spirit of the emperor.

Deterrence is just deterrence.

But what Chu Huan deterred was not the flying yellow armor, but the venom that was about to come.

Seeing that the venom was only a few inches away from him.


Chu Huan shouted again.

A terrifying aura of deterrence actually appeared from him, turned into strong winds, and swept away the venom abruptly.

The venom did not go toward the open space, but each found the flying yellow armor that sprayed the venom.

Since the corrosiveness of the venom was terrifying, he had to let those flying yellow armors try.

Chu Huan's approach is not vicious.

Use his own way to rule his body.


He still underestimated these weird flying yellow armors made by Su Chang.

The venom turned back.

Those flying yellow armors didn't even react at all.

Allowing the venom to spill on the body, it failed to cause any reaction.

On the contrary, the venom that fell into the ground from the gaps in the flying yellow armor corroded quickly.

The originally good bluestone ground was corroded into big pits in an instant.

"Is it true that you are not afraid of corrosion?"

Chu Huan still didn't see the slightest in his eyes, but the fluctuating expression that appeared because of his miss, instead smiled faintly, and said, "Then just die!"

"The emperor's secret! Extinction!"

An endless mark of the core disciple level appeared in Chu Huan's eyebrows.

The moment when the endless seal appeared, it had already blended into the aura emanating from him.

Soon, the color changed drastically.

The silver endless seal turned into a brilliant golden color after being contaminated with his imperial aura.

In the next moment, the entire endless impression merged into the emperor's breath.

Accompanied by the emperor's air swept away.

All the flying yellow armors were enveloped by the emperor's air almost in an instant.

The roars resounded continuously.

The battle only lasted for a breathing time, and the golden imperial aura had dissipated.

The endless seal of the core disciple level is also comparable to the existence of the Yaoxing position.

Even if Chu Huan's cultivation is insufficient, and he can't fully exert the power of the endless seal, it is not such a group, but the flying yellow armor around Xuanyue can be compared.

The golden light converged, turned into an endless seal, and returned to Chu Huan's hands.

"Your bug is really not qualified to clamor in front of me, if you have other means, just use it, otherwise I will make a move." Chu Huan shook his right hand slightly.

The power of strong qi and blood emerged, turning into a sword glow.

Body shape flashed.

"Three Endless Swords!"

What he said seemed bad.

In fact, Chu Huan would not give the other party any chance.

The rich combat experience made him clearly know that no matter what time he screamed, it would have no effect.

If you really want to completely defeat your opponent, you have to step on the opponent's corpse.

"Boy, don't you think that I only have this batch of flying yellow armors?"

Su Chang sneered and said, "Since you want to die, let you see what a beast control master is!"

He kept shaking his hands amidst the roar.

Pieces of poisonous insects flew out of his sleeve.

Every time the insects that fly out are all different, not a group of only hundreds of them.

But in such a blink of an eye, he has already dumped it several times.

The insects around him have already reached thousands.

A swarm of poisonous insects swept towards Chu Huan.

"Insects are always just insects. No matter how bad your insects are, they can't be the opponents of martial arts of my generation." Chu Huan shouted coldly.

The endless seal in his hand once again turned into a rich golden light, swept toward the poisonous insects in front.

And his deity seemed to have nothing happened.

It seems that the battle between endless seal and poisonous insects has nothing to do with him.

A flashback.

Under the protection of the endless seal, he easily rushed through the insect-shrouded area, and slashed towards Su Chang with a single sword.

"It deserves to be an endless seal, there really are some ways."

Su Chang looked at the sword that fell immediately, and there was no worry on his face, but his smile became thicker.

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