Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4102: witchcraft

"Golden Armor!"

Su Chang didn't release a group of insects and beasts again until Chu Huan's sword came in front of him.

The whole body of the insect beast appeared red gold.

Just looking at the appearance of this worm, it looks like a beetle.

But seeing the confident smile on Su Chang's face, people can feel it, this class of insects is definitely not what they see.

After the insect flew out of his sleeve.

Unexpectedly, they immediately gathered together, connecting their bodies to each other, turning them into a golden shield, and condensing on top of his head.


Chu Huan's sword came.

The moment the tyrannical sword fell on that golden beetle shield, there was a roar.

Most of the golden beetle suddenly shattered under the sword's chopping.

But as long as the golden beetle survived.

It actually condensed again at a very fast speed, forming the second shield on Su Chang's head.

Chu Huan's sword was consumed a lot in the attack just now.

This time there is not much power.

Yu Wei's slashing down did not even shake the second shield formed by the Golden Beetle.

And when his sword was contained.

The shield formed by the golden beetle suddenly spread out, and collectively bit towards Chu Huan's long sword condensed by the power of blood.

The sword of blood began to dissipate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Rao is Chu Huan.

When he saw this scene, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"What kind of bug is this, even my qi-blood sword can bite into pieces?"

Chu Huan couldn't help but exclaimed.

But there was only surprise in his eyes, but no other expression appeared.

When the golden beetle bite closer and closer to him.

He burst into a loud shout, and a pink light flashed in his left hand.

The light flickered, and the golden beetles were wiped out in a flash.

His previous sword had already wiped out most of the golden beetle, and the remaining ones could not play any role at all.

This has already been anticipated by everyone.

So after seeing this scene, no one appeared surprised.

Qin Shaofeng faintly felt something wrong.

The pink light is very strange, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem like normal martial arts should appear.

The doubt in his mind lasted for only a few moments.

He has put away the doubts.

No matter what secret Chu Huan possessed, it was Chu Huan's personal good fortune.

I only need to be happy for him.

While he was still thinking about it.

The battle over there has changed again.

Chu Huan dared to be so arrogant, he naturally had his arrogant capital.

When Qin Shaofeng was surprised by the pink light he used, he made another move.

This attack was still not the ability Qin Shaofeng knew.

Does not belong to the endless mountain.

Naturally, he does not belong to him.

He actually made a gesture of crossing his arms and hugging his chest, but a strange light and shadow appeared behind him.

It seemed to be a ghost of a woman.

But the phantom was so vague that Qin Shaofeng couldn't see what the situation was with that woman.

"This king, on behalf of the endless ocean, sentence you to drowning!"

Chu Huan's voice was very soft, as if the voice should have come from a woman's mouth, which made people feel very unreal.

Or, when he was speaking, the phantom behind him also said such a sentence at the same time, which caused such a strange feeling.

"Just relying on you, actually came to the verdict, uh...uuuu..."

Su Chang's voice suddenly became sobbing and painful again, as if he was drowning.

"What happened and why did this happen?!"

People who discovered this scene around, Qi Qi screamed.

Anyone who can appear here has been practicing in martial arts for many years.

Especially the real casual repairs.

Take any one out, no matter how young it looks, it is more than 50 or 60 years old, and even Su Chang, who is playing against Chu Huan, is more than 300 years old.

Given their age, how extensive is their knowledge?

But it was the first time I saw such a thing.

This scene is simply incredible.

With just a word, it is actually necessary to drown a strong man who has cultivated to the peak of the sky and moon position?

I am afraid that even those weird races do not have this ability, right?

Everyone was still thinking in shock.

I saw that Su Chang had rolled his eyes.

It was actually drowned alive.

Even Qin Shaofeng couldn't help his eyes widening after seeing this scene.

"A Tianyue pinnacle powerhouse, would he be said to death by that kid?"

"Open, what's the joke?"

"What kind of magic did he use?"

"Hellcraft, yes, it must be sorcery!"

"We are all martial cultivators of the Celestial Moon. If the Celestial Moon can really cultivate such martial skills, how could we not?"

The few casual cultivators photographed by Zhang Qingwen in the Yunxian Temple immediately began to talk.

Although Su Chang is not the most powerful person among them.

But it is also the person with the most means.

Even if two of them met such a bug-playing guy, they were reluctant to provoke them easily.

This shows that Su Chang's method of worm repair.

It just happens that such a person died so inexplicably, how can they not be shocked?

They are constantly talking.

Chu Huan seemed to have not heard at all, picking up various things from Su Chang that had fallen with a face of indifference.

In this short period of time, he had found more than 20 storage bags from Su Chang.


When he observed it, he discovered that nine out of ten things in it were all bugs.

Although he didn't feel it was needed, he didn't worry about throwing it away.

Instead, it was placed in a special place, and it seemed to be ready to be used for other purposes later.

He waited until everything was converged before he finally strode towards this side.

After losing the first battle, Zhang Qingwen's face had already turned black.

Upon seeing this, he suddenly shouted: "Stop!"

"Is there anything else?"

Chu Huan looked at him with an unhappy face, his face was full of cold colors.

"Su Chang is indeed your opponent. He lost to you and we have nothing to say, but you can't even take away his storage bags and other things after defeating him?" Zhang Qingwen said coldly.


Chu Huan sneered: "Since you have already said that he is my defeated man, what's wrong with me coming to collect my spoils?"


He paused for a moment on purpose.

There was a sneer in his eyes, and he asked, "As an employer, you still want to **** the relics of the hired person?"

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