Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4125: Grab someone

"Dead, dead?!"

Elder Yunyi's mood in his heart suddenly changed, and even his voice became trembling.

Regardless of chasing Qin Shaofeng again.

He squatted down for the first time and began to investigate the situation of the magic forest protector.

From this look, he immediately felt like the sky was falling apart.

Although the magic forest guardian is a guardian status, in fact, the cultivation base is not very high, it is just the pinnacle of human status.

But he can have an identity no less than the right to speak of the elders, relying on the metamorphic pill that no one else can refine.

The metamorphosis pill is one of the most cruel alchemy methods of the magic way.

Since the migration of mankind from the Void Realm to the Cangming Realm thousands of years ago, that alchemy method has been completely lost.

The magic forest protector was originally a magical alchemist.

The enthusiasm for Huasheng Pill has been studied for nearly a hundred years before the Huasheng Pill has been studied in a relatively simple way.

In order to guarantee his identity, the guardian of the magic forest never reveals the slightest to anyone.

The magic forest protector fell.

Even if you don't say that he will never get the Metamorphosis Pill in the future.

If this matter had been known to the Yunxian Temple, he would probably not be enough to bury the Devil Forest!

Although he is also called Yun Yi, his name sounds similar to the elder Yun Yi from Yunxian Academy.

But it was just a coincidence that the Yun Family of Yunxian Palace was too large.

In terms of identity alone, even if he were a hundred or eighty, he couldn't be compared with that elder Yun Yi at all.

Just from this point of view, he has been planted today.

Planted in the hands of the drunk who seems harmless to humans and animals.

"All the martial arts of the Tianyue rank and above are for the old man to listen to, and at all costs, take it for the old man or directly kill the drunkard just now, but the old man owes their family a favor to anyone who takes it or kills it.

"If there is a need in the future, even if the old man loses his life, he will repay the favor of Tianda!"

"Everyone who makes the shot can be recognized by the old man!"

Elder Yunyi was furious, but he was not stupid at all.

Rao was Qin Shaofeng's cultivation base aura when he fled, as if it was just a shining star.

But Qin Shaofeng's ability to kill people in front of him without knowing it could already explain too many things.

As the saying goes, there must be a brave man under the reward.

With the help of these people, he believed that even if he couldn't really win or kill Qin Shaofeng, he would be able to see many things.

At that time, if he makes another move, he will have greater confidence.

Everyone at the scene originally saw his fear of Qin Shaofeng, and when they saw this scene happening before them, they were unwilling to take the risk.

But after hearing his words, everyone's expressions changed.

Qin Shaofeng's horror may not be comparable to one of them.

But with so many people added up, do we still need to be afraid?

Especially under the conditions of Elder Yunyi.

In front of so many people, everyone knows the weight of the promises made in person.

For a while, everyone became enthusiastic.

There were countless figures, galloping towards the air.

They may not be as fast as Qin Shaofeng, but they can't wait indefinitely.

Among the crowd, there are also people with better brains, and their eyes are in the direction of the gate of the other courtyard.

Qin Shaofeng came to grab someone.

On the other side of the gate, the movement made just now seems to be related to this incident?

Anyone who flashed this kind of thought in their minds all headed towards the gate of the other courtyard.

Elder Yunyi's order was indeed issued quickly.

Moreover, the movements of these people were not slow, but for Qin Shaofeng, it was still at least a breath slow.

One breath time is enough to explain too many things.

With his superb speed.

He came to the gate in the blink of an eye.

After seeing the fighting crowd, he grabbed the lone wolf and fell straight to the ground.

A dark green breath radiated from him at the same time.

That is the poisonous mist of the Jade Dragon King.

When he got close to the ground, he already clearly saw that he wanted to rush in.

But it is too small to look down on the power guarding the front entrance of the other courtyard,

Instead of being able to rush in, the four of them had a tendency to be surrounded.

"These guys really don't use their brains!"

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help sighing.

At the same time as the voice was uttered, he had already landed in front of a few people with a lone wolf.

With a flick of his right hand, he threw the lone wolf to Chu Huan.

"This is the person you are looking for. Although he is enveloped by metamorphosed monsters, it is not impossible to dissolve it. Take someone away!" Qin Shaofeng said in a deep voice.

"Shall we take people away?"

Chu Huan looked in all directions, already enveloped by the crowd.

And in the sky farther away.

Countless people are flying over from the sky.

Seeing this clearly, his heart was already full of sadness.

If Qin Shaofeng still refuses to reveal his identity and releases the strong man he has put away, I am afraid that he will die today, right?

Immediately, an angry voice came from far away.

"Do you still want to leave?"

At the same time the voice came, a terrifying pressure had already descended on their side.

The space was twisted, and an old figure filled with anger had already appeared in front of them.

"Boy, you suddenly came to the old man's birthday banquet. The old man didn't say anything to you, but you want people to be good. Why do you want to kill me the guardian of Yunxian Temple?" Elder Yunyi's eyes are red. Roar.

When he spoke, Chu Huan and others were shocked.

They had thought before that Qin Shaofeng rescued the lone wolf, and it should have gone through some battles.

He couldn't imagine it at all.

Qin Shaofeng had actually killed that magic forest guardian.

Look at the changes in Elder Yunyi's expression.

He was even more surprised.

It's just a small protector. As for making him a great elder like this?

"A evil animal who refines alchemy from a living person can kill it before killing it. Why not?" Qin Shaofeng stood proudly in front of the crowd.

Facing the powerhouse in the void, he didn't even show any fear.

It wasn't that he didn't appear, but he had prepared the gate of the ghost mansion.

As long as Elder Yunyi uses the power of the void on him, he will open the ghost mansion as soon as possible.

Relying on his understanding of the strong in the void.

That little bit of time is still enough for him to use many, many methods.

"You **** it! You **** it!"

Elder Yunyi's old body was trembling slightly, as if he was about to be mad.

"Asshole! Asshole!"

"Do you know how important the metamorphosis pill he can refine is for the old man?"

"You, you simply ruined the old man's path to the void, you damn, **** it!" Elder Yunyi roared.

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