Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4126: Ghost song reproduction

"Ruined your path to the void?"

Qin Shaofeng was slightly stunned.

Staring at Elder Yunyi really made him discover something wrong.

Although Elder Yunyi also exists in the Void Realm, there is no such thing as Li Naling and others, it seems to be detached from the world.

The Void Realm is already detached.

No matter if it's cultivation or cohesion, it can truly avoid the world's fireworks. Maybe it will not breathe for a year or a half, and there may not be any abnormal state.

But this Elder Yunyi didn't feel that way.

His cultivation base aura is indeed a void realm, but he himself has not been able to transcend.

"It turns out that you are just a guy who stepped into the Void Realm with half of your feet, and half of your feet is still in the position of the shining star, hahaha..." Qin Shaofeng was really happy this time.

The solidification of the void space is not something he can resist.

But if it is the same existence as the second old Xuanshan.

He is not at all jealous.

Even if there is no way to really fight against one, the other party will never rely on that cultivation base to keep him.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Master, sword."

Seeing that he was going to make a move, the Killing Army hurried forward and leaned forward, and handed the broken sword to Qin Shaofeng.

This scene once again caused Elder Yunyi's mouth to grow in surprise.

What kind of existence is this alcoholic?

His weapon turned out to be a Heavenly Broken Sword?

Are you kidding me?

Does he want to fight me with this broken sword?

Don't say it was Elder Yunyi that felt incredible.

The crowd around was even more stunned.

"That kid's weapon turned out to be just a broken sword?"

"Is this kidding?"

"With such a broken sword, does he want to fight Elder Yunyi?"

"Is this kidding?"

"I think it's joking too."

"I really laughed at me. If he only has this ability, I don't think Elder Yunyi needs to take action. Let me clean up that guy."

Everyone was shouting excitedly.

These voices spread into the ears of the killing army, making the eyes of the killing army a little red.

He watched with his own eyes, Qin Shaofeng relied on such broken sword to fight all the way.

Why did the words come to these people's mouths and become like this?

"Those ants say ugly, but they have to admit that they are facts."

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help laughing loudly, and said: "Xiaojun, don't you think that your son can be killed in the endless years of ghosts and corpses with only such a heavenly sword, right?"

"What? This...this is a heavenly product!" Shabajun felt incredible.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. Since you call me a son, then I will let you see what my real weapon is, hahaha..."

He laughed wildly again.

Amidst the laughter, a black whirlpool suddenly appeared in front of him.

Qin Shaofeng stretched out his hand into the whirlpool, seeming to pull it out fiercely.

A black long sword was slowly pulled out of the black whirlpool following his movements.

"This is... Yao Shenbing!?"

Elder Yunyi's eyes finally turned round, and even his breathing became rapid.

As the elder of Yunxian Hall.

His insight was not comparable to those around him, who came to flatter him.

Although there are many Yaoshen soldiers, not everyone is qualified to have them.

Don't say it's him, even his master.

No real powerhouse in the void realm is qualified to have a Yaoshen weapon.

In front of him, it seemed that only the kid with the peak cultivation base had taken out a weapon of this level.

These changes made the shock in his heart suddenly reach the extreme.

"You, do you actually have Yaoshen soldiers?"

"How is this possible?"

Elder Yunyi was extremely shocked, and even his words became trembling.

The three words Yao Shenbing came out.

Suddenly everyone breathed in air-conditioning.

The people who come today, although there are some top-notch people, they are not top big figures.

More are second-rate forces and third-rate forces.

People in such a power.

The cognition of Yao Shenbing only exists in the name.

Let alone owning, I have never even seen it with my own eyes.

Suddenly learning that the weapon in the opponent's hand turned out to be a Yaoshen soldier, the shock in their hearts can be imagined.

"Just a little bit Yao Shenbing, it's not worth the fuss, hahaha..."

Qin Shaofeng laughed loudly again.

But when he spoke this time, the expression in his eyes had turned into endless killing.

"Chu Huan, you take the people away and leave the things here to me."

Qin Shaofeng's expression had become cold, and his killing intent was staring at Elder Yunyi lingeringly.

Such gaze immediately made Elder Yunyi feel a thud in his heart.

He seemed to have felt that he had been enveloped by a murderous intent that could be called horror.

"Since you have offended Elder Yunyi, do you still want to leave?"

"Even if that kid has the Yaoshen Soldier in his hand, he is just a small martial artist."

"It's just a small person, don't look at how many strong people here are above the cultivation base?"

"Since you are here, you don't have to go."

Before Elder Yunyi spoke, Qin Shaofeng and the others were enveloped by the shouts.

Everyone stared at them with bad looks.

Although most of his eyes were still on Qin Shaofeng, there were still a lot of them, staring at Chu Huan and others.

"Ghost song, get up!"

Qin Shaofeng didn't seem to hear those people's shouts at all.

He just put the sword in his hand, no! It should be said that Long Sword Ghost Song gently let go.

These actions immediately made countless people wonder.

What is he doing?

The battle is about to begin, why did he throw Yao Shenbing away?

The warriors who came out of ordinary forces obviously didn't understand the real use of Yao Shenbing.

On the other hand, Elder Yunyi's face had already become hideous.

Yao Shenbing, the real Yao Shenbing!

The tension in his heart has reached its extreme.

"Space blockade!"

His mastery of the space blockade is indeed not in place.

But in the current situation, he has no choice.

The space at home was sealed off before the cultivation, and he was immediately used.


Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to wait for him to show it.

The left hand suddenly tore off the storage bag around his waist and stuffed it into Chu Huan's hands, manipulating the power of heaven and earth, and immediately released the five of them.

It wasn't until the moment he finished these that the space blockade finally enveloped him.

"All Tianyue Wuxiu chased and killed them, and they must not let those guys escape!" One after another shouts suddenly sounded from the crowd.

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