Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4128: Go kill him

Inside the Yunxian Hall.

Yun Chongxin, the old man with a nose, was striding across the middle of the back mountain, in the mouth of a dark cave.

The cave is very deep, and under the pitch black, it gives people a feeling that they can't go to the end.

He walked in this cave for half an hour.

Finally came to a huge mountain temple exuding orchid light.

"Everyone in the dark hall listens!"

The palace in the mountain was surrounded by stone walls, which made his shouts give people a feeling of constant reverberation.

The stone walls on the four sides suddenly opened, and silhouettes of people in black came out one after another.

The number is very large.

And the aura radiating from everyone is similar.

It turned out that they all existed in the Void Realm.

It's just that their Void Realm seems to be very similar to Elder Yunyi and Elder Xuanshan.

The cultivation base stepped into the void realm.

All other things are still in the realm of the star position.

"See the Four Elders."

Hundreds of people bowed and bowed towards Yun Chongxin.

Yun Chongxin didn't let them exempt them, but with a flick of his sleeves, hundreds of jade talismans entered everyone's hands.

One piece per person, no more, no less.

"Now in the Sanxiu arena, a new generation of Sanxiu is the enemy of our Yunxian Temple. Now the two elders of Xuanshan have been killed, and the only magic forest guardian that can help you truly step into the void."

His previous words seemed to be meaningless to these people.

But when the last sentence was spoken, everyone jumped up immediately.

"Who is it?"

"That **** Molin, why are you just wandering around?"

"Mo Lin is dead, how could he die?"

Everyone exclaimed.

Murderous in the eyes of each one.

"This person's name is Li Taibai, Jijiu Xian, Qinglian Jushi, and another nickname is Shijianxian, Yaoxing is at the pinnacle level of cultivation, and he is armed with Yaoshen soldiers and is named Ghost Song."

Yun Chongxin said every word of Qin Shaofeng's current identity, as if like a few words.

"Mrs. Li Bai?"

"Word Brewmaster?"

"What is the word?"

"Jushi Qinglian, what is the number?"

"There is still a nickname?"

"What kind of guy is that, how can there be so many messy identities?"

Everyone was stunned by the series of identities reported by Yun Chongxin.

He didn't know.

If Qin Shaofeng was here, he would definitely be stunned when he heard what he said.

Because Qin Shaofeng really decided his own identity.

It seems that since he entered the rivers and lakes with his current identity, he has never really reported his identity information.

It can be said that apart from Ximen Lingzhong and others, it is impossible for anyone to know.

But Yun Chongxin's place is like a few treasures.

"Although that kid is a drunkard, he seems to be drunk all day long, but his level of combat power should be close to the heavenly position, or even beyond the heavenly position."

"You can easily find out his position with the fuze talisman made by the old man from his breath."

"Find out and kill him!"

Yun Chongxin's expression suddenly became gloomy.

The same eyes of those hundred people became sharp instantly.

No matter who Qin Shaofeng is, since he dared to kill the Demon Forest Guardian, they couldn't really enter the Void Realm, and that was because they had forged a deep and endless hatred with them.

"Yes, my lord."

A hundred people clasped their fists together.

Immediately, one by one turned into black shadows, disappearing from this huge underground palace.

the other side.

Elder Yunyi didn't know his plan.

Even the appearance of the face had already sent the black beast to Qin Shaofeng.

Faced everything today in person.

Seeing it with his own eyes, he was about to help him reach the real Void Realm, but because of Qin Shaofeng, he might become hopeless for life.

The hatred in his heart could not be suppressed anyway.

"My birthday will not continue today, please come back, everyone!"

Elder Yunyi still shouted angrily in his voice, and the figure suddenly moved towards the distant sky.

The speed was so fast that it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Everyone should have been disappointed.

But when they looked at the direction where Elder Yunyi left and thought about it, their eyes suddenly became weird.

"There...it seems to be the direction the drunkard left."

I don't know who said it in the crowd, and suddenly everyone's look became weird.

Could it be that Elder Yunyi couldn't bear that breath.

Are you planning to violate the order of the Master Yunxian Hall and go hunting down that drunk maniac?

No matter how they guess, they obviously have no effect on the far away Elder Yunyi.

the other side.

Qin Shaofeng just blinked an eye, and had already caught up with Chu Huan and others who were fleeing.

I saw that Chu Huan really used what he had given.

There was blood remaining on the ground all the way, but the dead body was not seen at all, obviously because of the killing methods of the void realm.

His appearance also attracted Chu Huan's attention.

Chu Huan frowned suddenly and looked into the air.

When he was sure that Qin Shaofeng was the only one coming, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"How is it going over there, no one is chasing me?"

Chu Huan glanced at him, and asked quickly.

"It's still not right now. There are accelerated talisman in the storage bag I gave you. Go to your endless mountain at the fastest speed, or to a place that can ensure your safety." Qin Shaofeng said in a deep voice.

"Let's go back to the endless mountain? What do you do?" Chu Huan asked worriedly.


Qin Shaofeng laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Master is not from your endless mountain, but you can't go to your endless mountain, and I have to try the Chongming Pool, but there is no way to stay in one place. Let's go!"

At the end of his words, the celestial secret technique he had cultivated made him feel as if there was danger and was approaching here.

There is no need to explore the secret, he can also know that it must be the elder Yunyi who couldn't bear the breath in his heart, and he was chasing him.

As for the others.

He didn't even think about it.

What if it does come?

A group of small shining star martial cultivators can only give him shining star value.

Chu Huan stared at him deeply, and then said to a few people: "Go, go to Baiyue City first, and find Tianxing Commercial Bank to borrow a flying boat. I have crushed the jade charm for help. There will be a strong mountain in the near future. Come to the rescue."

"and many more!"

He wanted to go, but some people refused.

Chu Huan turned his head, and saw that the Shapojun said solemnly: "Even if I don't count as the son of the young master, he is in this dangerous situation to help us. We just left. Not so good?"

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