Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4129: Warriors duel, weapons are the most important

"not too good?"

The corner of Chu Huan's mouth twitched fiercely.

He really wanted to laugh out loud.

But he also knew that Qin Shaofeng now looks tough, but in fact his strength is not strong.

It is normal for the Slayer to have this sense.

"That kid's method is not what you can imagine, let alone a Void Realm martial artist, even if there are a hundred and eighty, he may not be able to help him." Chu Huan laughed.

He knows clearly.

When Ximen Lingzhong took Qin Shaofeng away, he was in front of Emperor Cangming.

Although there is also the interception of the endless mountain strong.

Ximen Lingzhong's ability to do such things is enough to explain too many things.

But he didn't know.

What he said was a hundred and eighty, which was actually a real fact.

"The son is so powerful?"

The killing army suddenly exclaimed.

Even the two endless mountain disciples who followed Chu Huan all the way couldn't help but exclaim.

After all, Qin Shaofeng's performance is really not worth mentioning in their eyes.

Not what they can compare is not false.

But they couldn't believe that Qin Shaofeng really had that terrifying combat power.

"Stop talking nonsense, go quickly!"

Seeing that they were still wondering, Chu Huan greeted them quickly.

A group of five people hurried towards Baiyue City.

Until they left after dozens of breaths.

A familiar old figure reappeared in Qin Shaofeng's sight.

"Yun Yi, you really don't stop dying, knowing that the master has the strength to kill a martial artist in the void, you dare to chase him?" Qin Shaofeng's mouth slightly raised.

After Yun Chongxin's phantom appeared, although he also said that he should not continue this matter.

But his ghost song has never been recovered.

If not, he really wants to open the gourd lid and take a few swigs.

It seems that Li Taibai's identity has released all the arrogance in his heart.

"Li Taibai, the old man admits that you are very powerful, but even if you really have the strength to kill the two elders of Xuanshan, you may not really be the opponent of the old man. If you don't fight today, the old man will not be stunned!" Elder Yunyi roared.

"It seems that you are ready to die?"

Qin Shaofeng almost burst out laughing.

Gently raised the light that seemed to grow on his hand, and it seemed to have become a flying sword.

The contempt in his eyes grew stronger.

"If it weren't to prepare for death, how could the old man come here?" Elder Yunyi took a deep breath.

He patted the storage bag and took out his weapon.

That is also a long sword.

But the grade is only a heavenly grade, and it is completely different from the ghost song in Qin Shaofeng's hands.

"Li Taibai, come to fight!"

Elder Yunyi roared and rushed towards him suddenly.

As a powerhouse in the void.

Even if he didn't have a real Yaoshen weapon, he turned the Heavenly Grade Longsword in his hand into a lightsaber under the influence of the power of the void.

Its power caused Qin Shaofeng's pupils to tremble slightly.

"Is this the real combat power of the powerful in the void?"

He felt the speed of his heart beating several times faster.

When the two elders of Xuanshan were beheaded before, Mo Ya and Di Shan had already imprisoned everything between them.

All he needs to do is to pass through the defenses of the two elders in Xuanshan and behead them.

But when facing Elder Yunyi, it was impossible to have that kind of help.

"It's worthy of being a powerhouse in the void, your attack is indeed much stronger than the master, but you seem to have forgotten one thing."

Qin Shaofeng faced the great pressure of Nuo, but there was no fear in his eyes.

Instead, the figure shook, and dozens of changes appeared, and he spoke to Elder Yunyi.

"Forgot one thing? What happened?"

Although Elder Yunyi answered, his steps did not stop, and he was still approaching him step by step.

"The thing you forget is that your cultivation is indeed higher than mine, but your weapons are not as good as mine, hahaha..."

Qin Shaofeng laughed wildly.

The arrogant laughter made Elder Yun Yi feel a bit silly.

In battle, the quality of weapons is indeed very important.

But it doesn't seem to be comparable to the level of warrior, right?

The thinking in his heart is not over yet, he will pass by a shadow of Qin Shaofeng.

Relying on the Void Realm cultivation base, he can clearly see which one is Qin Shaofeng's true body.

He didn't even bother to take a look at these phantoms.

It happened when he was staring at him, he thought it was the real Qin Shaofeng, who was walking past the phantom.

However, the ghost suddenly cut down the ghost in his hand.


Elder Yunyi turned his head in doubt.

It didn't matter at all, he almost got frightened.

Because he clearly discovered that the Qin Shaofeng in front of him was also the real Qin Shaofeng.

"How come, you're just a little human martial artist, why does your phantom still have an effect on the old man?" Elder Yunyi hurriedly backed away in exclamation.

Qin Shaofeng had never thought of assassinating him with this trick.

The perception of the strong in the void is fast.

It's not the speed of his sword swing.

It seems that there is a huge difference between the two.

Because of this, Qin Shaofeng's sword was headed toward the long sword in Elder Yunyi's hand.

When Elder Yunyi felt danger, he subconsciously paid attention to protecting himself.

Then retreat sharply.

It is clear that Qin Shaofeng's sword has failed.

As soon as I was about to taunt a few words, I felt the long sword in his hand tremble.



There was a clear sound.

When he lowered his head subconsciously and looked at the long sword in his hand, the expression on his face instantly solidified.

Because where is the long sword in his hand?

Obviously has become a sword hilt.

The position of the sword body of the long sword was suddenly attacked by Qin Shaofeng's move, and all were cut off.

"This is the weapon gap, hahahaha..."

Qin Shaofeng laughed arrogantly.

All the figures rushed towards Elder Yunyi together.

"Bastard stuff!"

Elder Yunyi was suddenly angry.

Suddenly, he patted Qin Shaofeng with a palm.

But at the moment he made the move, Qin Shaofeng had already used the teleport technique.

Relying on the phantom method of Ghost Three Slash, and the self-existence obtained when the chaos inheritance was obtained.

So as long as he doesn't encounter the strong in the void, he doesn't need to worry about using Thunder Thousand Flashes.

Today's Qi Cai Zhen Ju teleportation method is seen by anyone.

It's too late to say, then fast.

Whether it was Elder Cloudwing's attack or the teleport he displayed, it was all carried out between the electric light and flint.

When Elder Yunyi found out that he had lost his palm, the ghost song in his hand had already been slashed towards the back of Elder Yunyi.

A mere void realm martial artist was unable to force him out of the attack talisman.

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