Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4142: Chongming Pool is abandoned

An hour may be some time for some people who have nothing to do.

But in the eyes of these warriors who have been retreating for several days, months, or even years, it is really only a blink of an eye.

Zhan Cangkong did not feel the passage of time at all.

One hour away, more than half has passed.

At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, and shouted in surprise in his heart: "Finally, he has broken through this level."

Even if the good fortune of Chongming Pond is not satisfactory.

However, his martial arts training has been stuck at the limit for several years.

With the help of Chongming Chi's vitality and blood, he finally took this step. In any case, it was a big surprise.

He was about to ask Qin Shaofeng if there were any results.

The scene that caught his eye suddenly made his mouth grow bigger.

I saw the power of qi and blood in the Chongming Pool was actually decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And around Qin Shaofeng, who was closed cross-legged, there were nine blood-colored halos that were spinning rapidly.

The halo rotates, as if forming a huge pump.

The power of qi and blood was crazily absorbed by those nine auras, and then merged into Qin Shaofeng's body in a violent way.

"This, this..."

Zhan Cangkong suddenly felt a mouthful of old blood in his throat.

Not long after he absorbed the power of Qi and blood, he felt that the speed of absorption became more and more difficult.

At that time, he was just close to the edge of breakthrough, so naturally he didn't have the time and mind to observe anything.

With the passing of time.

His absorption rate is getting slower and slower.

Until just before the breakthrough, there was a feeling that it was almost impossible to absorb.

At that time, he just thought that Chongming Chi's qi and blood power was insufficient.

I can't imagine it.

Qin Shaofeng was actually absorbing the power of qi and blood at such a speed.

It seems that it is already an extremely rare thing for him to be able to force the limit of martial arts by the side of this horrible existence?

His eyes circled Qin Shaofeng again.

Then, helplessly shook his head and went directly ashore.

"There are too many secrets in him. I hope that this period of time I will travel with him will give me a huge breakthrough in some way!" Zhan Cangkong sat on the boulder, watching the crazy absorption. Qin Shaofeng murmured in a low voice.

The time for thinking is only a moment.

He once again noticed something wrong.

It seems that Chongming Pool has become transparent.

Even if it hadn't become a puddle of clear water, it seemed that it was almost the same.

And that Qin Shaofeng who was absorbing frantically.

The blood-colored halo that was condensed around him, frantically absorbing the power of qi and blood, had already begun to be unable to absorb the power of blood-sucking.

On the contrary, the nine **** auras were slowly dissipating, turning into energy and blood into Qin Shaofeng's body.

"He, did he absorb all the power of Chongming Chi's blood?"

Zhan Cangkong suddenly felt dry and dry.

He even knew that Chongming Pool was about to be scrapped.

But knowing and seeing with your own eyes, there are still two big differences.

Calculate the time slightly.

Zhan Cangkong's face flushed slightly.

Because at this time, one hour away, at least there are still two quarters of an hour.

They promised to let people come in and absorb.

However, the occurrence of this kind of oolong incident still made him, the young master of Beitian, feel a little hot on his face.

As for Qin Shaofeng's absorption speed, that was the skill of others, and he didn't feel that there was any problem.

Just as he was thinking about it.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's body was red, orange and yellow, and the three-color light was flowing.

The nine **** vortexes around him, a little bit left, were completely integrated into Qin Shaofeng's body at this moment, causing the tri-color light to suddenly shine.

"Breakthrough, it really broke through, hahaha!"

Qin Shaofeng opened his eyes suddenly.

He also saw the tri-color light surrounding him.

The moment of surprise in my heart.

He has ignored it.

Suddenly raised his hand, and gently pointed towards the sky, he saw that the space was solidified under his fingers.

Under the blessing of the tricolor rays of light, his attack even contained a slight ability to manipulate the void.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but stunned.

He pointed this, originally just want to try, how much power has been increased after the seven-color inheritance entered the three-color.

It is true that I dare not imagine that such a change will occur.

After the surprise.

He finally felt the power of that finger, which was probably increased by about ten times.

The power increase is not that much.

However, the Void Realm's ability to manipulate the void that appeared in it was even more exciting to him than a hundredfold increase in combat power.

The colorful heritage is truly extraordinary.

The excitement in his heart was not over yet, and he stared at the pool where he was in a daze.

Because the water in this Tan Chongming Pool turned into water.

In the meantime, where is there a little bit of energy and blood?

Even if he was immersed in the pool water, he did not see the slightest increase in his colorful experience points.

"Chongming Pond is actually...abolished?"

Qin Shaofeng was shocked for a long while before finally uttering this sentence in its entirety.

When he finally looked towards Zhan Cangkong, he couldn't help but blush.

He knows clearly.

According to normal Wuxiu's absorption method, at least it can be turned on once or twice.

But the special halo that appeared on his body was the real reason that caused Chongming Pool to be scrapped.

But when he saw Zhan Cangkong, who didn't know when to land.

It was shocked to find out.

Zhan Cangkong actually lowered his head in shame.

"Huh? Boy Zhan, what's your face?" He couldn't help asking.

"Brother Li, it's really wrong. After thousands of years of absorption, this Chongming Pool couldn't provide Brother Li for one hour of absorption. This is really... alas!" Thousands of words turned into a sigh.

Qin Shaofeng was stunned immediately.

Since Zhan Cangkong took the lead to go ashore.

He didn't believe that, Zhan Cangkong hadn't noticed any abnormality in his absorption of Qi and Blood.

But Zhan Cangkong still said such words.

Suddenly, the goodwill in his heart greatly increased.

"Boy Zhan, you don't have to think so much. It's not that the master is absorbed too fast. If you really feel sorry for the master, you can just prepare more wine for the master, hahaha..."

Qin Shaofeng leaped up in laughter.

Standing beside Zhan Cangkong, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "You guys are deliberately taking the lead in coming out, leaving a small amount of vitality to the master. If you feel sorry for the master, you let What should you think?"

"Go, go."

He patted Zhan Cangkong on the shoulder and strode out of the space of the remains of Chongming Pond.

Zhan Cangkong until he left.

It was the expression with a dumbfounding expression on his face, and he sighed: "What is it that I let you? It is clear that I can't absorb it anymore!"

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