Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4143: Seventh ancestor is here

When Qin Shaofeng walked out of the relic space of Chongming Pool.

Among the people waiting here, one more person appeared at some point.

It was a woman who could only be seen as a woman, with white hair as pale as snow, but the figure was extremely vague.

Rao is that the figure of this person is vague, but it is also real.

The strange thing is her existence, as if everyone around her didn't even notice it.

Zhan Zuixin and the people in Tianbei City are all looking forward to it.

But the three old guards didn't know what they were talking with.

Based on this scene alone, Qin Shaofeng could judge that the woman did not exist in everyone's field of vision.

His early appearance immediately attracted everyone's surprised eyes.

Zhan Zuixin just wanted to ask.

He saw that Zhan Cangkong turned out to be helpless, and walked out after Qin Shaofeng.

The doubts in Zhan Zui's heart suddenly reached a climax.

"Young Master, Lord Li, why did you come out so soon? Is there any accident in Chongming Lake?" Zhan Zui asked curiously.

His questioning suddenly made Zhan Cangkong's expression even more ugly.

Have to admit.

This guy's sixth sense is too accurate.

Because of this, Zhan Cangkong felt even more uncomfortable.

"Anyway, our martial arts have already made breakthroughs. It doesn't matter if there is an accident, hahaha..."

Qin Shaofeng's laughter was still arrogant.

He has truly confirmed that other people have not noticed the existence of that figure.

The moment the laughter ended.

He was already ten steps away from the figure, clasped his fists and leaned slightly towards the opponent, and said, "I didn't expect Senior to come so soon. I don't know how many Star Beast Pills Senior has prepared for me?"

His question immediately shocked everyone.

Even Zhan Cangkong and the three elders of the Void Realm, their gazes looked towards Qin Shaofeng's preservation and worship.

In their gazes, there was no trace of any figure in it!

"Predecessors, not juniors are greedy, from low to high, at least one hundred thousand yuan per kind of essence pill can barely be enough." Qin Shaofeng's eyes were embarrassed.

"Hundreds of thousands are still called not greedy?"

The woman's voice sounded, but again, it still only appeared in Qin Shaofeng's ears.

Qin Shaofeng knew that she didn't want to show up easily, and didn't say much, just smiled.

A spatial ring, in the eyes of others, seemed to appear out of thin air, and flew directly towards Qin Shaofeng.

"The Seventh Patriarch is actually here?"

Zhan Cangkong and the others took a breath, and Qi Qi bowed in the direction of Qin Shaofeng's worship, saying, "I have seen Master Seventh Ancestor."

Isn't the person here the Seventh Patriarch?

"Don't be so polite to me."

The voice of the Seventh Patriarch finally appeared in everyone's ears.

Her voice was extremely cold, and said: "I'm just curious about that kid. Unless you encounter an irresistible danger, I won't do anything for you."

"Yes, Seventh Patriarch."

Joy appeared in Zhan Cangkong's eyes.

"Senior, just watch the excitement along the way. If there is an irresistible danger, the junior will naturally greet Senior for help, hahaha..."

Qin Shaofeng said respectfully, but his eyes were always in that spatial ring.

Make sure that the Seventh Patriarch is full of sincerity.

He was immediately happier.

Once he turned his hand, he directly collected the space ring into Sky Dragon City.

The backhand took out three things from Sky Dragon City.

Four long swords, a space ring.

He threw things to Zhan Zuixin and others casually.

Then he took the wine gourd from his waist, took a swig, and smiled: "You little guys are doing well, and these gadgets are given to you as a thank you. Master doesn't like to owe favors, hahaha..."

While he was laughing wildly, the four Zhan Zuixin were already staring at what they had gotten.

City Lord Du and the three Patriarchs, the weapons in everyone's hands looked so simple.

But in recent days, they have been accustomed to high-end weapons.

At this moment, it was recognized at a glance.

Each of these four simple-looking long swords is a heavenly long sword.

Although the space ring Zhan Zuixin obtained was empty.

But after all, he was a direct descendant of the Northern Heavenly Swordsman, and although he had a long sword of heaven grade, he could only use a storage bag.

The excitement that this spatial ring brought to him was even higher than that of City Master Du.

"Master Li, this, this is actually a heavenly weapon?"

"No! We can't ask for it, it's too expensive."

Their vision is not the past.

Even the Patriarchs of the three families could feel that any long sword in their hands was of a sharper level than Qin Shaofeng threw them to them, making them even sharper than the weapons they used to exchange for the Star Beast Yuan Pill.

After all, these long swords are what Qin Shaofeng intends to equip himself temporarily.

How can the grade be so bad?

In other words, these long swords are all built according to Yao Shenbing specifications.

Even though the rank is still a celestial rank, it already possesses some of the abilities of Yao Shenbing.

Although it is not as good as the pseudo-yao magic weapon, it is not much different.

How could it be that the group of people who had no status or status that Qin Shaofeng killed could be compared with the weapons they could possess?

"It's just a bunch of little things, far can't compare with the favor of the master, hahahaha..." Qin Shaofeng laughed again.

His laughter became more arrogant.

Even Zhan Cangkong was stunned by his great skill.

Although the weapon in Zhan Cangkong's hand was Yao Shenbing, it was only a weapon that barely reached the Yao Shenbing level.

Compared with the sum of the five things he sent, the value is really not much higher.

The only person who was not shocked by Qin Shaofeng's masterpiece was the mysterious seventh ancestor of the void.

When the Seventh Ancestor had divided his soul into simple Qin Shaofeng, he had already recognized Qin Shaofeng's identity from Qin Shaofeng's performance.

She also read Qin Shaofeng's information by the way when she was collecting Star Beast Yuan Dan.

She already knew clearly.

Qin Shaofeng not only got a lot of heart crystals when he was in the Tianji Tower, but also emptied the treasure house of the city lord of the endless wind before the Great Emperor Cangming went to the endless mountain.

And he can turn the sword into a long sword.

In addition to the four long swords, they are all clearly in the same style, and they are all built towards Yao Shenbing, but their material level is not enough to be able to upgrade.

If she can't guess it anymore, Qin Shaofeng seems to be just a person, and the power that she can grasp is probably comparable to that of a sect, then she would not be worthy of the title of Seventh Patriarch.

"If you guys are okay, you can get out now, Seventh Patriarch, you can help take them a ride, as long as you keep up with my speed, we will set off right away when you get rid of the waste in Yunxian Palace, hahaha... …" Qin Shaofeng rose into the air amidst wild laughter.

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