Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 414: Is it difficult to upgrade?

A dense forest somewhere in the secret realm of giant peaks.

At this moment, a figure flickered sharply, and behind it, a large number of small black figures emerged.

After a closer look, I discovered that the little figures were all monkeys.

Although they are just monkeys, they are only over a meter in size, but the auras these monkeys exude are not simple, all of them are the aura of the Xiaoyuandan realm.

The macaque beast, a group of monsters living in the small yuan pill realm, is not very powerful in its own way, basically it is the first and second level of the small yuan pill, and at most it is the three little yuan pill.

Moreover, in the same realm, the strength of this macaque is not very strong, it can only be regarded as average.

But at this moment so many macaque beasts, even if the seven or eight masters of Xiaoyuandan met, they would have fled.

Who on earth is this so unlucky to provoke these macaques?

At this moment, the figure that was running around was not someone else but Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng was very depressed, especially when he felt that behind him, the macaque beast with at least more than three hundred auras was about to vomit blood.

It was not an accident that Qin Shaofeng met these macaques, but Qin Shaofeng deliberately found each other.

The reason is very simple, that is, the strength of this macaque beast is not strong. For the current Qin Shaofeng, it is easy to kill and easy to deal with.

And the most important point is that Xiaoqiuqiu told Qin Shaofeng that the old nest of these macaques actually possessed a lot of Yunling grass.

Yunling grass is also a relatively common precious medicinal material in the reserve camp, because as long as the growth cycle of Yunling grass reaches three years, it can be used to refine the middle-level Qianling Pill.

Under normal circumstances, three three-year-old Yunlinggrass can make a middle-level thousand spirit pill, if it is five years, only one is enough.

Therefore, after Xiaoqiuqiu told that there were a lot of Yunlingcao somewhere, Qin Shaofeng was moved.

Even in the old nest of macaques.


Cut, for some weak monster beasts, my little master, I use one hand every second, and it can explode even more quickly.

In fact, it is true. In the face of this kind of macaque, even if it is a macaque beast in the triple realm of Xiaoyuandan, Qin Shaofeng can raise the profound iron epee and kill it casually.

But the problem is, this macaque is a gregarious monster!

When he killed the first macaque, Qin Shaofeng hadn't felt anything, but soon he felt that he had stabbed a hornet's nest, oh, it was not a monkey nest.

The next moment, a bunch of macaques jumped out from all directions.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care at the beginning and planned to fight hard.

Pay attention!

Epee without front!

Romantic Swordsman!



After waves of skills came down, Qin Shaofeng realized that he had killed a lot of macaques.

But the problem is that there are more and more macaques around him.

At some point, Qin Shaofeng couldn't stand it anymore.

After counting the four or five macaque beasts around him in one month, Qin Shaofeng fled.

Then there was the beginning scene.

"I circled a cross, where are there so many monkeys!"

During the flight, Qin Shaofeng took time to go behind him, Qin Shaofeng's face twitched slightly.

Because at this moment, the number of macaques chasing him has actually increased, and it has exceeded five hundred.

At this time, the ball gloated in the original world space.

"Haha, the big devil called you arrogant, now you are at a loss!"

on purpose!

This little thing is definitely intentional!

When I thought that it was this little thing that encouraged him to kill the group of macaques, Qin Shaofeng immediately came over in his heart.

Okay, you little ball, you dare to set up a set for Xiaoye to get in, you wait for me.

Qin Shaofeng let out a vicious cry in his heart, and the speed under his feet accelerated.

In the end, after Qin Shaofeng performed a Lingbo microstep, transformed into eight phantoms, and confused the group of macaques, he found a gap to hide his breath and get rid of the macaques.

To this end, Qin Shaofeng consumed a lot of mid-level thousand spirit pills.

With the improvement of Qin Shaofeng's level, the power of Lingbo's microsteps has also increased a lot, and of course, the corresponding display of these Lingbo's microsteps consumes a lot of spiritual power.

Lingbo Microstep: Full level, Heavenly five-star active skill, Xiaoyao faction's unique light technique footwork, this footwork is exquisite and abnormal, can avoid the attack of many enemies, and can transform up to eight phantoms (with 30% strength of the body), but Greater spiritual power is consumed. The current level is at full level. After casting, it consumes one hundred spiritual power points per minute, and each phantom needs to consume an additional thousand spiritual power points.

The phantom that Lingbo Weibu turned out before was just a simple phantom, without any strength, at most the moment of self-detonation, a little attack power burst out.

However, now when Qin Shaofeng was promoted to Xiaoyuan Pill, the phantom that was turned out, although each path required 1,000 points of spiritual power.

However, at least one thousand points of spiritual power can have 30% of his own strength, which is a great help to Qin Shaofeng.

Regarding the change of Lingbo's microsteps, the small ball told Qin Shaofeng that only when the sky-level skills were displayed with spiritual power, could the real power erupt.

Moreover, some powerful sky-level skills can only explode with the strongest power if they have the vitality.

Therefore, Xiaoqiuqiu also told Qin Shaofeng that once he was promoted to the three-dimensional realm, Lingbo's Weibu, a heavenly skill, was afraid that even more powerful abilities would appear.

This also made Qin Shaofeng understand that with regard to the skills he possessed, especially those of the holy and **** levels, he was afraid that he had not exerted his true strength at all.


Qin Shaofeng was hiding in a tree hole.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng found that he was really related to this tree cave. Many times, the people who had escaped from him were all in the tree cave.

After being chased by a large number of macaque beasts, Qin Shaofeng also subconsciously got in after seeing this tree hole.

"Hey, it seems that you have gotten used to drilling tree holes!"

With a light sigh, the expression on Qin Shaofeng's face became serious casually.

After thinking for a while, Qin Shaofeng showed helplessness between his brows.

"I still think it's too simple. I act alone, even in this Secret Realm of Jufeng where monsters and beasts of the most sacred little yuan pill realm haunt, I still can't force it.

Recalling the previous scene, Qin Shaofeng realized that all of this was too simple for him.

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng remembered that when he entered this Kyoho Mystery Realm, the teams he encountered, and the opponents looked at him with surprise.

At first Qin Shaofeng thought that the other party knew him too!

But now when I think about it, I'm afraid that the other party and the others dare to enter the secret realm of the giant peak because they see themselves alone, are they that surprised?

"Speaking of it, the others are all acting in small groups, and it seems that I am the only one acting alone!"

Qin Shaofeng said to himself, but the helplessness on his face became more.

"Hey, there is no other way. Mengzi and Old Tang haven't come yet. Now I can only act by myself. But..."

With a gleam in his eyes, Qin Shaofeng sneered: "Hmph, even if you act alone, it's not a big problem, I haven't done it."

Thinking that he had no reinforcements, Qin Shaofeng began to think about how to take down the group of macaques.

"That group of macaque beasts must be dealt with. After all, if so many cloud spirit grasses are given up like this, it is really unwilling! It seems that you have to rely on the formation."

After a while, Qin Shaofeng came up with a new battle plan.

However, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng remembered another thing that made him very helpless.

Summoned it in his own attribute interface, opened the message bar, and Qin Shaofeng began to check the information that had appeared in the system before.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing one of Xiaoyuandan's first monster macaque beast. After a five-fold bonus card bonus, he has gained 110,000 experience!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing a small Yuandan triple monster macaque. After a five-fold bonus card bonus, he has gained 110,000 experience!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing a small Yuandan double monster macaque. After a five-fold bonus card bonus, he gained 110,000 experience!"


Sure enough!

Seeing that row of prompt messages, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly.

In the legendary realm, Qin Shaofeng's basic experience value for killing a legendary monster beast is 1,000 points, and after being multiplied by many bonuses, it is easy to get tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of experience points in one kill.

But after this promotion to Xiao Yuan Dan, Qin Shaofeng discovered an unexpected situation.

Now Qin Shaofeng's basic experience for killing monsters in the Xiaoyuan Dan realm is the same as before. After each promotion to a large realm, the basic experience will be tenfold.

Qin Shaofeng's basic experience for killing the monsters of the Xiaoyuan Core Realm was 10,000 points, but the accident was a bonus afterwards.

Before the Xiaoyuan Pill Realm, Qin Shaofeng received a bonus to experience points, whether it was the experience bonus card, the Qiyun spar, and the bonus of Qianshan Order, it was doubled round by round.

For example, the basic experience for killing the legendary realm is 1,000 points, and after obtaining the six-fold bonus of the Qianshan Order and Qi Luck Crystal, it is 6,000 points.

In this case, using a five-fold experience bonus card, that is 30,000 points, or a leapfrog kill, which can be increased five times, which can reach 150,000 experience points.

But the current situation is that the basic experience is 10,000 points, but the bonuses of those Qianshan Ling, Qi Luck Crystal, and bonus cards are all counted together, not doubling round by round.

Instead, multiply all bonus multiples directly by 10,000 points of experience.

Therefore, even if Qin Shaofeng used the five times experience bonus card, he could only get eleven times the value of 10,000 experience points (three times the luck crystal, three times the bronze order Qianshan order, and the five times experience bonus card together. Eleven times), which is one hundred thousand experience points.

Although Qin Shaofeng hadn't leapfrogged and killed the monsters in the fourth level of Xiaoyuandan, he wanted to estimate that it would be eleven times to sixteen times in the end.

"It seems that after being promoted to Xiaoyuandan, the difficulty of this upgrade seems to have increased a lot!"

After reading these system prompts, Qin Shaofeng knew that upgrading in the future would be a lot more difficult.

After all, if Qin Shaofeng wants to upgrade to one level now, he needs more than 30 million experience points.

Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng had to kill at least three hundred macaques before he could reach the fourth level of Xiaoyuandan.

Three hundred?

Qin Shaofeng felt painful just thinking about this number.

This is a monster of the Yuan Dan realm, not a monster of the legendary realm.

Possessing spiritual power and spiritual energy are two concepts, especially these monsters in the secret realm of giant peaks, which are already very powerful. When fighting alone, in the same realm, ordinary people can only be killed.

I am afraid that only the disciples of the reserve camp can easily kill the monster beast in the secret realm of the giant peak.

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