Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 415: Deserve it?

"Hey, if only you can buy a ten times experience bonus card!"

Thinking of the difficulty of upgrading, Qin Shaofeng looked forward to it in the midterm.

The ten times experience bonus card is actually sold in the system store, but Qin Shaofeng cannot buy it at present.

Although there are many things in the system store, in fact, most of the things Qin Shaofeng can only look at now, if they really buy it, it is not enough.

This is all because of the level of the system store.

As soon as the system store opens, it is only the primary system store.

To upgrade the system store to the intermediate level, Qin Shaofeng needs to be upgraded to level 31, that is, to reach the first level of innateness. In addition, it needs to consume at least 10,000 points in the system store.

This Qin Shaofeng had naturally completed it long ago.

However, the system store was upgraded to the intermediate level, which was actually not much different from the elementary level. Although Qin Shaofeng could buy a lot of things, most of them were low-level items.

And it is precisely to upgrade to the intermediate level, Qin Shaofeng can purchase the experience bonus card in the system store.

However, the intermediate system store can only purchase five times experience bonus cards at most, and if you want to buy ten times experience bonus cards, you need the system store to reach the advanced level.

It takes more than 100 million points to upgrade the intermediate system store to the advanced level.

Qin Shaofeng had already reached this point.

Not to mention 100 million, Qin Shaofeng has already consumed tens of billions of points for that Dugu Nine Sword alone, which is definitely enough.

But the problem is that Qin Shaofeng's current level is not enough.

Another requirement for upgrading the advanced system store is that Qin Shaofeng needs to reach level 71, which means that Qin Shaofeng needs to reach the first level of the earth element realm.

It's a pity that when he thinks that he is now in the triple realm of Xiaoyuandan, Qin Shaofeng doesn't expect to buy any ten times experience bonus card.


An hour later, Qin Shaofeng sneaked back into the home of the macaque beast again.

After doing some calculations, Qin Shaofeng then cautiously set up a maze directly in a small valley away from the macaque beast's nest.

As for why Qin Shaofeng didn't arrange the Xiao Zhoutian Illusory Formation, it was naturally because at the level of the Xiao Zhoutian Illusive Formation, he couldn't trap many macaques at all.

This macaque beast is a monster in the Xiaoyuandan realm. It is not a legendary realm. Once it is found to be trapped, it will explode directly, even if it is a small Zhoutian illusion formation, it may not last long.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng can also directly use 3,600 low-grade spirit stones to lay down an enhanced version of the Little Zhoutian Illusory Array. In this case, hundreds of macaques in the Xiaoyuan Dan realm will be trapped.

Just by relying on the formation method, Qin Shaofeng was confident that he would kill all the macaques.

But the problem...

Shy in the pocket!

Qin Shaofeng knew very well in his heart that he was currently a poor man, and he was distressed for a long time when he was able to arrange a maze of thirty-six yuan. Naturally, he didn't have the financial resources, so he had set up an enhanced version of the Xiao Zhoutian illusion.

After the maze was arranged successfully, Qin Shaofeng violently and deliberately exuded his breath.

Obviously, this macaque beast, as a monster beast with extreme grudges, will never forget the breath of killing its own companion.

Suddenly, all the big trees in the dense forest shook violently, and the macaque beasts quickly rushed to Qin Shaofeng.

In the end, in just a few minutes, more than 90% of macaques came to Qin Shaofeng.

I rub!

Something is wrong!

Especially, there are too many monkeys!

With a bad sound in his heart, Qin Shaofeng hurriedly asked Xiaoqiuqiu.

"Small balls, this number of macaques, how long can this maze trap them?"

"Well, let me see!"

Xiaoqiuqiu ignored Qin Shaofeng's anxiety from the outside world, closed his eyes calmly and sensed it, then spit out a few words, turned over, and continued to fall asleep.

"No more than three minutes at most!"

I rub!

No more than three minutes?

After getting the ball back, Qin Shaofeng was dumbfounded.

Qin Shaofeng thought he could last for seven or eight minutes, but now it seems that he is thinking too much!

"Forget it, no matter how long you can hold on, it will be as long as you can. I will just pick some Yun Ling grass as soon as possible."

With a move in his heart, he whispered, after all the macaques had entered the coverage area of ​​the maze, Qin Shaofeng directly opened the maze.


The blue light flashed, and the space of hundreds of meters in a circle was slightly twisted, and the hundreds of macaque beasts fell into a puzzle.

At the moment when the maze opened, Qin Shaofeng didn't stop at all, and directly used the air dance technique to fly to the macaque beast's nest.


Ten seconds later, Qin Shaofeng came to the sky above the macaque beast.

At this time, there are still many macaques in the old nest of macaques. Carefully count them, I am afraid there are still forty or fifty.

But just this little macaque, plus the place where the cloud spirit grass is, is not the real home of macaque beasts, so when Qin Shaofeng fell on that piece of cloud spirit grass, it was just a dozen macaque beasts, surrounded him Up here.

"Romantic Swordsman!"

Because of the tight time, Qin Shaofeng knew that he couldn't wait too long. When the dozen or so macaques surrounded him, Qin Shaofeng shook his right hand.

call out! call out! call out!

Three silver sword lights flew out, and in the next moment, there were three macaque beasts in the triple realm of Xiaoyuan Pill, and fell down.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng's right hand buzzed, and a huge black iron heavy sword appeared.


The moment the profound iron epee appeared, Qin Shaofeng used the profound iron epee to explode Thunder Drift Qiandiao Flow.


Lightning flashed. Although facing the macaque beasts in the Xiaoyuandan realm, the thunder light attack from the Thousand Birds Flow could not kill any macaque beast.

However, all the macaque beasts were also hit by lightning, and their bodies instantly became paralyzed, and they stopped uncontrollably.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's next attack broke out.

"Strong power!"

The profound iron epee sank, and a yellowish halo burst out, and then the dozen or so macaques instantly felt it, and his body sank as if it had added a shackle.

After being promoted to the Xiaoyuan Dan realm, once again using the profound iron epee, Qin Shaofeng can not only bless the power of the profound iron epee in his hand, but also release a force similar to the field of gravity.

In this gravity field, all opponents' gravity will increase by 30% except Qin Shaofeng himself.

Even if it's only 30%, but when you are fighting, suddenly there is such a moment, I am afraid that the enemy will appear a little panic, and the movement will become slow.

At this moment, the dozens of macaques are like this.

After the heavy force broke out, Qin Shaofeng clasped the profound iron epee in both hands and slashed fiercely.

"The epee has no edge!"


A surging sword aura broke out, and the dozens of macaques were all knocked out, their whole body shattered, and the blood flow continued, and they were obviously injured by the surging sword aura.

Even two or three of the macaque beasts with the weight of a small yuan pill were killed directly after the surging sword energy was swept away.

Even the macaque beasts that were still alive were killed by Qin Shaofeng's subsequent burst of thousands of birds.

Less than a minute later, the maze opened, rushed to the destination, and killed a dozen macaques.

All in one go!

But Qin Shaofeng was not proud, but for the first time, together with the heavy sword, with a thud, cut a large piece of the ground.

And on this piece of soil, there are more than a dozen green grasses.

This is exactly the purpose of Qin Shaofeng's trip, that cloud spirit grass.

After cutting out a piece of ground, Qin Shaofeng received the original world space together with this piece of soil.

Then, there was another shave, and there were more than a dozen Yunling grasses.

However, at this moment, a few more macaques appeared.

Qin Shaofeng didn't intend to stop, anyway, he threw a few silver sword lights, and shot the macaque beasts that had arrived on the way.

Qin Shaofeng continued to cut the clods, but at the same time, Qin Shaofeng directly grabbed a handful of middle-level Qianling Pills from his storage ring and stuffed it into his mouth.

After two eruptions, Qin Shaofeng's spiritual power had long been exhausted.

Even the spiritual power of the five cloud pills in the dantian had already been effective by two-fifths, which made Qin Shaofeng had to use the middle-level Qianling Pill to supplement the consumption.

Soon, in less than a minute, Qin Shaofeng cut more than a dozen pieces of soil.

Too much!

Qin Shaofeng never expected that he would collect nearly two hundred Yunlinggrass after such a short time.

But what shocked Qin Shaofeng most was the green grass in front of him, and after he had taken away nearly two hundred plants, it didn't seem to decrease much.

Looking up, this seems to be reduced by at most one-tenth, right?

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng started to breathe quickly.

But at this moment, someone in the distance heard an angry roar.



Along with this roar, the ground rumbling loudly, as if something huge was approaching.

This made Qin Shaofeng a little confused.

what's the situation?

Why is there such a big movement?

But at this time, the ball hurriedly yelled.

"Idiot, run away! A big guy is approaching!"


big guy?

I was shocked. Although I didn't know what Xiaoqiuqiu was talking about, Qin Shaofeng still didn't hesitate. He just took a nostalgic look at the clouds and grasses everywhere, but he didn't stop and retreat.

Just when Qin Shaofeng used the air dance technique, it didn’t take long for him to fly, and then he saw a huge figure from a distance. From the old nest of the macaque beast in the distance, he rushed all the way and hit the big guy with countless big trees to himself. Catch up.

"I wipe it, what the hell?"

Seeing the huge ape that was more than ten meters tall and looked like a King Kong, Qin Shaofeng let out a cry of exclamation.

"That's also a macaque beast, but it looks like it should be mutated, and the realm is estimated to be at least above the fifth level of the Xiaoyuandan. Not surprisingly, it should be the monkey king of the macaque beast here!"

When Qin Shaofeng was surprised, Xiao Qiuqiu explained.

But after listening to Xiaoqiuqiu's explanation, Qin Shaofeng's face turned black, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You little thing pit me?"

Unexpectedly, Xiaoqiuqiu directly ignored Qin Shaofeng's anger, and sneered disdainfully.

"Hit you? With such a powerful aura, you didn't feel anyone to blame? The moment you see Yun Lingcao, you get excited and forget everything. This is your own problem, it's a matter of your own!"

Qin Shaofeng was speechless for a moment.

Indeed, because of Yunlingcao and some understanding of macaques, Qin Shaofeng subconsciously ignored the careful investigation, and only slightly sensed the approximate number of macaques.

Now that Xiaoqiuqiu said so, Qin Shaofeng seemed to have come back.


Indeed pit!

The little thing knows this situation, but deliberately doesn't tell himself, it is to cheat himself.

But in the face of this situation, Qin Shaofeng had nothing to say.

Who told me not to be more vigilant? Now I am being scammed. Saying a bad thing is a good deal.

ps, five more, give yourself a thumbs up!

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