Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 416: Lu Renbing? Passerby C?

Feeling that the Monkey King at the back seemed to have locked himself in, Qin Shaofeng was shocked in a cold sweat.

Because at this time, his fiery eyes finally detected the opponent's attribute information.

Mutant Macaque King

Level: Five Peaks of Xiaoyuandan

Spiritual value: 88000/90000


Nima, obviously is only the five-level realm of the Xiaoyuan Pill, but this girl actually has a spiritual power level close to the seventh level of the reserve camp Xiaoyuan Pill.

Do you want to be so powerful!

Seeing the attributes of that macaque king, how dare Qin Shaofeng slow down, and directly increased the speed of the air dance to the extreme.

But what made Qin Shaofeng very depressed was that the macaque king seemed to recognize himself, even if he turned a few phantoms with Lingbo's microsteps, the other party directly saw through it.

"Damn it, isn't it okay if it's just a phantom?"

Looking at it, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed a violent light on the mighty macaque king behind him.

"In that case, what about this trick!"


As soon as the words fell, Qin Shaofeng burst into a blue thunder light, and the thunder light soon gathered into a thunder and lightning figure.

Then Lei Guang flashed, and a person exactly like Qin Shaofeng appeared.


And it's the clone of Thunder.

This was another Thunder Ninjutsu that the source of Thunder Dunge awakened after Qin Shaofeng was promoted to Xiaoyuan Pill.

The technique of Lei Dunying's clone: ​​also known as Lei's clone. One of the ninjutsu awakened from the source of Thunder Dunge. Special skills cannot be upgraded. The shadow clone that uses the power of thunder to condense increases the nature of thunder compared to the ordinary shadow clone. When the shadow clone is broken by the enemy, it can turn into lightning and attack the enemy. Can cause short-term paralysis.

Effect: Although it is a skill that cannot be upgraded, its power can increase with the player's level. At present, it can condense a Thunder clone with 80% strength of the body, which needs to consume 3000 points of spiritual power.

Although only one Thunder clone can be condensed, this Thunder clone can possess 80% of the strength of Qin Shaofeng's body, and can be detonated by Qin Shaofeng at any time.

Once Lei's clone is detonated, the power that bursts out, even the monster beast in the fourth level of the Xiaoyuandan, is estimated to be able to kill, and at the worst, it can severely wound the opponent.

However, Qin Shaofeng knew very well in his heart that even such a clone of Thunder would not be able to deal with the macaque king behind him.

But the breath of this Thunder clone was the same as himself, Qin Shaofeng didn't believe that the macaque king could still distinguish it.

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng let his Thunder clone turn back directly, attracting the macaque king to the other side.

However, Qin Shaofeng himself hid his breath with Yi Jinjing for the first time. He fell and flew into the dense forest on the ground, and began to fly carefully in the dense forest.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng's plan succeeded.

The breath of that macaque king began to distance himself from Qin Shaofeng.

After a few minutes, Qin Shaofeng heard a huge roar from a few miles away. At the same time, Qin Shaofeng felt that his contact with Lei's clone was completely broken.

Obviously Qin Shaofeng understood that his clone of Thunder had been destroyed by the macaque king.

"Huh! I finally got rid of it!"

Feeling the breath of the macaque king, Qin Shaofeng finally breathed a sigh of relief without chasing him.

Then Qin Shaofeng laughed.

Because at this moment, a certain miser had already counted all Yunlingcao.

Two hundred and thirty-seven!

And among them, the number of Yunling grasses that have reached five years of growth actually exceeds half, and the remaining Yunling grasses are at least three years old.

Forget it, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the harvest this time was worth at least two hundred low-grade spirit stones.

"Hey, it's not bad. I only used 36 lower-grade spirit stones, and the result was an income worth more than two hundred lower-grade spirit stones. It's too worthwhile!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled in satisfaction, although he was still a little regretful and didn't dig a little bit more, but even so, it was enough.


Suddenly, just when Qin Shaofeng was planning to find a place to see if there were other cloud spirit grasses, Qin Shaofeng's brows frowned, and his eyes fell on the grass not far away.

Looking at a bush, Qin Shaofeng's face became cold, and he faintly said, "Don't hide, just come out!"

"Oh, I didn't expect your boy's induction to be quite sensitive, you can actually find us?"

With a weird laugh and a few slurs, six figures shot out from the grass not far from Qin Shaofeng.



The six people who suddenly appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng were all people in the triple realm of Xiaoyuandan, and judging from their appearance, most of them were disciples in the preparatory camp.

However, having said that, those who can appear in the secret realm of Kyoho can only be disciples of the preparation camp.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng felt a lot of bad intentions from these six people.

One of the six was a 17 or 18-year-old boy at the pinnacle level of the Triple Xiao Yuan Pill. After he came out, he glanced at Qin Shaofeng, and after feeling that the other party was indeed the third level of the Xiao Yuan Pill, a hint of joy flashed in his eyes and laughed. Up.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that my Lu Renbing's luck was so good that I could meet such a fat sheep. It seems that God doesn't want to treat me Lu Renbing badly!"


Passerby C?

After hearing what the other party said, Qin Shaofeng was instantly dumbfounded, and his heart was even more painful.

Return passerby C, why don't you call passerby A?

Qin Shaofeng's face twitched, but in the eyes of the other six, it was seen that Qin Shaofeng was scared of them at the moment.

"Haha, this kid is scared!"

"Hmph, can this kid not be afraid when I meet our C brother?"

"I really can't help myself, dare to come to this Kyoho secret realm alone, is this kid a fool?"

"I look at the kid as a fool, but he seems a little silly!"

"It's really amazing. It seems that he should be a newcomer, so he is so stupid!"

Several people talked a few times, without paying attention to Qin Shaofeng.

As soon as the headed Lu Renbing heard what he said with his classmates, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. He took a serious look at Qin Shaofeng, nodded and said: "Well, yes, he is quite face-to-face, he is actually a newcomer. But. , Good new talent!"

A trace of greed flashed in his eyes, Lu Renbing stepped, his hands on his hips, bullishly shouting to Qin Shaofeng: "The kid, hurry up, give me all the valuable things on my body, and how to avoid that. The Macaque King’s method has also been honestly explained."

When Lu Renbing spoke, the five followers around him also clamored again.

"Yes, quickly hand over everything!"

"Yes, kid, you better be honest, don't play tricks, or else..."

"If you look good, we don't have a good temper."



Qin Shaofeng had a clear understanding of what a few people said.

It seems that when he was fighting the group of macaques, he was discovered by these people.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know that Lu Renbing and the others had discovered the Yunlinggrass in the macaque beast's nest long ago.

But suffering from that powerful macaque king made it impossible for Lu Renbing to pick all the cloud spirit grass.

Therefore, Lu Renbing planned to return to the reserve camp to move rescue troops.

But just when a few people left, they suddenly felt Qin Shaofeng's breath, and then heard the movement of the macaque king riot, and then followed up, intending to explore the reality.

However, it was discovered that the person who caused the Macaque King's anger was actually just the same small Yuandan triple as them, which surprised Lu Renbing and the others.

No matter what the method is, it is definitely not easy to escape directly from the anger of the macaque king.

If this is for them to master, wouldn't it mean that the piece of cloud spirit grass can be taken down?

And even if there was no Yun Ling grass, how could Lu Renbing let them go when they met a single person.

Robbery or something, this is already commonplace for a few of them.

After just glanced at the expressions on the faces of a few people, Qin Shaofeng had already understood in his heart.

Without extra words, Qin Shaofeng had only one way to face such a person.

That is slaughtered!

Of course, when he thought that the other party was also a disciple of the reserve camp, Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to kill him.

Because of this situation, Qianshan Sect does not allow it.

However, even if it can't be killed, there should be no problem with a beating!

Extending his right hand, Qin Shaofeng directly summoned the profound iron heavy sword.

But his action surprised Lu Renbing.


With a strange cry, Lu Renbing sneered: "Tsk tsk, I didn't expect your kid to dare to resist. It seems that even if you are a newcomer, you know that you can't fight deadly between reserve camps! But..."

With a cold look, Lu Renbing became furious.

"Even if you can't really kill you, but your kid can irritate me, so uncle, I plan to remove your leg and let you understand me..."


Qin Shaofeng had had enough of these two strokes, and without giving him a chance to continue, he directly raised the profound iron heavy sword, just to cut it to Lu Renbing.

"I'm rubbing it, I really dare to do it, my brothers will give it up, and we did this kid side by side!"

With a fierce roar, Lu Renbing drew a big knife, and rushed towards Qin Shaofeng, who had cut it with a sword.

They are both in the threefold realm of the Xiaoyuandan, but he is the pinnacle of the threefold Xiaoyuandan, and there are six people on his side, and the other is only one.

Under such circumstances, there is no reason to lose.

Therefore, at this moment, Lu Renbing had no fear at all.

But the next moment, something that made him fearful happened.


As soon as Lu Renbing broke out, he slashed Qin Shaofeng's huge sword with the big knife in his hand.

But what he was looking forward to was the scene where he slashed the opposite guy who didn't know the heights of the sky and flew away directly, but did not appear.

It was him himself, flying out in the first place.


The boss spouted blood from Lu Renbing's mouth, and he couldn't believe it in his eyes while flying backwards.

Just now, he felt his big knife, as if directly slashing against an iron wall, and then he felt that a huge force far beyond his ability to contend, directly lifted his whole person away.


In the end, Lu Renbing fell to the ground seven or eight meters away, and the big knife in his hand flew off without knowing when he flew away.

The only thing that is clear is that at this moment, Lu Renbing's face is pale and extremely weak, and his chest is even more **** red with the blood he vomited out.

This situation happened too fast!

As soon as Lu Renbing's attendants arrived, they didn't see what happened.

It was only once they came to their senses, the five saw their boss fly back, looking seriously injured.

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