Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 417: Little fox wakes up


Just when the five followers of Lu Renbing hadn't recovered, they just saw the lamb-like kid in their eyes. With a shake of their right hand, the giant sword in his hand violently exploded with several blue electric currents.

Then, a few lightning flashes, and the five people subconsciously prepare to fight back.

It is a pity that the speed of those electric lights is extremely fast, and they hit each of them accurately in the blink of an eye.

The five people just felt that after being hit by the electric light, their whole bodies were numb, and they fell to the ground one after another, foaming at their mouths, and their entire bodies convulsed uncontrollably.

This situation made Lu Renbing, who had tolerated a sharp pain in his chest, completely dumbfounded.

If you still don't know at this moment that a few of you provoke someone who shouldn't be provoke, then Lu Renbing is really a fool.

Step on!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng slowly walked towards Lu Renbing.

For the first time, Lu Renbing shouted loudly.

"Don't kill me! Please don't kill me, I am also a disciple of the reserve camp"

With that said, Lu Renbing took out a Qianshan Order and shouted to Qin Shaofeng: "Look, I didn't lie to you, I'm really a disciple of the camp, if you kill me, you will definitely be punished. It's not good for you, so you should let me go!"

Qin Shaofeng naturally wouldn't really kill this Lu Renbing.

Even Qin Shaofeng just stunned the opponent's five followers.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in your dog's life!"

Walking to Lu Renbing, Qin Shaofeng squatted slightly and smiled, then smiled and said, "I just want to ask you about it."

Although I learned a lot about the reserve camp from the Qianshan Order, it was only the most basic, and there were many things that Qin Shaofeng didn't know.

Although this Lu Renbing was a person of the triple realm of Xiaoyuandan, in Qin Shaofeng's opinion, the other party was afraid that he had been in the reserve camp for some time, and he should be aware of many things about the reserve camp.

As a result, Qin Shaofeng really guessed right.

From that Lu Renbing's mouth, Qin Shaofeng really got a lot of favorable news, at least there are several conditions in the secret realm of giant peaks, and Qin Shaofeng has some understanding.

For this, Qin Shaofeng is very grateful to Lu Renbing.

So in the end, Qin Shaofeng left him a pair of underwear!

Well, as for the others, their whole bodies were stripped.

No way, who called these preparatory camp disciples, they are all good things!

Look, this pair of underwear is specially made of legendary monster fluff. They are worth dozens of points, and this must not be let go.

So, a quarter of an hour later, when Qin Shaofeng left, there were a few more naked men on the ground...

For a long time, maybe half an hour has passed!

After finally unable to feel Qin Shaofeng's breath anymore, Lu Renbing finally struggled to stand up, and then bare his whole body with a pair of underwear, and screamed fiercely in the direction Qin Shaofeng left.

"Damn it, no matter who you are, kid, I will repay the shame today, Lu Renbing! You wait for me!"

This roar also awakened the five people who had been stunned by Qin Shaofeng, and soon there were several screams from this place.

If it weren't for the wrong tone, I was afraid that someone would hear it, and it would appear in my mind that some young girls were caught in some kind of scene.


"Unexpectedly, the situation in this preparatory camp is much more complicated than I knew before!"

In a dense forest, Qin Shaofeng recalled the news that Lu Renbing had said before, and Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly.

Like the situation of some giant peaks secret realm, Qin Shaofeng originally thought that he could enter any giant peak secret realm at will.

I don’t want the fact that a disciple of the reserve camp in the small Yuandan realm can only enter the secret realm of the giant peak three times a month, and the time to enter the secret realm of the giant peak three times can not exceed ten days.

Regarding such restrictions, Qianshan Ling did not clearly point out, and only when Qin Shaofeng's time to enter the giant peak secret realm reached the limit, or when the number of times in a month was used up, Qianshan Ling would send a reminder message.

As for why the Qianshan Sect has such restrictions in the reserve camp, this is not something Lu Renbing can know, but it makes Qin Shaofeng curious.

However, it was Qianshan Ling who really bothered Qin Shaofeng the most.

To be precise, it was the Qianshan Order in his hand.

After Lu Renbing took out his Qianshan Order, Qin Shaofeng saw that Lu Renbing's Qianshan Order was not of the Bronze Order, but the lowest order Unordered Qianshan Order.

Then Qin Shaofeng inquired around, only to learn something from Lu Renbing that he didn't know before.

That is, all the disciples of the reserve camp received the Qianshan Order after entering the reserve camp, which is only the lowest level orderless Qianshan Order.

Then, you need to accumulate one hundred record points to promote Wu Ti to Bronze Tier.

Only this time the entrance examination seems to be extra special and can directly obtain the Bronze Order Qianshan Order.

This is also the reason why many forces attach great importance to this entry assessment.

Compared with this, Qianshanzong issued an instruction to the reserve camp.

This is the person who directly obtained the Bronze Order Qianshan Order this time. After entering the reserve camp, they will face a three-month special challenge.

The reason why this challenge is special is that once someone succeeds in the challenge, he can directly obtain the other party's Bronze Order Qianshan Order.

Take Qin Shaofeng as an example, if someone challenges and defeats him, then his bronze rank Qianshan Ling will lose to the opponent.

The only difference is that Qin Shaofeng will not lose any record points, which means that Qianshanling will be downgraded from Bronze Rank to No Rank.

But in fact, this is a direct loss of one hundred record points.

The upgrade of the Qianshan Order requires a direct consumption of record points, but it is not just accumulation.

After knowing such a news, Qin Shaofeng knew he was in serious trouble.

This time, although he couldn't be challenged by people whose realm was higher than his own, Qin Shaofeng couldn't keep it, and there were several extremely abnormal people.

And such a challenge, within the same realm, Qin Shaofeng has no right to refuse.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng also learned from Lu Renbing that the reason why some powerful geniuses did not participate in the entrance examination this time was because it was too troublesome to abandon the examination.

For geniuses like this, they all plan to wait for people like Qin Shaofeng to enter the reserve camp and directly challenge them to seize the bronze-step Qianshan Order from Qin Shaofeng and others.

This is not to mention those geniuses who are already in the realm of Xiaoyuandan and have entered the reserve camp a long time ago.

"It seems that you must quickly upgrade the level of Linggen, and you have to upgrade quickly if you are in a realm!"

Although Qin Shaofeng understood that with his current situation, dealing with people in the triple realm of Xiaoyuan Pill could definitely crush the vast majority of people.

But this is also a fatal weakness, it's only the triple Xiaoyuandan, but it is the Qianshan Order with the bronze rank.

This is a qualification that can only be possessed at the realm of the ordinary Great Yuandan.

Even if he survived these three months, if his realm is low, there must be a lot of trouble.

Weak strength, this is a big trouble!


A few days later, when Qin Shaofeng got the news from his Qianshan Order, he finally learned that, as Lu Renbing said, for a month, he can really only stay in the secret realm of Jufeng for ten days.

Now he has reached the upper limit of the time, and he can no longer leave the secret realm of the giant peak.

However, Qin Shaofeng breathed a sigh of relief compared to entering this giant peak secret realm in ten days.

Because his realm has been improved by two levels, he has now reached the five-level realm of Xiaoyuandan.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Five Elements of Xiaoyuandan

Experience value: 16.53 million / 50 million

Occupation: Devil

Spiritual power value: 5000/5000 (The five layers of the small yuan pill have 500 spiritual power points, and the Yi Jin Jing is multiplied by ten times)

Innate spiritual roots: body of thunder (third stage spiritual root), body of demon king (unawakened), original world

Skills: King’s Blessing, Golden Eyes with Fire Eyes, Yi Jin Jing, Xiao Li Fei Dao, Yun Dan Shu, Dan Sutra, 108 Yoga Styles, Dancing Sky Skill, Writing Wheel Eyes, Ling Bo Wei Steps, Lei Dun Lei Ball, Lei Dun Lei Qi, Lei Dun Ninja Shu Lei Dun Bodyguard, Lei Dun two-handed Lei Chi, Lei Dun Qiandiao Liu, Lei Dun Shadow Clone (1,000 mortal level one-star skills)

Battle Beast: Tiger Lord

Equipment: Black Iron Epee

Task: Enrollment assessment

Points: 20.66 million 48,790 points

Title: Devil (unknown)

Ordinary lucky draw chance: 5 times

Special chance to draw: 3 times

Skill proficiency: 42531 points

Skill points: 0 points

Skills not learned: none

Props: a small treasury of ball cards, a fruit of level 3 skill

Family members: Meng Xin'er, Qin Yue'er, Bai Xue, Tang Qijian, Du Meng, Hu Ye


"Promoting Xiaoyuandan fivefold is really the same as Xiaoqiuqiu said. My spiritual power is only five hundred points. In this case, after being added by Yi Jinjing, it will only be five thousand points, including five Yundan Na. It's only 30,000 points, but it meets the spiritual power requirements of the reserve camp."

Looking at his own attribute information, Qin Shaofeng sighed slightly.

In fact, as early as three days ago, he had been promoted to the fifth level of Xiaoyuandan, but in the end he chose to stay for three more days, trying to hunt more monsters.

Of course, the most important thing is to find some medicinal materials.

If this were to directly find and gather the medicinal materials for improving the body, it would be a great thing for Qin Shaofeng.

But it is a pity that even though Qin Shaofeng has put in a lot of effort in this aspect in the past ten days, he has only found one-twentieth of the list of medicinal materials given by Xiaoqiuqiu, which is far away.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't waste these ten days. Qin Shaofeng didn't have the list of medicinal materials given by Xiaoqiuqiu.

But Qin Shaofeng unexpectedly got the other list of medicinal materials.

Qin Shaofeng had gathered together the medicinal materials for refining the second-rank nine-fold spirit pill during these ten days.

The second-grade nine-strength spirit pill requires two thousand different ordinary-level medicinal materials, human-level medicinal materials need two hundred, and prefecture-level medicinal materials 20 parts, plus one Yunling grass at least one year old.

Qin Shaofeng had already gathered most of it before, but the last dozen human-level and earth-level medicinal materials were also found in this Kyoho secret.

Qin Shaofeng can now start to refine the second-rank Nine Layer Spirit Pill, whether it is a regular version or a special version.

After Qin Shaofeng plans to go back, he will first refine the second-rank nine-layer spirit pill, and then concentrate on improving his spiritual root.

The monsters that Qin Shaofeng had hunted in the past ten days were no longer a few, enough to buy the medicinal materials needed by Xiaoqiuqi.

"Well, as long as my spiritual roots are improved, I will use the special version of the second-rank Nine Layers Spirit Pill to make my level more breakthrough. In this way, my strength can be increased somewhat, and if possible, I will directly reach Da Yuan Tanner is much better."

Because if Qin Shaofeng reached the Great Yuan Pill realm now, no one would challenge him, because if he reached the Great Yuan Pill realm, he would be able to reject the challenge of others.

The Great Yuan Pill Realm already has the qualification to have the Bronze Stage Qianshan Order.

But just when Qin Shaofeng was about to step out of the secret realm of the giant peak, Xiaoqiuqiu told him good news.

The little fox wakes up!

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