Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 418: Here comes another passerby?

Little fox Baixue finally woke up after sleeping for several months.

As soon as he heard this news, Qin Shaofeng's divine sense immediately penetrated into his original world space, and then Qin Shaofeng could'see' it.

The little fox that had been placed deliberately by himself was now surrounded by five colors of red, blue, ocher, gold and green.

Among the five colors of brilliance, the little fox's aura became stronger and stronger, and finally at a certain moment, a white figure appeared, and then a petite and lovely little fox appeared.

After waking up, Xiao Baixue felt that something was wrong.

Because she actually discovered that it was a strange place, but the next moment, a familiar voice rang in her ears, instantly making Xiao Baixue forget the strangeness in front of her.

"Little guy, you are awake!"

"It's the master!"

As soon as she heard this familiar voice, Xiao Baixue immediately got up and jumped up and down.

"Master, where are you? What place is here! Xiao Xueer wants to see the master!"

Hearing the coquettish voice of the little fox, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and the little fox in the original world space flashed in his arms instantly.

"the host!"

Feeling the familiar embrace, the little fox was so happy.

Then, the next moment, a white light flashed, and the little fox disappeared, replaced by a seven or eight-year-old cute girl!

"Hey, Master Xiao Xue'er misses you very much!" The little girl hugged Qin Shaofeng tightly and started acting like a baby.

Only then did Qin Shaofeng realize that the little fox had grown up after transforming into a human form.

Although he only looks like one or two years old, he has definitely grown up.

What also made Qin Shaofeng noticed was that at the moment, there were three snow-white plush tails under the little girl's buttocks, which were constantly twisting.

Three tails?

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng was slightly surprised, and then quickly called the little girl's attribute interface to check it out.

Family members: Bai Xue (Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox)

Grade: Xiaoyuandan first heavy early stage

Occupation: Bishop

Refining: 30000/30000 (Small Yuandan Yizhong has 10000 points of spiritual power, and Yi Jin Jing is tripled)

Talented Spiritual Root: Nine-Tailed Demon

Talent skills: Seventy-two changes, dark charm, five elements spirit fire

Skill 1: Yi Jin Jing

Skill 2: Dancing in the sky

Skill 3: Xiao Li Fei Dao

Skill 4: None

Skill Five: None


this is……

After seeing the little girl's spiritual power, Qin Shaofeng was completely dumbfounded.

Qin Shaofeng’s surprise for the little girl's level to be promoted to Xiaoyuandan was not unexpected. This little ball said that before the little girl had evolved while sleeping, if she could get a lot of energy support, she would definitely be able to improve her level a lot after the evolution.

Therefore, during this time, Qin Shaofeng gave a lot of good things for the little girl to absorb.

Even for this reason, after possessing the spirit stone, Qin Shaofeng would basically put a few pieces next to the little girl. As long as it was absorbed, Qin Shaofeng would continue to take out a few spirit stones even if he didn’t have many spirit stones on him. Little girl absorbed.

To be honest, this time the little girl slept for so long, and there was no reason for this. The more power she absorbed, the longer it would naturally take for her to sleep to evolve.

Therefore, after waking up, it was the Xiaoyuan Dan realm that did not surprise Qin Shaofeng.

However, what Qin Shaofeng couldn't imagine was that the spiritual power of the little girl was 100 times that of ordinary people.

Even compared to the minimum required spiritual power value of the Qianshan Sect Reserve Camp, it was ten times higher.

As expected of the nine-tailed celestial fox!

Qin Shaofeng sighed softly in his heart, and then discovered one more point, that is, the spirit fox flame of Little Girl's three talent skills has evolved, and it has evolved into the five element spirit flame.

Five Elements Spirit Fire: One of the talent skills of the Nine-Tailed Sky Spirit Fox, the advanced version of the Spirit Fox Flame. A large amount of flames are released with the consumption of spiritual power. The more spiritual power is consumed, the more flames will be, and the power will be stronger. At the time of success, it can burn all things in the world.

Burning everything in the world?

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng was shocked.

I couldn't help but think that the Five Elements Spirit Fire possessed by this little girl is stronger than her own black flame of Aura.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng realized that after the little girl had three tails, she actually controlled the power of the five elements. In addition to the talent skills, the little girl now has many other five element skills.

This was an earth-shaking change in the strength of the little girl from before.

At this time, I had already seen the little ball of the little girl attribute, and shouted in the original world space.

And soon Xiaoqiuqiu seemed to have made a discovery, and hurriedly said to Qin Shaofeng: "Big Devil, have you noticed that the dark charm of this little girl is simply the strongest auxiliary skill for your monthly reading!"


When Qin Shaofeng heard this, his heart moved, and his eyes fell on the little girl's attribute interface again.

Dark Charm: One of the talented skills of the Nine-Tailed Celestial Fox. It has a strong ability to confuse it, which can interfere with the spirit of others and cause certain adverse effects. People with weak mental power can be directly manipulated to make them obey their commands.

The ability of this dark charm has actually improved!

When Qin Shaofeng saw it, he was slightly surprised, and then he understood what Xiaoqiuqiu said just now.

Indeed, if you want the little girl to display her dark charm, so that even if you encounter a person with strong mental power, you can directly use the monthly reading when he resists, it will definitely be much easier.

With this kind of cooperation, Qin Shaofeng believes that even the old Tang with Jianxin at this moment, I am afraid he can't escape his monthly reading now.

And soon, something that made Qin Shaofeng more excited happened.

Perhaps it was because the little fox was still his family member, and his mental power was also very strong. Qin Shaofeng discovered that once he used the monthly reading, the little fox's mental power could be summoned by himself.

This means that he has an extra helper, and with the mental power of the little fox, once this is added to her, Qin Shaofeng feels that the power of his monthly reading has increased by at least three times.

This is great news.

Oh, this little girl is really amazing, she brought herself such a big surprise right after the end of evolution!

With the monthly reading assisted by the little fox, Qin Shaofeng naturally wanted to test it out how powerful he could use the monthly reading at this moment.

And soon, such an opportunity appeared.

At the exit of the Kyoho Mysterious Realm, when Qin Shaofeng came here, he met an acquaintance.

Well, it was just a few days ago that Lu Renbing, who was looted by Qin Shaofeng and learned that there was a pair of underwear left.

Lu Renbing became excited when he saw Qin Shaofeng finally appear.

Why is Lu Renbing excited?

This will start after being looted by Qin Shaofeng.

After being looted that day, Lu Renbing vowed to retaliate against Qin Shaofeng.

But he didn't know Qin Shaofeng's name or who it was.

There are many disciples in the reserve camp, and it is impossible for Lu Renbing to know everyone.

But there is one thing that Lu Renbing knows. Although he doesn't know the identity of Qin Shaofeng, he can be sure that Qin Shaofeng is not a person with any background identity.

Because Lu Renbing knew all the geniuses who had a strong backstage behind the reserve camp.

But the problem was that he had never seen Qin Shaofeng before, so he took it for granted that Qin Shaofeng was just a little boy who had recently joined the reserve camp by luck.

In this case, Lu Renbing wouldn't be afraid of anything.

However, thinking of Qin Shaofeng's abnormal strength, Lu Renbing still feels guilty, knowing that he is not the opponent's opponent.

But he can't, doesn't mean other people can't!

No, on the next day, he called his second brother to avenge himself.

The strength that made Lu Renbing very depressed, he could not find Qin Shaofeng the next day.

And after searching for three days, no one was found.

However, Lu Renbing knew that the other party had never left this Kyoho mystery.

Because when he left before, he left two followers staring at the entrance of the secret realm of giant peaks, and then never found that the other party left the secret realm of giant peaks.

Therefore, Lu Renbing intends to spend it here, even if he doesn't do anything, he still has to stay here until the time the opponent enters the Kyoho Mystery Realm reaches the upper limit and has to appear.

At that time, it was his turn to take revenge.

But after a few days of waiting, Lu Renbing was a little impatient.

At this moment, as soon as he noticed Qin Shaofeng's breath, he violently chased after him. After seeing Qin Shaofeng himself, Lu Renbing shouted excitedly.

"Boy, you finally showed up, it really made me wait!"

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng chuckled, and immediately made Lu Renbing furious.

"Wait for me? Isn't it enough for you to run naked once?"


Qin Shaofeng's words directly hit Lu Renbing's pain.

God knows, how many people have laughed at him when he just wears a pair of underwear when he goes home?

If it hadn't been for the rule that the reserve camp could not fight privately and cause death, he would have killed Qin Shaofeng a long time ago.

At this moment, a young man in his twenties who was similar to Lu Renbing's eyes became cold when he heard what Qin Shaofeng said, and he took a step forward and said coldly: "Good boy, you dare to mock my third brother like this, you To make my third brother so embarrassed, even if I can't kill you today, I will make you regret what you did."

The sudden appearance of the young man did not surprise Qin Shaofeng. Qin Shaofeng estimated that the other party was the helper invited by Lu Renbing.

Qin Shaofeng had noticed this person's breath before, and knew that this person's realm should be in the five-level realm of Xiaoyuandan.

But when Qin Shaofeng showed his glaring eyes and probed the other's attributes, his face twitched instantly.

Character: Lu Renyi

Level: Five Peaks of Xiaoyuandan

Spiritual value: 50000/50000

Talented roots: Eight-Rank soil system spiritual roots


Yes, the fifth level of the Xiaoyuan Pill has 50,000 points of spiritual power, which fully meets the requirements of the reserve camp, and even meets the requirements of the sixth level of the Xiaoyuan Pill.

But what Qin Shaofeng cares about is not this, but the other party's name.

Lu Renyi?

Second passerby?

Nima, it's worth noting if the family doesn't enter the house.

This third is called Lu Renbing, and the second is called Lu Renyi.

So, the boss will not be called Lu Renjia, right?

Qin Shaofeng thought so painfully that for a moment he was a little speechless.

What kind of parents are there to get such a name!

But Qin Shaofeng's silence for a while angered Lu Renyi.

He thought that Qin Shaofeng ignored him.

"Hmph, I heard my third brother say that your kid is extremely arrogant, but now it looks like this!"

With a cold snort, Lu Renyi's face was cold: "If that's the case, then I won't talk nonsense with you anymore, just die!"

With a roar, Lu Renyi shot Qin Shaofeng instantly.

However, even though he said that Qin Shaofeng would be killed, taking into account the regulations of the reserve camp, Lu Renyi didn't use his best to make a shot.

But the next moment, what horrified Lu Renyi was that just before he culled Qin Shaofeng, he saw a pair of dreamy eyes like crystal gems on Qin Shaofeng's shoulders.

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