Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 420: Are you a fart?

Soon, a news spread.

This time, Qin Shaofeng, who was the first in the sect assessment, not only broke through to the Yuan Dan realm and entered the reserve camp, even after ten days had passed, the other party openly challenged all the disciples below the sixth level of the Xiao Yuan Dan in the reserve camp.

That's right, after being surrounded by so many people, Qin Shaofeng said directly: "From tomorrow, my Qin Shaofeng will accept the challenge of anyone below the sixth level of Xiaoyuandan. As long as you dare to come, my Qin Shaofeng will not refuse anyone! "

This is a big deal.

This had just entered the reserve camp, it was so arrogant, which made the other geniuses who were also the reserve camp look down on it.

However, what made people very shocked was that it was only at this time that everyone checked the spiritual power location from the reserve camp and learned that Qin Shaofeng had actually been promoted to the fifth level of Xiaoyuan Dan.

Moreover, he actually possesses a spiritual power value of more than 20,000 points, which is incredible.

This has only entered ten days, and has broken through the five layers one after another?

This makes many people very jealous.

Different levels of preparatory camp disciples have different training rooms.

Although the scales are all the same, the disciples with high levels can obtain a stronger aura from the spiritual veins deep underground in their training room.

Under normal circumstances, a training room owned by a disciple of a bronze rank Qianshanling has at least ten times more aura than a practice room owned by a disciple of the Qianshanling no rank.

Obviously, everyone took it for granted that the reason why Qin Shaofeng was able to improve his level so quickly was definitely relying on the rich aura of the Bronze Step Training Room.

Furthermore, Qin Shaofeng only stated clearly that he only accepts challenges below the sixth level of the Xiaoyuandan. Doesn't that mean that he can't face the enemies of the sixth level of the Xiaoyuandan now?

If it is a real genius, a real evildoer, even in the reserve camp, it is the master who can leapfrog the challenge.

Based on all the above, everyone believed that Qin Shaofeng might have some strength, but he was definitely not strong.

As for what Qin Shaofeng did in the entrance examination, even if these preparatory camp disciples knew it, they might just be disdainful.

Oh, isn't it just to beat some waste?

With such strength, people who can enter the reserve camp, but there are also many people who can do this.

Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng's sentence spread quickly.

At the same time, many people were excited, because they all wanted the bronze order Qianshan Order in Qin Shaofeng's hands!


On the second day, in the reserve camp competition arena, many people have gathered at this moment.

Although Qin Shaofeng clearly stated that he was only accepting the challenge below the sixth level of the Xiaoyuan Pill, at this moment, people with the sixth level and above of the Xiaoyuan Pill also appeared.

Because they want to see what kind of ability a person who dares to be so rampant has.

Of course, the most important point is that many people in the six-fold realm of Xiaoyuandan are looking forward to it. Isn't Qin Shaofeng already in the six-fold realm of Xiaoyuandan?

In this way, they also have a chance.

At this moment, somewhere under the ring, the two faces were somewhat similar, and they looked like two brothers. They were gritting their teeth and looking at someone standing on the ring.

These two were the brothers Lu Renbing and Lu Renyi who had been thoroughly ransacked by Qin Shaofeng before and after.

"Damn it turns out that this kid is Qin Shaofeng, it's really damn!" Lu Renbing looked at Qin Shaofeng who was standing on the ring, his face was angry.

Lu Renyi, who was on the side, looked a little dignified at the moment, his eyes fell on Qin Shaofeng's shoulder, where a petite and lovely little fox was lying on his stomach.

At this moment, this cute little fox attracted the attention of the young disciples present.

But almost no one believes that there is any danger in such a cute little fox.

But Lu Renyi didn't think so.

Yes it!

It was the little fox. The reason why Qin Shaofeng was able to defeat me yesterday made me unable to resist because of this little fox.

When Lu Renyi remembered the scene yesterday, Lu Renyi still felt a panic in his heart.

From beginning to end, he didn't know how he was defeated.

He just remembered that he saw a pair of dreamy eyes like ruby, and then he didn't know anything.

When he woke up again, he only found that he was stripped and still on the ground, just like a little girl who was caught by that.

Such a weird situation, Lu Renyi has never seen it before.

In his heart, Qin Shaofeng himself might not be strong, but the little fox on him is definitely a terrifying existence.

This Qin Shaofeng's strength should not be strong, but the war beast demon fox on his shoulders, I am afraid that the strength is not simple.

In this case, if you want to obtain the bronze rank Qianshan Order owned by Qin Shaofeng, I am afraid that you need to have the means to deal with that little fox.

Lu Renyi was naturally very greedy for Qin Shaofeng's bronze-step Qianshan Order.

But unlike others, after an inexplicable defeat, Lu Renyi understood that now Qin Shaofeng is not something ordinary people can deal with.

Looking at the people around him who are one-to-one excited, but are far inferior to him, Lu Renyi's mouth shows a sneer of disdain.

Hmph, although I am not a powerful genius, Lu Renyi, I am confident that I still have some strength, and I dare not enter it. With you rubbish, I dare to challenge Qin Shaofeng?

I really can't help myself!


A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and the corner of Lu Renyi's mouth curled slightly, revealing a trace of pride.

But it's okay, it doesn't allow me to see clearly, once the little fox's methods have preventive measures, this Qin Shaofeng is not a concern for me.


On the ring, Qin Shaofeng had been standing here for a while now.

At this time, many people under the ring were a little impatient.

"Qin Shaofeng quickly start, stop the ink!"

"That's right, there is a fart for ink, you **** you shouldn't be scared, you plan to back down!"

"Ha, even if Qin Shaofeng regrets you now, it is useless. You can't hide it today. Honestly hand over the bronze order of Qianshan!"


Looking at the crowd mocking him under the arena, Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly, then looked around and shouted: "As you wish, but who of you will go first in this first game?"

As soon as Qin Shaofeng began to challenge, the excited crowd suddenly became noisy again.

"Me! Of course I am the first one!"

"Last fart, if you go up, that bronze-step Qianshanling is not mine, I should be first!"

"not me!"


The ring was noisy and chaotic, but none of these people dared to step onto the ring at the same time.

Because of Qin Shaofeng's special challenge, once there are multiple people, then the consent of the other party must be obtained to determine who is the first.

If not, once they rushed up together, Qin Shaofeng would be qualified and would no longer accept the challenge of those who rushed up at the same time.

At this time, many people secretly guessed that Qin Shaofeng did this on purpose, so that he and others would lose the qualification to challenge him, right?

how is this possible?

Facing the first stage of his special mission of "The First Person in a Thousand Mountains", Qin Shaofeng needed to defeat more than 100 people with three levels of Xiaoyuan Pill.

There are only a thousand people in the reserve camp. There are only three or more people in the Xiaoyuan Pill, and Qin Shaofeng estimates that there are not many people who can deal with it. Naturally, these people will not lose their qualifications to challenge themselves.

This is related to the entry of his mission, and there can be no sloppy.

But this phenomenon was indeed deliberately caused by Qin Shaofeng.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng smiled suddenly and said loudly, "Hey, it seems that everyone will be meeting for a while and can't decide who will go first, so let's do that."

After a slight pause, Qin Shaofeng finally said what he planned.

"If anyone can come up with ten record points as a bet for this battle, and have a cultivation base of no more than the sixth level of the Xiaoyuandan, then come directly and fight me!"


After hearing Qin Shaofeng's words, everyone was slightly surprised.

How about taking ten record points as a bet?

To know that Qin Shaofeng's special challenge is not about the record point, but now Qin Shaofeng has said that he will use the record point as a bet, and the discussion under the ring has become more heated.

At this time, there was a sneer from under the ring.

"Oh, Qin Shaofeng, you have a good calculation, but you are not afraid that not only did you lose the Bronze Order Qianshan Order, plus ten points, you will eventually be expelled from the reserve camp?"

Qin Shaofeng turned his gaze, looked surprised at a person in the fifth level of the Xiaoyuan Pill under the ring, looked at that person with an idiot look, and then said: "Are you stupid? Me. One loss is equivalent to losing one hundred record points, so letting people take out ten record points as a bet, isn't that excessive?"

"Furthermore, if you want to be confident, even if I say to take a hundred points as a bet for this battle, what? If you win, there is no loss to you! Of course, if you are afraid, give it The little master shut up, whispering, what a shit!"

Qin Shaofeng's last **** exploded, making the person's face red and white, and he was extremely furious for a while.

The reason why he made a sound was because he lost a gambling fight with people some time ago, which led to the record point now being less than ten.

He is only the five-level realm of the Xiaoyuan Pill, the same as Qin Shaofeng's realm, and he can challenge Qin Shaofeng completely, but if Qin Shaofeng sets such a condition, then he has no hope.

Indeed, Qin Shaofeng couldn't refuse his challenge, but if Qin Shaofeng had lost the bronze order of the Qianshan Mountain before he challenged him, what would be the use even if he defeated Qin Shaofeng?

No way is to increase the record points!

Therefore, he questioned Qin Shaofeng.

But I don't want to, but Qin Shaofeng hit back like this.

And what made his face most ugly was that at this moment, someone seemed to understand his general intentions and made a loud mockery.

"Haha, isn't this guy not enough record points?"

As soon as these words appeared, it caused a burst of laughter.

"No, I don't have any ten-point record points? He looks like Xiao Yuan Dan has five levels!"

"Tsk tsk, it's probably a situation of lack of strength, I was challenged and lost all the record points."

"Hahaha, no wonder he disagrees, it turned out to be like this!"


For a time, countless laughter rang out from under the ring.

Although they are both disciples of the reserve camp, in fact everyone is a competitor. No one will miss this thing that suppresses others.

However, at this moment, a loud shout awakened everyone.

"That's a good idea, isn't it just a ten-point record point, I have it!"

After this loud shout, a figure suddenly jumped onto the ring and came to the opposite of Qin Shaofeng!

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