Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 421: The first battle that made the opponent ashamed

Seeing someone on the ring, many of them sighed in their hearts and regretted secretly.

"No, I was preempted!"

"Damn it a step slower, this bronze step Qianshan Ling is gone."

"Damn this who is actually faster than the uncle, what a damn!"


On the ring, Qin Shaofeng looked at the person in front of him, feeling very speechless.

Because the aura radiating from this person is just the appearance of the four-layer Xiaoyuan Pill, although it is already at the peak state, it is not the five-layer Xiaoyuan Pill after all!

However, after Qin Shaofeng opened his fiery eyes and glanced at the other person, he also understood why this person came up with confidence.

Character: Chen Xinlin

Level: the four peaks of Xiaoyuandan

Spiritual value: 23000/23000

Talented roots: the eighth rank fire roots


Although this person named Chen Xinlin's realm was only the pinnacle of Xiao Yuan Dan's four-fold realm, his opponent's spiritual power actually reached 23,000 points, which was already an indicator of the reserve camp's five-fold realm of Xiao Yuan Dan.

No wonder you dare to come up, because you have confidence in your own strength!

Qin Shaofeng smiled softly in his heart, but still did not put the other person in his eyes.

It's just such strength, there is no pressure at all for me!

But at this time, Chen Xinlin also had a mentality similar to Qin Shaofeng.

After taking a proud look at Qin Shaofeng, Chen Xinlin said, "Don’t tell Qin Shaofeng that I’m bullying you, and give you a chance. Me!"

Make me want to shoot?

A trace of astonishment flashed across Qin Shaofeng's face.

I'm dizzy, I'm really embarrassed about this!

And are you sure you don’t even give me score points?

You actually let me take the shot first?

At this time, someone under the ring seemed to recognize Chen Xinlin.

"I wipe it, there is no hope, that kid is actually Chen Xinlin!"

This Chen Xinlin has a good talent, and he is considered a relatively famous genius, but some people know about it under the ring.

"Damn it, Chen Xinlin really, there's nothing wrong with me now!"

"Who is Chen Xinlin? Is it great?"

"Strength, it's okay. Chen Xinlin has a good talent. He often reaches the spiritual power index of the next realm at his current realm. Now his spiritual power is probably more than 20,000 points!"

"I'm dizzy. It seems that Qin Shaofeng will be over in this first battle. It's so boring!"


It seemed that Chen Xinlin was very proud of hearing the discussion under the ring.

After taking a look at Qin Shaofeng with a full look, Chen Xinlin said again: "Qin Shaofeng hurry up, don't delay everyone's time, the bronze order of the Qianshan Mountain is not something you can have, hurry up and give it to me!"

For people who feel so good, Qin Shaofeng really feels that we can no longer waste everyone's time.

Besides, Qin Shaofeng was embarrassed to refuse the other party's initiative!


With a stroke of both hands, Qin Shaofeng instantly floated numerous thunderballs.

Thunderball: One of the ninjutsu awakening from the source of Thunder Duntsu, and the ninjutsu used by Thunderya, one of the "Ninjutsu Seven" in the fog hidden village in "Naruto". Special skills cannot be upgraded. A small amount of spiritual power can be concentrated to form a small thunderball, which will explode with powerful destructive power after attacking the enemy and detonating.

Effect: Although it is a skill that cannot be upgraded, its power can increase as the player's level increases. Currently, each thunderball condenses requires 100 points of spiritual power. (Note: As long as the spiritual power is sufficient, the player can create unlimited thunderballs.)

Compared with before the promotion of Xiaoyuan Dan, Qin Shaofeng's condensed thunderball consumes one hundred spiritual energy points, which are directly converted into one hundred spiritual energy points.

And this power has increased several times more, this time Qin Shaofeng directly condensed thirty thunderballs.

Then, under Qin Shaofeng's command, those thirty thunderballs smashed at Chen Xinlin in a series of moments.

Because Chen Xinlin hadn't put Qin Shaofeng in his eyes at all, he was completely unprepared at this moment.

When the thunderball hit, even a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

But just when he was about to burst out a burst of spiritual power and blast away the thunderball that came.

With a bang, the first thunderball suddenly exploded when it was five meters away from him.

As soon as the thunderball exploded, it burst into a burst of strong dazzling blue light.


Then Chen Xinlin exclaimed, his eyes were stabbed with pain by the strong blue light, making him unable to see anything for a while.

But at this moment, the second thunderball hit him.

However, after all, Chen Xinlin had two brushes. Although his eyes were intensely uncomfortable, he was extremely uncomfortable, but he was the first to agitate the spiritual power in his body, and a layer of armor-like gas appeared on the surface of his body.

This is the spirit armor that was condensed with spiritual power after the Xiaoyuan Dan realm.

The power of the spirit armor is much stronger than the inner wall.

However, if you want to fully condense the spirit armor, it takes a lot of energy to learn.

Under normal circumstances, only the people of the five levels of Xiaoyuandan can completely condense the perfect spirit armor.

But this Chen Xinlin is the fourth level of the Xiaoyuan Pill, and he can condense a perfect spirit armor, making him seem to be really wearing a battle armor at this moment.

And with the protection of this spirit armor, when the second thunderball hit Chen Xinlin's body, all the bursting power was blocked by the spirit armor.

Chen Xinlin just shook his body, and it didn't matter.

The remaining thunderballs blasted to Chen Xinlin's spirit armor one after another.

But no matter how many thunderball explosions, Chen Xinlin's spirit armor did not appear to be damaged.

In the end, when all the thunderballs exploded, Chen Xinlin's vision was restored.

At this time, Chen Xinlin laughed fiercely.

"Haha, Qin Shaofeng, this is your strength? This is too weak! This bronze rank Qianshan Ling is really not a weak person like you, and can be qualified to have it!"

After speaking, Chen Xinlin looked at Qin Shaofeng.

But at this look, he found that Qin Shaofeng was looking at him with a very sympathetic look, and that expression made Chen Xinlin very uncomfortable.

Chen Xinlin couldn't hold back any of this, and directly roared.

"Damn it, Qin Shaofeng, what do you look at, you dare to look at me like this, I want you to look good!"

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng sighed slightly, and said, "Make me look good? Do you think you are qualified? You don't look at where you stand now!"

What does this mean?

A trace of doubt flashed across Chen Xinlin's face, when he suddenly heard a few screams of disdain behind him.

"Chen Xinlin stepped aside, don't be ashamed!"

"It's really idiot, you lose like this!"

"Yes, because he is still a genius, really stupid enough!"



I lost?

A trace of confusion flashed in Chen Xinlin's eyes, and he couldn't help but glance around.

But from this look, Chen Xinlin found something was wrong.

Because he is only standing under the ring at the moment!

Standing under the ring, it means that he lost this challenge! Once the special challenge was lost, he could no longer forcefully challenge Qin Shaofeng.

But what is this all about?

Chen Xinlin is completely confused about the situation.

But then he suddenly remembered something.

When I was bombarded by that thunderball just now, I seemed to have been blown up a few times, could it be...

His face changed in an instant, red and green mixed, Chen Xinlin finally understood where the problem was.

Although the thunderball didn't hurt him, it blew him up because of the skyrocketing force added.

Then he fell off the ring unconsciously.

In the whole process, he didn't even know.

This was better than Qin Shaofeng directly defeating him, and Chen Xinlin was hit harder.

After understanding the mocking voices around him, Chen Xinlin couldn't stay any longer and left in a desperate manner.

What a shame!


No one noticed Chen Xinlin's departure.

Because Chen Xinlin lost, the place for this challenge was vacated.

So the first time, someone shouted what ten record points I have, and asked me to challenge.

It's a pity that these people have few problems in their minds.

Because just as they yelled out, there were a few figures rushing to the ring instantly.

In the end, one of the people who were farther away from the ring got the first chance and was the first to board the ring. This made several figures who flew up at the same time, cursing and falling back into the crowd.

At this time, the one who was the first to climb the ring was very excited, and smiled directly at Qin Shaofeng: "Haha, Qin Shaofeng seems to be your bronze-step Qianshan Order belongs to my Jianghai!"

After a big laugh, Jiang Hai just breathed a shock, bursting out powerful spiritual fluctuations, and shouted to Qin Shaofeng: "Come on! Qin Shaofeng will let me see how much strength you really have, and how can you support me!"

But facing the Jiang Hai that exuded the five-layer early stage atmosphere of the Xiaoyuan Pill, Qin Shaofeng rolled his eyes directly at him, and said lazily: "What is the hurry? Let me rest for a while!"



Upon hearing Qin Shaofeng's words, Jiang Hai was furious, but before he could say anything, Qin Shaofeng directly said something that made him speechless.

"I am what I am, I am completely in line with the rules, although I can't refuse your challenge, but after every challenge, I can rest for an hour!"


For the special challenge Qin Shaofeng faced, he really couldn't refuse the challenge of his opponent in the same realm, but once he could win, he could rest for at least one hour.

This is regarded as a special benefit given to Qin Shaofeng and others by the Qianshan Sect.

After all, Qianshanzong wouldn't let Qin Shaofeng, who had a bronze rank, directly face the challenge of wheel warfare.

Regarding such a situation, Jiang Hai is naturally clear.

But just because of this, Jiang Hai's face at the moment is ugly.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't care so much, he even took out a recliner directly from his storage ring, and directly rested on the ring, and started to play with the bronze step Qianshan order in his hand.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng was just checking the record points just arrived.

In the reserve camp, as long as the two sides agree, how many record points are used as a bet, there is no need to deliberately ask for it afterwards. The record points of the Qianshan Order of the two sides will be reduced or increased accordingly.

This is quite convenient!

Seeing that his record point had become twenty, Qin Shaofeng smiled in his heart.

But his leisurely appearance angered many people, especially Jiang Hai who was also in the ring at the moment.

But no way, this is the rule of the Qianshan Sect.

Even if he knew that Qin Shaofeng did this on purpose, Jiang Hai was still helpless now.

However, Jiang Hai was like most people at this moment, and he was quite sure in his heart.

That is Qin Shaofeng's strength is really not strong, if not, how could he delay time with such a trick?

This is nothing more than fear!

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