Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 422: Is it just a little stronger?

Half an hour later, Jiang Hai, who was sitting cross-legged on the ring, finally stood up impatiently and snarled at Qin Shaofeng.

"Qin Shaofeng, do you have enough rest?"

But Qin Shaofeng remained unmoved, and didn't even mean to pay attention to Jiang Hai.

But what made Jiang Hai even more angry was that under such circumstances, he was completely helpless.

Although there are no referees on the ring at this moment, Jiang Hai is very clear in his heart that the competition in the reserve camp is no matter how big or small it is, no matter where it is.

As soon as it appeared, there was definitely a strong person from the Qianshan Sect to watch.

The reason for this is, first, for the sake of fairness, to avoid some people from using little tricks in the course of the competition.

The second nature is to protect the safety of both sides of the contest.

After all, the disciples who can enter the preparatory camp, no matter how talented they are, are ten times or even higher than those outside the inner disciples and outer disciples.

Over the years, most of the people in power in the Qianshan Sect, such as the Ten Great Elders, Supreme Elders, and even the Sect Master, are all geniuses who have gone out of the preparation camp.

For such a genius, Qianshanzong will naturally take it seriously and will not invite him to die easily.

Therefore, this time there must be a Qianshanzong master watching Qin Shaofeng's challenge.

Jiang Hai is very sure of this!

Qin Shaofeng was also very sure, no, it should have been confirmed.

Because when he came to this ring, Qin Shaofeng was reminded by Xiaoqiuqiu that an acquaintance was watching in secret.

And this acquaintance is actually that Xie Zijun.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng was also aiming at this point, realizing that Xie Zijun seemed to take care of him a little, it seemed that this mysterious old man had compensated him.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng was a little unscrupulous now.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't know that Xie Zijun, who was hiding somewhere watching the ring at the moment, looked helpless.

"This Qin Shaofeng is really the best! But, having said that, this kid is really not easy!"

His eyes flashed slightly, and when Xie Zijun looked at Qin Shaofeng, there was a hint of wonder in his eyes.

"In just a few days, I have actually been promoted to the fifth level of the Xiaoyuan Pill. When Master told me, I was extremely unbelievable, but now it seems that Qin Shaofeng is really not easy!"

With Xie Zijun's eyesight, although he could not see through Qin Shaofeng's Dantian situation, he could feel Qin Shaofeng at this moment, and his spiritual power had reached about 30,000 points.

When Qin Shaofeng was testing in the reserve camp, only 20,000 points of spiritual power broke out, so in his personal record, his current spiritual power was only 20,000 points.

But this point can't help this Xie Zijun.

However, after a sigh, Xie Zijun's face showed a trace of helplessness.

"Alas, it's also fortunate that Xu Tianyang went directly to that place to retreat as soon as he entered the reserve camp, otherwise it would be weird if he didn't ask Qin Shaofeng for trouble because he suffered a loss in Qin Shaofeng's hands!"

"Qin Shaofeng, you have to hurry up. If you are still at this level after Xu Tianyang leaves the customs, then you are in trouble!"


Finally, after another half hour passed, Qin Shaofeng finally stood up slowly, with the dissatisfaction that was already completely noisy under the ring, and then put away the recliner behind him.

At this time, Na Jianghai stood up Qin Shaofeng, and immediately burst out all his strength, roaring again and again.

"Damn Qin Shaofeng, you actually made me wait for an hour, and I will make you pay the price you deserve!"

At this time, the crowd under the ring also roared.

"Yes, Jiang Hai, don't be polite to this kid. Although you can't kill him, you can kill him!"

"Yes, the disabled! Let us wait so long!"

"Jiang Hai, keep your hand, you are my grandson!"


Keep your hands?

Jiang Hai didn't plan to keep his hands at all, he had already made a decision in his heart to abolish a few parts of Qin Shaofeng.

If not, how can he vent his hatred?

At the moment Qin Shaofeng spoke about the start of the martial arts competition, Jiang Hai would burst out a powerful wave of spiritual power, and his right hand fist was shining, and he was about to blast a punch.

But the next moment, when a large number of thunderballs appeared next to Qin Shaofeng, Jiang Hai's expression instantly changed, and he rushed towards Qin Shaofeng's body to a sudden stop.

"Dare to use this trick in front of me? Do you think I am as idiot as Chen Xinlin?"

Jiang Hai sneered, and for the first time, a surge of spiritual energy in his body gathered in his eyes.

The next moment, Jiang Hai's eyes cast a faint white light.

Obviously, after seeing the previous match between Chen Xinlin and Qin Shaofeng, he was prepared for the dazzling blue light that thunderball exploded.

Not only that, while protecting his eyes, Jiang Hai also condensed his own spirit armor.

Compared with Chen Xinlin, the spirit armor condensed from the rivers and seas is only strong but not weak.

After doing all this, Jiang Hai sneered at Qin Shaofeng.

"Qin Shaofeng, I see what else you can do!"

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's actions made Jiang Hai and the crowd under the ring incomprehensible.

Because Qin Shaofeng, who had summoned thunderballs, did not attack Jiang Hai with thunderballs immediately, but Qin Shaofeng surrounded him with all the thunderballs.

Seeing this, Jiang Hai seemed to understand something, and he dismissed it: "Ha, Qin Shaofeng, are you stupid? Are you planning to use these thunderballs to block my attack?"

As soon as Jiang Hai said this, many people in the ring understood.

This is Qin Shaofeng's method to block Jiang Hai.

Can this be stopped?

Of course not!

After scornful, Jiang Hai directly ignored the thunderballs against the spirit armor he had condensed, and rushed towards Qin Shaofeng in a rampage.

Boom boom boom!

Once the thunderballs are hit by the sea, they will explode instantly.

At first Jiang Hai thought that Qin Shaofeng had some conspiracy, but now he noticed that although the power of those thunderball explosions was not weak, it could not break his spirit armor at all.

This made Jiang Hai finally relieved.

But the next moment, the situation in front of him was somewhat beyond Jiang Hai's expectations.

Because of this time, he realized that because of the constant explosion of thunderballs, there was already a dazzling blue light around him.

Although his eyes are protected by his spiritual power, he will not be stabbed by these lights.

But the problem is that those spiritual powers can't let his eyes see through the dazzling blue light in front of him!

And the most terrible thing is that the spiritual power fluctuations caused by these thunderball explosions have made Jiang Hai unable to sense Qin Shaofeng's breath.

Therefore, Jiang Hai discovered at this moment that he had lost the trace of Qin Shaofeng.

Not only Jiang Hai, but everyone under the ring at this moment just saw the real blue dazzling light erupting on the ring, and couldn't see what was happening in it.

But at this moment, amidst the bright lights on the ring, a scream came fiercely.


It's that Jianghai!

Upon hearing that scream, everyone heard that it was the voice of Jiang Hai, which made many people's complexions slightly changed, and an unbelievable thought appeared in their hearts.


In the next moment, this idea became a reality.

Because after a scream, Jiang Hai actually flew upside down, then flew out of the ring and fell under the ring.

Off the court!

One side falls out of the ring, one side wins!

Jiang Hai lost!

Qin Shaofeng won!

This situation has aroused the surprise of countless people.

Although many people are praying in their hearts that Jiang Hai will lose to Qin Shaofeng in the end, after all, as long as Qin Shaofeng does not lose, then the bronze-step Qianshan Order on him is still there, so he still has a chance.

But few people at the scene would think that Jiang Hai was the one who lost in the end!

Especially when I saw that Jiang Hai was actually in a spirit armor at this moment, showing no appearance of injury, naturally, I was even more surprised.

What's the situation?

What happened in the light just now?

what's going on?

At this moment, even Jiang Hai didn't know it at all.

Because just now, he suddenly felt that he had suffered a powerful blow, the strength of that force absolutely surpassed the five layers of Xiaoyuan Pill.

However, it was only powerful, so his spirit armor was still not destroyed.

But this was enough. Being beaten up by such a huge force, Jiang Hai lost control of his body for a while, and finally fell out of the ring under helpless control.


I actually lost!

And still lost so inexplicably?

Jiang Hai was very angry at the moment, but no matter how angry he was, it would not help.

At this moment, the light dissipated, and after Qin Shaofeng's figure was revealed, another person jumped up.

This time it was actually a person with the five layers of Xiaoyuandan.

However, what surprised this person was that just when he was about to wait for the last hour in this ring, Qin Shaofeng directly said that he could start.

Although he felt a little strange about Qin Shaofeng's actions, the man didn't have any opinion. Like Jiang Hai before, he immediately protected his eyes with spiritual power, and then condensed the spirit armor.

But just like Jiang Hai before that, hundreds of thunderballs once again appeared next to Qin Shaofeng, and then before that person took the initiative to attack, Qin Shaofeng ordered these thunderballs to explode.

The next moment, a dazzling light appeared on the ring again, and everyone under the ring could no longer see what happened on the ring.

But not long after, just like Jiang Hai, with a dull and unwilling roar, the person who challenged Qin Shaofeng this time also flew upside down, and then fell under the ring.

Qin Shaofeng won again!

This is weird!

Everyone didn't know how Qin Shaofeng won.

And even the parties involved do not know how they lost.

What's even more incredible is that the next few matches all ended in this weird way.

Qin Shaofeng wins!

Qin Shaofeng wins!

Qin Shaofeng wins!

Qin Shaofeng won several matches in a row!

But again, no one can understand why this is.

Everyone only learned a general situation from the few people who lost, that is, because they couldn't see clearly the situation of the competition arena, and then they were directly lifted out by an inexplicable force.

Finally, fell out of the competition ring and lost the game!

Faced with this situation, everyone finally faced Qin Shaofeng squarely.

If it was Qin Shaofeng's method, if he didn't figure it out, it would be difficult to defeat Qin Shaofeng.

Because from the population who lost the competition, everyone also learned a situation.

That was the tremendous power erupted by Qin Shaofeng, which was comparable to the power of the six layers of Xiaoyuan Pill.

But even so, everyone still didn't worry much about Qin Shaofeng's strength.

What are you afraid of? Isn't it just a little stronger?

What's the big deal!

Isn't this that even the five-level spirit armor of the Xiaoyuan Pill cannot be broken?

However, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng left everyone behind.

What made everyone gritted their teeth was that they couldn't stop Qin Shaofeng from leaving.

Because today Qin Shaofeng has already competed ten times.

The special challenge stipulates that the challenged person can refuse anyone's challenge after the number of contests reaches ten times.


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