Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4221: Open the door

"Since you have decided to cooperate, you should also talk about the things here. I don't believe you will come to me for cooperation if you have nothing to do." Seventh Patriarch Zhan Cai'er's words finally came out again.

This sentence made everyone who heard it couldn't help but nod their heads.

This is really the case.

There are so many weird things here that can't be explained in a word.

Even most of them do not quite understand.

"Just ask you humans directly about this question." Ghost King said uncomfortably.


Before he could finish his words, the cold snort of the Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er interrupted him: "Dou Li, you try to talk nonsense with this seat?"

The ghost king almost spurted blood.

The three continent powerhouses couldn't help but exclaim in secret, this one is really too powerful.

Even the ghost king can be so stunned.

"Zhan Cai'er, you are almost done!" The Ghost King was furious.

If it were not that he did not have any confidence, he would have been tempted to make a move.

But they belong to the weak, but they can't even do anything.

"Wang, this human being is really hateful..."

"shut up!"

The ghost king almost jumped up when he heard the ghosts around him.

Zhan Cai'er couldn't kill him, but he could kill this group of ghosts.

They are in this area.

It is also teasing the existence of a large number of powerhouses on the Three Continents. He can't use his will to allow them to spend thousands of years, and all these powers that he finally accumulated are lost here.

The corpse slave doesn't matter.

But the group of high-powered ghosts he brought with him was indeed the most powerful support they would use to deal with several continents in the future.

"What did he just say?"

The Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er couldn't tolerate it, and said coldly: "Du Li, you should know the temper of this seat, this matter can't be forgotten."

The powerhouses of the Three Continents had already been stunned and couldn't return to their senses.

They knew for the first time that humans could be so strong in front of the Ghost King.

This is beyond imagination.

The look on the Ghost King's face was uncertain.

He naturally understood the meaning of the Seventh Patriarch Zhan Cai'er.

But the problem is...

He couldn't just kill his own people in vain, right?

"Zhan Cai'er, you can explain it, but should you also give this king an explanation?" The ghost king said.

"Although they can know some things, it is absolutely impossible for you to know. How can a strong man who was able to dominate a battle with our human beings, how can his eyesight be comparable to anyone?"

"What's more, if you didn't know what they couldn't know, you wouldn't be able to find me to cooperate."

The seventh ancestor Zhan Cai'er spoke extremely fast.

Even before the ghost king could react, she had already finished speaking.

At this moment, her gaze was completely focused on the ghost king.

The look of the ghost king became even more ugly.

But he knew very well that the Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er had already given him an explanation, and if he could not give an explanation, the Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er could not stop there.

He gritted his teeth fiercely, and smashed the head of the ghost with a sudden palm.

It's strange to say.

Ghosts and humans only have different pupil colors, and the others look exactly the same.

It happened that after the ghost was shot to death, everything about the body was exactly the same as the ghost slave.

They turned out to be stone people.

"Say it!"

Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er saw this scene and finally changed his tone.

The ghost and corpse king looked at Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er with eyes full of anger, and said: "This is a card, but it is not. It is not enough to break through brute force. You should understand the others."

People from the three continents really knew it for the first time.

Even though they originally felt that they knew a lot, but they also said it in a mess, it was not comparable to the phrase of the ghost king.

No wonder the seventh ancestor Zhan Cai'er would choose to ask the ghost king.

"lead the way."

Zhan Cai'er is still strong.

The people of the Three Continents didn't really regard Zhan Cai'er as their own.

But when they heard Zhan Cai'er's domineering words, they couldn't help but burst into darkness.

Even a few people have vaguely understood why the passer-by Jia Keshuo chose to follow this one.

This is too strong and overbearing, and it feels so cool.

How can people be irritated and mad, they just don't put the ghost king in their eyes at all!

The ghost king also stopped talking nonsense, just made a stop-talking gesture to the other ghosts, and immediately led the way.

Along the way.

Anything like the big stone formations encountered could not have any deterrent effect on them at all.

But shortly after they marched, they saw a door.

Qin Shaofeng's expression became weird when he saw the moment of this gate.

Fortunately, the identity of a drunkard is really easy to use.

He was truly transparent along the way, and he didn't even seem to bother to lift his eyelids.

Although the color of consternation under his eyes was strong, it could not be seen by anyone.

On the contrary, it was the Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er, Zhan Cangkong and passers-by Jia Keshuo's expressions revealing something. The Ghost King and the people from the Three Continents all looked at them.

"Zhan Cai'er, you really surprised this king. Now that you know what's going on, just come over and open the door!" The ghost king said overjoyed.

"I don't need you to talk more about this matter." Li Naling snorted coldly.

Immediately, he turned his head and looked at Qin Shaofeng.

Everyone looked at Qin Shaofeng together for the first time.

The previous Qin Shaofeng was too low-key.

So that they didn't take it to heart at all.

Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er's actions seemed to tell them that they had all guessed wrong.

What little transparency is Qin Shaofeng, but it has a real big role!

"Boy, this seat has protected you for so long, it's time for you to do something and open this door for this seat." Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er said.

Everyone couldn't help but roll their eyes.

No, not just people.

Because the ghost king and a bunch of ghosts turned more powerful than them.

Is this guy overbearing?

How could that kid be able to open this door because he was only a mere mere initial cultivation base of the Void Realm?

"I said that I can't open it, that's all, then let you give up." Qin Shaofeng shook his head and shook his head.

He shook his way to the door step by step.

He didn't want to hide his clumsiness, but the characteristic seven pieces of colorful order had already been used, and he really couldn't take it out again.

He put his hand on the door and immediately displayed the colorful power.

Let a scene he didn't expect to appear.

When his colorful power was on display, he actually made those spars start to change color.

Not long.

When he consumed seven points of colorful power, the door actually opened.

"This... why, how could this be?"

"My... how come?"

Qin Shaofeng was really shocked too much.

Even if he didn't want to show anything, he couldn't help but exclaim.

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