Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4222: Solicit

"Huh! I have told you that your practice is part of the variant that the Qi Cai Zhenjun has left behind. Although it can't exert its due power, it is really easy to crack this place." Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er Snorted again.

She was obviously looking for a reason for Qin Shaofeng.

It's just that she didn't know that Qin Shaofeng couldn't help shaking in her heart because she was really talking about the point.

But don't be spotted!

"Is this going to be the variant of True Monarch Colorful?" Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with excitement, and he muttered to himself: "It seems that after I go back, I will go and play with that kid again, maybe that is. The kid is the descendant of True Monarch Colorful."

His voice was very low, but everyone heard clearly.

Zhan Caier difference.

But he also understood that he must have intentions, and said coldly: "Who are you talking about?"

"Ahahaha, I wish I would never wake up from being drunk. The sages and sages in ancient times are lonely, but the drinkers keep their names, hahaha..." Qin Shaofeng laughed.

If such a verse is heard by the people of the earth, he will definitely be tempered.

It's just that this is another world.

Even if he has plagiarized too weirdly, it is impossible for people to hear anything.


"Good poem, good poem!"

"It would be great if he was from our Longyun Continent. With this literary talent alone, he can become a pinnacle in our Longyun Continent. What a pity, what a pity..."

"Little friend, if you have the opportunity, you are welcome to come to our Yunshan Continent as a guest."

"I wonder if the little friends are interested in coming to our Capricorn Continent's No. 1 power Capricorn Sacred Mountain as a guest elder Qing?"

The strongest of the three continents actually issued the invitation letter in the first place.

Such enthusiasm almost made Qin Shaofeng think that these people were crazy.

My poems are not genuine, but plagiarized like pirates. There are even a lot of mistakes caused by the game. Are these people?

"Fuck your clothes when things happen, hide your name and name deeply, hahaha..." Qin Shaofeng laughed again.

He has been arguing with the Three Continents too hard, but he won't really be a guest on the Three Continents.

On the contrary, it was this poem that once again made the powerhouses of the Three Continents applaud.

"His literary talent is simply...absolute!"

"Any answer, it is so literary, I don't care, no matter what happens in the future, no one can let anyone hurt this little friend."

"Fuck your clothes when things happen, hide your name and name, good poems, good poems."

"When things are done, I have to leave naturally, and go away, really free and easy."

"It's more than that. The deep hiding and fame reveals his frankness in not putting fame and fame in his heart."

"This person is really a role model for me!"

Qin Shaofeng was completely speechless by the words that the powerhouses of the Three Continents kept saying.

He really couldn't understand the thoughts of these people.

As for being so cruel?

Even just listening to these people's words, he secretly sighed a pity.

If he is really close to the Three Continents, even his memory of poetry and essays comparable to elementary school students will be enough to make his life flourish. Where is it so troublesome now?

While he was thinking in his heart, he had already returned to the original appearance.

Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er and Ghost Corpse King rushed in in an instant.

No matter what good things are in it, you can't let the other party get it.

Their quick movements left Qin Shaofeng and others behind.

If there were no ghosts and corpses, the powerhouses of the three continents would get such an opportunity, even if they didn't kill the three Qin Shaofeng, they would definitely not stop there.

Now it is not.

Especially Qin Shaofeng's demeanor just now has truly completely convinced them.

Saw Li Naling and others entering.

The people of the Three Continents, instead of doing anything unfavorable to them, moved towards Qin Shaofeng.

All of them were talking about wooing.

Even Qin Shaofeng had been drinking wine all the time, and his body was full of alcohol.

These people don't seem to feel it anymore.

Even the strongest people gave out things one after another, each of which was a good thing, and was desperately stuffed into his hand.

One of them even tore off the storage bag from Qin Shaofeng's waist.

Regardless of what was in it, he poured it directly into a top storage bag made by the Three Continents, and then put a token in it.

"Little friend, whether you have the opportunity to come to our Capricorn continent, in short, our Capricorn continent has already recognized you. If there are people from our three continents who are embarrassing you, you can just take out this token." The strong man from Capricorn continent. Said.

When the others saw this, they suddenly regretted it.

Why didn't they think of it?


Qin Shaofeng was really curious.

"That is the token of our Capricorn sacred mountain elder Keqing, in the arena, anything can happen, you just keep it by your side." said that.

"In that case, thank you very much."

Qin Shaofeng nodded, but countless thoughts had already appeared in his heart.

He has done too many things in the Cangming Realm today, and if he goes back, he will not be targeted.

Is it possible to take a stroll around the Three Continents?

But I still have to go back.

The crises of the Three Continents should not be less, send Zhan Cangkong back to get another batch of soul crystals and heart crystals.

That's all for the future, and I don't need to think so much now.

He thought, he had already accepted what everyone had sent. He brought the wine gourd to his mouth again, took a swig, and then staggered towards the door.

The front and back of the gate seem to be two worlds.

When they were outside the gate, they clearly didn't hear anything.

But when they stepped in, they saw a battle at the pinnacle.

It was not a battle between the ghost king and the seventh ancestor Zhan Cai'er.

The two who originally belonged to the absolutely hostile camp were actually dealing with the same enemy.

The enemy is just a phantom.

But when the two of them joined forces, they couldn't help it.

Qin Shaofeng clearly knew that his current cultivation base hadn't a means to learn to comprehend them.

He just glanced at the battle place casually.

He moved his gaze away and began to observe the situation here.

From the standpoint of furnishings alone, it seems that this place is just inside a hall.

It’s just that it’s too big here.

It was so large that it was in a central location, and there was still a place that was supposed to be a garden.

I don't know if it is because of the corrosion of thousands of years that there are no spiritual plants in the garden, and all you can see is a piece of wasteland.

Even further behind the garden, there was nothing, but a gate that didn't know where it was going was revealed to them.

"Here... shouldn't... the golden twelfth house?" Qin Shaofeng couldn't help thinking.

Especially looking at the one person and one ghost king fighting in front of him, this weird thought in his heart became more concentrated.

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