Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4223: Killing intent

"Golden Zodiac? What is that?"

After Zhan Cangkong heard his self-talk, the young man's curiosity made him ask.

"It's nothing."

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect the thoughts in his heart to speak out unconsciously.

The golden zodiac.

That is an earth animation. Although there are some logical problems, it is also a symbol of confidence.

If the situation here is really similar, his surprise might be really possible.

After a moment of thinking, the battle is over.

The phantom that appeared inexplicably was weird, but it was just a phantom.

Seven ancestor Zhan Cai'er and the ghost king are not extremely tough in their fight.

Under their joint hands, it was not that the phantom could contend infinitely.

The ghost king fell in an instant, and the ghost king rushed towards the back, one person and one ghost king.

The gap between their original combat power may be very large.

Now it is almost the same.

Their speed is extremely fast, like a flash of light, they have disappeared.

By the time Qin Shaofeng reacted, the two had already disappeared.

Qi Qi of the three continents felt speechless.

It's just that when it's clear what can't be obtained, it's pretty good to prevent the Ghost King from getting it.

More of their attention has fallen on Qin Shaofeng.

"Li Xiaoyou, shall we follow up and have a look?" one person asked.

They are so polite, Qin Shaofeng naturally can't assume that he hasn't heard.

Shaking his head, he said: "You are free, I'm not in a hurry."

"We are not in a hurry, anyway, some of the two of them are powerful, we are destined to get nothing." The man continued.

The others nodded.

This is the common idea of ​​all of them.

If it weren't for being curious about what exists here, and don't want to let the Ghost King say something because of their departure, they might have left long ago.

"Oh, then if I find something, you don't want to grab it with me." Qin Shaofeng nodded shook his head and walked towards the garden.

The expressions of the people on the three continents all appeared astonished.

This kid actually wants to pick up the leak?

Thinking of this, many people regret it.

Why didn't they think of this just now?

It is indeed impossible for them to fight for the big head.

But even if you get a little bit of benefit, that's a great thing!

This kid can be recognized by that Zhan Cai'er, and he is not incompetent.

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng started to use his shabby sword, which was nowhere near the level, as a shovel to dig the ground, the eyes of the people on the Three Continents began to explore the surroundings.

Qin Shaofeng did say that they shouldn't fight, but they just didn't fight for that piece of land.

Is it okay for them to search other places?

With this idea.

The speed of everyone's hands can be described as extremely fast.

In just a few moments, he had searched the entire hall, but he didn't even have anything of value.

But when they looked at Qin Shaofeng, each of them was messed up in the wind.

This guy obviously found nothing.

But he was extremely unwilling, and even started to fill the soil.

The entire garden is not small, and he has already filled 90% of it in a storage bag.

Seeing the storage bags that kept appearing in her hand, everyone was speechless for a while.

"Put a storage bag in the storage bag?"

The person who had changed Qin Shaofeng's storage bag before nearly stared out.

As a person of three continents.

Almost all of them are entangled with the problem that the storage bag is not big enough, and the strong are always studying the storage bag with larger space.

Only then did they finally wake up.

They have done useless work for such a long period of research on the three continents.

The more you want more space in your storage bag, the more you get into the horns. No one thought of this. It's really helpless!

When they were reflecting on one by one, Qin Shaofeng had already completely collected the soil.

No one else has explored this land, and no one has noticed the strangeness of this land.

The seemingly ordinary land actually contains medicinal power that can be called against the sky, which is obviously caused by the decay of the spiritual plants that were planted here.

Although this land cannot be turned into a treasure, it can also play a big role if it is used well.

It just so happens that there are spiritual plants in his ghost mansion, and it is a pleasant thing to replace all the soil that had been rushed to use the spiritual soil here.

He thought to himself, just when everyone thought that he and his two storage bags were put into the storage bag, he was sent directly to the ghost mansion.

His movements are too fast.

To get the land here, before the other people have reacted, they have already rushed to the next place.

It is still the main hall.

It seems that the Qi Cai Zhenjun who made this kind of place has watched anime, and he actually made this kind of serial card exchange.

In the second place, he collected a pool of water.

A table in the third place.

People from the Three Continents followed him all the time, and every time he looked at his actions, he felt completely speechless.

They could even think that if it weren't for the weird buildings here that couldn't be demolished, he might have demolished the buildings here.

I really haven't seen such a cruel person.

Qin Shaofeng walked all the way and swept all the way.

Soon, it has come to the final place.

At this time, Zhan Cai'er had already fought with the Ghost King, and there was a spar floating in front of them.

They are obviously vying for the ownership of the spar.

"Is this the last level?" One person asked in amazement.

They were so quiet along the way that they had already forgotten the danger here. Watching Qin Shaofeng's search everywhere was what they wanted to do the most.

Their eyes rested on the battlefield between the ghost king and the seventh ancestor Zhan Cai'er.

Qin Shaofeng had already begun to think crazy.

This ghost king who understood that Li Poisoned Li might make the Seventh Patriarch Zhan Cai'er not be able to give birth to the idea of ​​beheading, he was indeed different.

This guy put his face to kill his subordinates.

It once threatened his safety.

If he let him go in this way, he would be full of unwillingness.

At this time they have the upper hand.

If he doesn't want a way to kill Li Poisoning Li, his heart is full of unwillingness.

Just thought of this.

There was already a cold look in his eyes.

His eyes were involuntarily towards several ghosts who were also coming at the same speed as them.

A little smile suddenly appeared in his eyes.

It seems... it is really possible to operate!

"Your cultivation seems to be very good?" He suddenly said, and immediately attracted the eyes of everyone and the ghosts.

But no one spoke first, and they all felt that there seemed to be something wrong with Qin Shaofeng's words.

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