Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4241: joint

"Why, is there any problem?"

Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er looked at him hesitantly and couldn't help but ask.

Her question did not receive the first response.

Qin Shaofeng seemed to have something on his mind.

After staying in place and thinking for a long time, he finally said something that puzzled everyone.

"No hurry, let's go back and rest for another month."

As soon as he said this, the three of them were in a mess in the wind.

Rao is the seventh ancestor Zhan Cai'er.

After thinking about it for a long time, I also found sadly that I couldn't understand why Qin Shaofeng did this.

Zhan Cangkong was the most direct, asking: "Why don't we get the situation in this level as soon as possible, but continue to wait instead, what if they all catch up?"

"All catching up?"

The eyes of Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er suddenly flashed.

She stared at Qin Shaofeng, and asked in shock, "Do you want them to catch up with our progress?"

Zhan Cangkong and Passerby were all messy.

After all, they were already used to the rhythm of Qin Shaofeng and Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er, and when they knew that they had a conversation, they didn't need to understand at all, and they didn't say much.

But Qin Shaofeng nodded slightly.

This world is so strange that even I can't figure out what is going on in this palace of life and death.

"Are you worried that after we pass this level, they will follow us?" Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er also frowned.

They have been here for too long, and they have subconsciously ignored that the Palace of Life and Death is not the real world.

It is one of the gates of the Tomb of the Dead.

According to the usual urine characteristics of similar levels, if they pass the level, it is likely to drive the fragmentation of the world, and thus bring other people into the next level.

Qin Shaofeng's reminder made her suddenly startled.

If it continues, their consumption will definitely be extremely huge.

On the other hand, the Three Continents and the Ghost King, whose progress is not high, are equivalent to following them into Yin Yang City.

That would give the opponent too much advantage.

"You are right, we really should take a month off. Maybe a month is too short. We still need to take a rest for two or three months." Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er laughed.

"Let's go!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled non-committal.

A group of people set off again.

When I returned to the Palace of Life and Death, I didn't meet any acquaintances again.

They once again returned to the residence arranged for them by the Lord.

Everyone has been exhausted in recent days.

Anyway, they don't need to worry about the tasks behind, they just go back to the room to rest.

After Qin Shaofeng returned to the room, he began to retreat again.

Today's space sky map has reached level five.

If he continues to absorb it in the future, it will indeed make him quickly enter the sixth-level state.

But his current physical condition is peculiar.

Although the power that the space sky map can bring is terrifying, it only acts in terms of combat power.

There is not enough strength to support the battle.

Even if the power is really improved, the effect here is not as great as imagined.

He has a lot of experience in cultivation.

It's just a moment of thinking about the three existences that need time to absorb.

He has already made a decision.

Martial arts practice is naturally based on martial arts cultivation.

Anyway, he didn't need to worry about his soul crystal for the time being, so he took out a lot of soul crystals and started a new round of absorption.

In this state of cultivation, time passes very quickly.

On the contrary, it made the Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er and others feel very boring.

As for outsiders outside of them.

But one is really more worried than one.

Two months passed.

The task load of everyone has been advanced to nine hundred.

Only at this level did they truly realize how difficult it is to pass the barriers later.

Even the most powerful Ghost King team.

It took more than 20 days to increase the task volume from 900 to 908, which really took a few steps forward.

The Capricorn continent is human after all.

They seem to have received some care from the Palace of Life and Death, but their advancing speed is limited to declining, and they are now about to be caught up by the ghost king's team.

"It seems that it is time for our three continents to reunite. Otherwise, if this continues, no matter what is here, I'm afraid it will belong to the King of Ghosts."

When the people of the three continents gathered again, the strong of the Capricorn continent made this suggestion.

Longyun Continent and Yunshan Continent had already been stagnant.

Hearing the request of the strongest Capricorn mainland powerhouse, everyone nodded and said yes.

After all, they have a clear understanding.

If you don't cooperate, there is no possibility of continuing, let alone killing the Ghost King's team.

As for whether or not to live in the end, it is no longer within their scope of consideration.

Everything has to be pushed a little further.

Moreover, among them, there are not one or two people at the peak of the void, and all of them have some back players.

The big deal is to show those backhands.

"Since we want to unite, do we want to call the people from Void Continent?" one person suddenly said.

"Are they willing to come?"

One suddenly frowned.

He looked at the person who opened the mouth very uncomfortably, and said: "I heard that their advancing speed was good at first, but after a few days of tasks, they seemed to stop because they hit a wall.

"How many days?"

Someone was surprised.

Those who came early are almost doing the task for half a year.

It was incredible for them to do the task for only a few days.

"It's only a few days. Although we can't determine the specific data, it's impossible to reach ten days at most." The person who gave this information before continued.

The others looked at each other.

They are very clear about the situation here.

In contrast.

People who have been lazy after just a few days of tasks really don't deserve them to care too much.

"If it's just that, then it really doesn't make much sense." The strong in Longyun Continent nodded one after another.

They are the ones who have done the task for the longest time.

For people like Qin Shaofeng and others, who had given up after only a few days of missions, there really wasn't any good feeling.

"If this is the case, let's prepare again, and then start to try the next level!" one person said.

"We seem to have to seek the approval of the mission system of the Palace of Life and Death first. Let's go and submit the application first." One person said.

Immediately, a group of people rumbling towards the window.

The mission system here is indeed not very restrictive.

They almost got the approval of the person in charge at the counter of the Palace of Life and Death the first time they said their request.

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