Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4242: Practice

"Boy, the people of the three continents have united and directly inherited the number of missions from the Capricorn continent, and they passed towards the BOSS level."

The voice of the Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er came from outside the door.

Such a thing is a big deal for too many people.

After all, it is a strong alliance after the 900 pass.

But Qin Shaofeng in the room didn't even open his eyes.

The speed of absorbing soul crystals has never been reduced.

Just a sound in his mouth: "Got it."

No matter what kind of sound came from outside the door, he never made a sound again.

Always being absorbed.

With his attitude towards cultivation, the Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er and others lost the ability to continue to pay attention to the situation of the various forces after seeing it for a few times.

Anyway, within a month or two, they will not have much entry.

Everyone thought about it for a moment.

Simply enter the closed state.

Here it is very terrifying to suppress their cultivation base combat power.

But in terms of cultivation, it didn't bring them any changes.

All enter the cultivation state.

Makes the years seem to have become very, very fast.

Don't say it's two months.

Three months' time actually flickered like flowing water.

In the meantime, Zhan Cangkong and Passerby had to observe the situation of various forces several times.

It's just that people who have become two parties, the entry is really too bad.

The restrictions on the ghost and corpse team have reached a level of horror, so that even if they work very hard, they only push the level to nine hundred and seventy-six levels.

The difficulty continues to increase, and there have even been many deaths.

But instead of reducing the number of ghosts and corpses, it has grown more, reaching nearly three hundred.

On the other hand, the situation on the human side of the three continents is much better.

But they were suppressed as extremely powerfully, so that even if the difficulty they faced was several times simpler than that of the ghost clan, they were completely stuck at the 990 level.

It has been nearly ten days.

They have never made progress, let alone the difficulty of the last nine levels.

After confirming this situation.

They only went to observe it yesterday afternoon, and they made sure that there was still no change before they finally came back.

I thought that people from the Three Continents would definitely think of other ways.

But I didn't expect it.

Instead of waiting for the people of the Three Continents to go through the barrier again, they came collectively to where they lived.

Just looking for someone, was not blocked by the Lord of the Palace of Life and Death.

When the door was snapped.

When the messy sounds of the Three Continents sounded, even Qin Shaofeng couldn't help being alarmed by them.

"The people of the Three Continents are planning to drag us into the water?"

Qin Shaofeng muttered to himself.

Immediately, he closed his eyes again and continued his absorption.

A full three months.

He has absorbed an unknown number of soul crystals.

So that when the cultivation base reached the third stage of the initial stage of the void realm, it also allowed a new increase in the number of soul crystals absorbed.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: the third stage of the initial stage of the void (473/999) (0 million/1 million)

Star Position: Colorful Mark Warrior (Silver)

Martial Art: Colorful Tianxu (Level 4)

Strength value: 62/100

Ghost Mark: 2-37

Martial Skills: Colorful Sword Jue, Colorful Heart Jue, Colorful Martial Art, Colorful Dao Yin, Colorful True Jue

Colorful fourth-order: 0/10 million

Inheritance Spells: Si Beast Thunder, Nothingness of Life

Sky Map: Space Level 5 (0 million / 100,000)

A turn of ghost fire Jindan: 13/13

Star value: 190,000

Talent skills: Spiritual Code of Gods and Demons

Knowledge Sea: Colorful Void Realm

Equipment: Luotian Zen Shadow, Ghost Song, Ghost Clothes, Ghost Mansion

When his cultivation base broke through one after another, even he was grateful, but fortunately, he hadn't smashed all the Yaoxing value on the colorful inheritance before.

Otherwise, even if he absorbs the number of soul crystals, he will not be able to make a breakthrough in his cultivation.

The only thing that made him unhappy with the improvement of his cultivation was the improvement of Qi Cai's power, and the number was really too small and too small.

The third-order upgrade turned out to be only a slight increase of three points.

Only three more tricks can be played at most.

This seems to be nowhere, right?

The resentment in his heart was great, but he didn't even have the slightest way to deal with it.

I heard the words of some people from the three continents.

He re-entered the cultivation state.

To him, all this is so indifferent, but he almost caused trouble to the seventh ancestor Zhan Cai'er.

People from the Three Continents first understood righteousness.

In the end, even threats were used.

The Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er was immediately yelled with anger, and he was even a little short of a fight.

But it's not that the Seventh Patriarch Zhan Cai'er had a good temper.

It's because of this place.

People from the Three Continents have tried the terrifying combat power of that palace master. It's okay to come here to say something threatening, but if you really dare to do it.

They believed that even if the palace master didn't kill them all, it would be no better.

When they are here, they can only tolerate it.

But as soon as they went out, countless foul language voices sounded.

This made the Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er almost run away.

Not long.

Qin Shaofeng's door was kicked open.

"Boy, I'm very upset right now, should you say something to comfort me?" Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er's voice was full of rage.

Qin Shaofeng, who was absorbing soul crystals, almost caused problems in his cultivation because of her words.

what's going on?

What makes you very upset now, want me to comfort you?

It doesn't seem to have much to do with me, right?

Psychological speechlessness is strong.

But he quickly returned to normal.

"Do you have anything to care about with a bunch of dead people?"

Qin Shaofeng's indifferent voice sounded.

This sentence immediately made Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er's eyes widened.

What did she hear?


Qin Shaofeng actually said that these people are all four?

Did I hear it wrong?

"You... are you going to kill all those people?"

The voice of Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er trembled slightly.

Qin Shaofeng's fierceness really shocked her too much.

"Since they have all come to our troubles, they are destined to be their own. What's more, do you think they can really live to the end of this level?" Qin Shaofeng never opened his eyes.

However, his successive words made the Seventh Patriarch Zhan Cai'er's anger disappear.


They are now in a competitive relationship.

And the practices of those people have already explained too many things.

Do you want to keep those people.

It seemed that it was just their momentary thoughts.

"Those people are all humans after all. Even if we come from different worlds, it seems too vicious to do this?" Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er frowned tightly.

Her words made Qin Shaofeng amused.

This dignified Seventh Ancestor of the Northern Sky still has such thoughts, which is really speechless!

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