Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4243: Murderous

"Is there little human internal fighting?"

Qin Shaofeng still didn't open his eyes, but his voice had become icy.

The look of Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er was also awe-inspiring.

She deliberately said something, but it was a sad discovery. No matter what she said now, it seemed to have no effect.

After all, Qin Shaofeng's words sounded harsh.

But it is an indisputable fact.

This is especially true on the side of their Void Continent.

The magnificent Emperor Cangming, the lord of the Void Continent, not only did not prepare for their future war with the ghost clan, but still considered his own ambitions.

Even for this, I don't know how many human powers have been sacrificed.

The overall situation is already so.

No matter how unwilling they are, they have to admit that this is an indisputable fact.

"Then what do you want to do, do you really want to kill all those people cleanly?" Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er asked.

"I don't know yet, let's go one step at a time!"

Qin Shaofeng never opened his eyes.

But his successive words made Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er forget the initial anger.

After thinking for a while, she had to choose to walk out of Qin Shaofeng's room.

Compared to when she walked in.

At this time, her heart became more heavier.

She could indeed see clearly the attitudes of the people of the Three Continents towards them.

But the more this happened, the more bottomless her heart became.

How should this matter be resolved?

She found that her heart was completely messed up.

Time is spent little by little in such emotions.

It was another month in a blink of an eye.

The people of the Three Continents have made great progress in advancing the level again.

It should be something to be happy about.

People from the Three Continents are not happy anyhow.

Just because they have advanced to the nine hundred and ninety-four level, what they are about to face is the nine hundred and ninety-five level.

It just happens that only in these few levels, their consumption has reached a kind of extreme.

There are no more than ten people who still have combat power.

And the one who survived the most was just a big move.

"If we continue with this process, it is impossible for us to pass the assessment of the Palace of Life and Death. It seems that we still have to pull the people from the Void Continent into the water." The strong man in Longyun Continent once again took the matter a month ago. Mentioned it out.

"Pull into the water? This is simple to say, but what should I do?"

The complexions of other people are also very ugly.

One person's retorting words suddenly made everyone's expression more gloomy.

Quiet for a moment.

The strong man in Longyun Continent roared again: "No matter what you do, they must come to help. It is best if you are willing to cooperate obediently, otherwise, just kill it."

His words are already extremely vicious.

But what is strange is that after hearing this, no one felt anything that shouldn't be the case.

Some people have even begun to think about how to do it.

"Difficult, it is too difficult."

A strong man in Capricorn Continent frowned and said intently: "Although the number and cultivation of those people are not eye-catching, they still live with the Lord of the Palace of Life and Death. As long as we dare to do something, we will suffer immediately. The killing of that palace master."

"There is nothing to suppress our cultivation base in this broken place. Otherwise, even if there are ten or one hundred temple masters, wouldn't they be able to squeeze to death at will?"

"What do those useless things do?"

"Still think about how we should do the best!"

"How to do it?"

"Can we lead them out?"

"I'm afraid it's impossible. Those people are too tolerant, and we belong to different worlds. Why should we lead them out?"


Dozens of people on the Three Continents began to think again.

The farther the level is, the more difficult it becomes.

Based on their remaining combat power, I am afraid that they will not even be able to pass the next level.

Not to mention anything else.

"Anyway, the Ghost King's team is still stuck at the nine hundred and ninety-three level. We don't need to be so anxious. Let's wait for a while before speaking. I don't believe that the group of people will always refuse to come out." Another humanity.

When everyone heard the words, their eyes brightened.

They are doomed to be impossible to pass.

That being the case, there seems to be nothing wrong with wasting some time, right?

A group of people quickly agreed to this approach.

It had been delayed for a long time.

Their approach this time was even more absolute, and they simply prolonged time indefinitely.

The news soon reached Qin Shaofeng's ears.

When he looked at everyone standing in his room, seeming to be the people waiting for his decision, he suddenly felt dumbfounded.

These people really regard him completely as the backbone.

This is not bad.

But the problem is...

It's just such a small matter, as for them to make such a big fuss?

"The group of people are stuck at the nine hundred and ninety-five level, and the ghost clan is stuck at the nine hundred and ninety-three level. Now even those people are not in a hurry. Why are you worried?" Qin Shaofeng rolled his eyes and asked. .

None of the three of them expected that he would actually ask.

Everyone was shocked for a while.

Isn't he worried at all?

"Since the people of the Three Continents decide to wait for us, they will definitely wait until we all feel unimaginable. Don't we really need to take any measures?" Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er asked.

"Can the ghost clan get through the last level?"

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said, "Seven Patriarch, it is indeed extremely difficult for you to improve your cultivation level, but whether I am or the two of them, we are always improving. Since the other party is willing to give us time, isn't it? Is it a good thing?"

The Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er was stunned again.

She didn't know until now that the fellow of feelings has always looked like this kind of impatient and impatient, not because of his endurance or how strong his vision.

But this guy needs a lot of time to practice.

It's really... too special!

"If you are okay, then all go back to practice, and wait for my cultivation level to improve, or when one party reaches the nine hundred and ninety-nine level." Qin Shaofeng dropped this sentence and closed it. Closed eyes.

What about people from the Three Continents?

If it was just the way it was at the beginning, he was indeed full of worries.

But it's definitely not now.

People from the Three Continents must have exhausted them to the extreme before they would do such a thing.

If he really irritated him.

The big deal is to kill these people directly.

If such a large group of powerful people in the late stage of the void, the peak of the void, can be killed, it will definitely bring him a great surprise.

He thought so in his heart, the original anger, which was only a trace, has completely disappeared without a trace.

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