Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4247: deserter

"Duo Duo, what are you doing so far?"

When the people of the three continents were laughing because of the arrogant attitude of the Seventh Patriarch Zhan Cai'er, an untimely word suddenly came out from behind the crowd.

As soon as the voice came out, everyone looked back curiously.

The person known as Duoduo is also a powerhouse in the late stage of the void.

Its combat power is even in the upper and middle reaches of their group, and it was once even called the first group of people under the peak.

That was truly the existence of the first person in the late stage of the void.

When everyone heard such a voice, they couldn't help but looked back towards the back.

This look immediately made everyone angry.

That Duoduo escaped without a fight!

As if he really responded to the words of the Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er, those who didn't want to participate in this battle immediately gave way to Yichang.

And it wasn't just one more person who avoided it.

Among the dozens of them, one-third of them have fled.

Such a discovery almost made the head of several people run away.

"What are you guys doing, get me back!" One person said furiously.

But he soon discovered sadly.

His roar did not bring back those who fled, but made them escape faster and farther.

There is no need to ask even the slightest.

They had also clearly understood that this group of people was completely suppressed by the Seventh Patriarch Zhan Cai'er, and it was impossible to come back to help.

The anger of a person's heart has gone to the extreme immediately.

"Do you **** need to be so scared of them?" Another could not help but roar.

This person who speaks is a strong man in the Capricorn continent.

And he is also from the mountain of Capricorn.

When he looked back, he had already found sadly that the person who escaped the most and farthest was actually from the Capricorn Mountain of their Capricorn continent.

How can this make him not angry?

"Lord Dragon Army, it's not that we don't want to participate in the war, but that Young Master Li is already the elder Keqing of our Capricorn Sacred Mountain. According to the rules, our Capricorn Sacred Mountain people must not kill each other. Please also Long Jun to return! "

Qin Shaofeng was the one from the Capricorn mainland who knew him most and said.

This sentence immediately stunned everyone.

They had already heard of it.

But Qin Shaofeng was too inconspicuous in their team.

It was so transparent that they all ignored it subconsciously.

If it hadn't been for this person to mention it again, they would really not be able to remember it after the battle was over.

"Elder Li? Which one?"

The Lord Longjun looked at Zhan Cangkong curiously.

But what kind of eyesight does he have?

With just a glance, you can see that Zhan Cangkong is indeed just a junior kid.

Such people are simply not qualified to be the elders of their Capricorn mountain.

Let alone make so many people jealous.

"The one who is drinking is the new elder Keqing and Elder Li of our Capricorn sacred mountain," said the strong man of the Capricorn sacred mountain.

This sentence finally made everyone look at Qin Shaofeng in a real sense.

It was also at this moment.

They finally realized what was wrong with Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng was too calm.

Even if they have so many people, they still look like they are living in his own world.

It seems that they are not regarded as the same thing at all.

Or maybe...

People didn't even notice their existence.

But how is this possible?

Is it possible that so many of them are all fake?

As for ignoring them like this?

"Is there anyone left for the rest of you? If you want to leave, hurry up. If you don't leave, we will have to do it." Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er has long been unable to bear it.

If it weren't for the Capricorn God Mountain, the man was still asking people to leave.

I'm afraid she has already shot.

"Lord Dragon Army, as the law enforcement elder of Capricorn Mountain, I order you to come back immediately!" The strong man from Capricorn Mountain is also angry.

When he spoke this time, his voice was already very cold, and he was obviously anxious to the extreme.

There is a huge gap in the cultivation base between the two, even if it is the identity of that person, it is obvious that he cannot be allowed to say such a thing.

But he just said that.

The degree of anxiety is already very obvious.

The Lord Long Jun couldn't help but hesitate when he saw this.

According to his thoughts, it is natural to make Qin Shaofeng and his group completely subdued.

It was the words of the law enforcement elder to let him clearly feel how jealous he was for the so-called elder Li.

Although he didn't understand the reason, he didn't dare to be even the slightest careless.

Hesitate for a moment.

He had already retreated to those who had already retreated.

This action immediately made everyone's eyes widened.

This has not yet begun to fight.

The people of the Capricorn mountain have already retreated from the spinous process?

This this this...

What is going on here?

And this is not the end, but just the beginning.

The law enforcement elders of the Capricorn God Mountain had done their work, and immediately everyone who had retreated began to follow suit.

Almost immediately, more than a dozen people retreated.

The battle has not yet begun.

The number of people who have already retreated has already reached more than half of them.

Their numbers are indeed extremely large.

But after such a reduction, the number of people suddenly became more than forty.

More than forty to four people.

They still have great advantages.

But does this advantage really have much effect?

They didn't even have any fear when they joined nearly 90 people.

Now they only have this little left.

People will be scared instead?

Are you kidding me?

"Since you are all ready, so be it!"

Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er glanced at the remaining forty or so people with profound meaning, and then glanced at Qin Shaofeng.

"Is there any problem with such a number? Is it too small?"

She actually asked Qin Shaofeng?

People who have already withdrawn from the battle circle suddenly felt something was wrong.

Especially the people of the Capricorn Mountain, they were even more surprised.

This person who was appreciated by the law enforcement elders and became their Capricorn Shenshan Keqing elder, who looked like a little transparent stranger, was able to ask that question?

Doesn't this mean self-evident?

"More than forty, it seems not many."

Qin Shaofeng finally turned the wine gourd in his hand.

His gaze was also the first time that he looked at those people formally: "Twelve peaks of the Void Realm martial arts, 31 of the late Void Realm, it's okay."

He broke through these people's cultivation in a word.

The lord Longjun who finally retreated from Capricorn almost stared out his eyes.

You know that their cultivation base is now suppressed!

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