Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4248: Origin of the Way of Heaven

Even if their martial arts heritage is still there.

After the cultivation base is completely suppressed, not everyone can see their depth.

It would be fine if someone had investigated them in advance.

He can see it clearly.

Even if the Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er and others had investigated those people, it was absolutely impossible to notify him in advance.

Put it this way.

Isn't it that this elder Li just used that glance to determine the cultivation status of those people?

This this this...

Isn't this too scary?

Isn't the cultivation level of that elder Li not sealed?

"No! This is impossible, how can you see through our cultivation?"

Among the people who hadn't retreated, one person couldn't accept Qin Shaofeng's eyesight and suddenly shouted loudly.


After Qin Shaofeng determined that this group of people were all enemies to kill, he never thought about staying behind.

Talking to the dead?

To the dead?

Ha ha!

His Qin Shaofeng has never had that kind of interest and hobby.

Glancing at the crowd with a cold expression, he already spoke in a gloomy voice, saying, "Since you deserve to die, then all go to die."

At the same time as his words were uttered, the real person rushed out like a stream of light.

In an instant.

His figure has already appeared in front of the peak powerhouse of the void who just spoke.

A seemingly random recycling.


The man's head shattered at the sound.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing the pinnacle powerhouse of the void, and gaining a source of heaven."

The system sounds.

The sound that appeared this time caused Qin Shaofeng who was doing it to stagnate.

Origin of the Way of Heaven?

He already knew that if his cultivation level wanted to go further from the void, he needed to understand the mysterious source of heaven.

But he never thought of it.

Even when slaying the pinnacle powerhouse of the void, it was able to explode the origin of the heavenly path.

Although only a trace.

Although there are no other benefits, even the martial arts value, for him, this is even greater than the benefits he has gained by killing ten and a hundred nihilism powerhouses.

Thinking like this in my heart.

He rushed in front of the other person again.

He still retains 10% of his combat power.

The speed is simply not comparable to those from the three continents.

And how terrifying is his eyesight?

With just one glance after another, he had clearly distinguished the situation of those people.

Only twelve people really need attention.

Among them, those with higher status.

Or those who seem to be more mysterious are the ones most likely to have a back hand.

Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er didn't find out who had the fighting power.

This makes him really need to be careful and careful when making shots.

And when it comes to shots.

He needs to rely on the current surprise to kill those who are dangerous to him first.

All this is complicated.

For Qin Shaofeng, who was extremely experienced in combat, it was as simple as eating and drinking.

When he just saw that look, he had already recognized a rough idea.

And when it comes to shooting now.

With the slight changes in the expressions of the two people, he has completely locked them up.

This move seemed to just attack the person in front of him.

But at the moment when his figure came to this person.

Qi Cai Zhen Jue launched.

An instant move.

He had already reached the side of the person who seemed to be ready to do it.


The sudden shot brought a deafening pop.

In a moment.

The head of the man exploded directly.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing the pinnacle powerhouse of the void, and gaining a source of heaven."

Two times.

He still didn't know how much Heavenly Dao origin would be needed to raise his cultivation base from Nothingness to Half-Step Heavenly Dao, and what other things he needed.

But the increase in the number of heavenly origins is still something worthy of excitement for him.

Excitement goes to excitement.

He would not show even the slightest carelessness because of this.

The second teleportation cast.

The moment before the other person who still had an attack reacted, he had teleported over.

The attack occurred instantaneously.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing the pinnacle powerhouse of the void, and gaining a source of heaven."

This battle seemed simple, as if he was slaughtering unilaterally.

Only he who made the shot himself knows the most in his heart.

These people were all terrifying existences above the late stage of the void.

Even if the combat power they can retain is only a trace, and they can only be used once, that is not what he can bear in his current state.

Now that we are about to take action, we must eliminate all dangers.

Two consecutive teleports cost him more than half.

But he still didn't even pause at all, the third teleport had already been displayed.

The figure disappeared suddenly.

When he appeared again, he had already appeared behind that person.

The third attack shot.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing the pinnacle powerhouse of the void, and gaining a source of heaven."

The system sound resounded very quickly.

He has gathered all the fighting power of everyone.

He hadn't been able to exert his combat power too many times, and after successive changes, now three teleports are acceptable.

If it is forced to perform, it can also perform the fourth teleport.

But he didn't dare to be so careless.

When he hurriedly took out a pill and stuffed it into his mouth, he had already killed himself towards the crowd.

Boom boom boom boom!

Every shot he makes seems so simple.

Casually slap the past.

If he were to change to a boundary outside of this place, he would be looking for death in this way.

The problem is that the suppression here cannot be reversed.

Rao is that these people were once very powerful.

Now there is only one way to be restrained obediently.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing the pinnacle powerhouse of the void, and gaining a source of heaven."

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing the pinnacle powerhouse of the void, and gaining a source of heaven."

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing the pinnacle powerhouse of the void, and gaining a source of heaven."

The system sounds remembered one after another.

The direction of his shot was very accurate, and all his attacks this time were all looking for the pinnacle powerhouse of the void.

It's just a time to breathe.

The twelve peak powerhouses in the void have all been killed in his hands.

"No... impossible, right?"

"In just such a short time, so many people were killed?"

"That kid's combat power hasn't been suppressed?"

"Why haven't we been suppressed? We can only display less than one ten thousandth of our combat power. Why hasn't he been suppressed?"

"It's not fair, why is that kid's combat power not suppressed?"

"What kind of **** is this palace of life and death, how can it be aimed at us like this?"

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