Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4249: Mrs. Lu is dead

"He he he he..."

"He is not suppressed?"

"So, people don't do tasks there. It is clear that there is the biggest bug in the world. This is a difficult task for us, but it is not a hands-on thing for him?"

"Maybe they have completed nine hundred and ninety-nine tasks?"

"No, it's not like that!"

"If they complete the nine hundred and ninety-nine missions, they should leave this world, and it is likely that they will follow us to the next level."

"Yes, then they have completed nine hundred and ninety-eight tasks."

"Although Elder Li's combat power has not been suppressed, after all, he is only a martial artist in the early stage of the Divine Realm. It is impossible not to consider the retention of the strong."

"Speaking of which, did he stay for this period of time deliberately, just to consume our retained power?"

"It's not just us, but also the ghosts."

"Yes, we just consumed our combat power, but not a few people died, but the ghost clan died at least hundreds of powerful ghosts."

I have to say that the words of the three stinks and Zhuge Liang are really true.

These people didn't know anything at all.

After shocking Qin Shaofeng's combat power, he was able to guess almost everything from Qin Shaofeng's combat power.


No matter how much they guess, it is absolutely impossible for them to guess.

The real reason why Qin Shaofeng was not in a hurry was not to fool them, but to improve his cultivation as soon as possible.

If not for these months of retreat.

If he had the same cultivation strength as before, even under the greatest pressure, he would only be able to display two teleports.

Now it has doubled.

The suppression here is not just for cultivation.

The colorful power he can display has also been suppressed. With his current seven-color power at 23 o'clock, all he can display is only two and three.

In addition, not only can it be used to recover, it is not even under his control.

Just this kind of combat power.

In front of this group of people from the Three Continents, that is also a well-deserved invincible existence.

The next moment when the powerhouse of the pinnacle of the void was beheaded.

He has already rushed into the lineup of the late powerhouses in the void.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for beheading the late-stage powerhouse in the void, gaining 1 million shining stars and 1 martial arts value."

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for beheading the late-stage powerhouse in the void, gaining 1 million shining stars and 1 martial arts value."

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for beheading the late-stage powerhouse in the void, gaining 1 million shining stars and 1 martial arts value."

System sounds began to resound again after another.

Every time the team kills the powerful in the late stage of the void, almost 1 million shining stars are accounted for.

Such a number may not be too big for him today.

But it is also a great good thing.

It is almost a one-sided massacre.

A feeling of extreme danger suddenly appeared in his heart.

"There are even more players!"

Qin Shaofeng suddenly took a breath.

Without even the slightest hesitation, Teleportation has been displayed to the greatest extent.

He had never thought of it before.

He has already killed all those strong in the void, how can there be a late-stage strong in the void with such a backhand in the crowd.

But no matter what the reason.

The feeling of that kind of crisis comes from the eighth-level heavenly secret technique.

This technique can be said to be against the sky.

Tianji Tower has been able to stand in the Void Realm for so many years in that situation, but it is completely dependent on this technique.

Even today's method of shielding the secrets of heaven is already rotten on the street.

But no one can say that the magic degree of this technique is insufficient.

When he dodges in a blink of an eye.

A horrible roar burst from where he was before.

At least twelve powerful people in the late stage of the void were in the explosion, completely dead.

Even the number of people still alive is not even seven.

Count the eight people he killed before.

Didn't it mean that the explosion just killed 16 people directly?

But all he saw was only about a dozen people.

The horror of the bombing just now can be seen from this.

"How... how is it possible?"

"How can you avoid it?"

A woman who looked like a girl suddenly exclaimed.

No need to think about it.

The person who had left behind and attacked him when he was killing was the woman who was exclaiming.

"Unexpectedly, the Lord still underestimated you, yes, yes, hahaha..."

Qin Shaofeng suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Cry the long song, kill the world for the Qing sword! Hahaha..."

At this moment, instead of feeling the slightest anger, he suddenly laughed up to the sky.

The madness that belonged to his current role suddenly exploded.

His consumption has been extremely serious.

However, under the effect of the pill, it is slowly recovering.

And he can display 10% combat power.

Even in a state of exhaustion, the combat power he can explode after the shot is still not comparable to those people in front of him.

The woman felt a flower in front of her.

The next moment.

She felt the sky spinning around.

Faintly, she seemed to see the person who should have appeared behind her.

In the front of it, there was a headless corpse standing unexpectedly.

Why does that dress look so familiar?

When I came out today, I seemed to be wearing similar clothes, right?

The woman's thoughts just arrived here, and they have completely disappeared.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for beheading the late-stage powerhouse in the void, gaining 1 million shining stars and 1 martial arts value."


The system sound rang in Qin Shaofeng's mind for the first time.

He moved again.

The woman could not see his shot clearly, and even the people around her could not see clearly.

But those people from the Three Continents who had already avoided the battle circle could see clearly.

Where is Qin Shaofeng approaching?

He just waved his hand at the same time as he approached quickly, unexpectedly displayed a sword aura.

Jian Qi instantly beheaded the woman.

"Ms. Lu actually died?"

"Lu, that's Mrs. Lu!"

"It's over, it seems that there is going to be a turmoil in Longyun Continent."

"I didn't see anything, I just heard that they seemed to intercept the actions of the corpses."


"Yes, that's right, Mrs. Lu must have died in the hands of the Ghost King."

Those who have retreated, almost in a moment of stunnedness, have collectively changed their tone.

be honest?

Don't be kidding, okay?

It was indeed the one in front of Mrs. Lu who killed Mrs. Lu, the newly promoted elder Ke Qing of Capricorn Mountain.

But Master Lu will not tell you this.

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