Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4256: Finally willing to make a move

"Holy Hall?!"

Qin Shaofeng exclaimed when he heard Gu Chenxing's voice.

The seemingly endless soldiers of the Palace of Life were not in the scope of his attention.

Even if the newly born Warriors of the Palace of Life seem to be much stronger than the first batch of soldiers, it is the same.

But the division of the Palace of Life and the Palace of Death in the Palace of Life and Death was really shocking.

It seems that the vibrant Palace of Life and Death is actually the Palace of Death, but the place that looks like a tomb is the Palace of Life.

This kind of reversal is too much beyond imagination, right?

"Naturally is the Palace of Health."

Gu Chenxing didn't seem to understand psychological warfare at all.

Or in other words, he didn't bother to deceive at all.

"The Palace of Life and Death was originally the tomb owners of the Tomb of Yin and Death. In order to find the most suitable heirs, they worked together to pull us, the Palace of Life and Death and Yin Yang City, which has been dead for millions of years, from nothingness."

"To make it clear, we are all souls who have died millions of years ago."

"The Palace of Life and Death in the Palace of Life and Death is naturally the appearance of the gust of wind and wind that you see now. Only the Palace of Death can have that kind of prosperity."

His explanation is very clear.

Qin Shaofeng heard this for a moment and suddenly realized.

The Palace of Life and Death is not a normal existence.

It is normal for such a thing to exist.


After thinking about it, he was relieved.

Since the Palace of Life and Death here are all false.

Then the mission of the Palace of Life and Death that they are going to experience will obviously no longer be a normal mission in the usual sense, but a mission that only exists in the illusion.

The inheritance of the dead tomb is related to the nihility.

Shengdian is just the last link of the mission.

The Hall of Health that should really exist is the place for their assessment this time.

Figured this out.

He no longer talks nonsense.

Since Gu Chenxing was not in a hurry to make a move, he naturally took out the weapon in no hurry, and his hands condensed into mudra again.

"Duotian, Shaantian seal!"

Qin Shaofeng squeezed his hands very quickly.

But in a flash, his handprints were formed.

The horrible big mudra appeared.

Under the shroud of the handprints, the space in the area where all the soldiers of the Palace of Life was located was distorted, as if the sky and the earth were really about to turn.

The terrifying tearing force immediately strangled nearly half of the Shengdian soldiers into nothingness in the area covered by the Heaven-shaking Seal.

The arrival of the big mudra, once again blasted at least thousands of soldiers from the Palace of Life.

Just a shot.

A vacuum zone has formed in front of him.

For the densely packed Aso Hall soldiers present, that attack was enough to make all beings feel fear.

In one attack, at least one-fifth of the existence is destroyed.

Let's not talk about such data.

Just the shocking scene that can be seen by the naked eye directly stunned Gu Chenxing.

Rao was when Qin Shaofeng was dealing with the ghost clan before.

The group offensive power displayed is similar to the current one.

But how can dealing with the enemy and dealing with one's own people be the same?

It's just the appearance of this scene.

It directly gave Gu Chenxing the urge to spray blood.

This **** kid is too strong, right?

How could he be so scary?

Gu Chenxing wanted to curse.

the other side.

Qin Shaofeng didn't even pause after that move.

The figure is almost a turning point, and it has already attacked in another direction.

Cover the ground to show.

The terrifying power instantly caused a large group of Shengdian soldiers to fall directly.

Just look at the effect of his shots.

It's almost like a nuclear bomb exploded.

The terrifying scene caused the two Zhan Cangkong, who had just been terrified by the number of soldiers in the Palace of Life, to be messed up in the wind.

They had known that Qin Shaofeng was strong.

Especially in the current suppression, Qin Shaofeng's combat power is even more terrifying.

But what he is showing now.

But it’s too scary, right?

"Duotian, Hanhaiyin!"

Qin Shaofeng's attack did not stop because of these two shots, but instead became more rapid.

The third attack has already been shot.

It was another bombing attack.

The number of Shengdian soldiers suddenly dropped by half.

Even the Shengdian soldiers did not have any fear.

Such a shocking scene also greatly reduced the threatening ability of Shengdian soldiers.


After the cultivation base reaches the sixth stage of the initial stage of the void.

Under his forcible battle, it was the ultimate to cast the Seal of Seizing the Sky three times in succession.

He didn't waste even the slightest amount of time.

The repair base broke through in an instant.

The combat power has once again returned to a perfect state.

He still didn't have the slightest delay, and he has moved the data to the upgrade option again.

The fourth shot.

This is also the last side of his four attacks.


Gu Chenxing saw that he still had combat power, and once again shot at his Shengdian fighters, his face suddenly changed.

The soldiers of Shengdian looked like they were reborn directly, very magical.

He who really did this knew clearly.

It's not the same thing.

The Warriors of the Palace of Life did appear by resurrecting those who died within the scope of the Palace of Life and Death.

But it is not capable of unlimited resurrection.

Everyone who died in the Palace of Life and Death had only one chance of resurrection if there was something alive.

The number of soldiers in the Palace of Health just now seemed to be numerous.

In fact, it is also the number accumulated over the years since the Palace of Life and Death has existed.

If it really makes Qin Shaofeng kill all his brains.

That's no ordinary trouble.

If Qin Shaofeng and others can't pass the barrier, what else can he use to deal with those who break through the barrier in the future?

You can't always need him to act in person every time, right?

In a furious mood, Gu Chenxing suddenly rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

The speed was so fast that he had already arrived in front of Qin Shaofeng in the blink of an eye.

"Boy, haven't you heard what I said? Why don't you stop me?" Gu Chenxing shot out angrily.

He didn't know.

Qin Shaofeng seemed to be slaughtering the soldiers of Shengdian.

In fact, his spiritual consciousness has always been locked on Gu Chenxing's body.

All he did was just to force Gu Chenxing to take action.

Gu Chenxing's speed is indeed extremely fast.

However, he clearly felt that when Gu Chenxing was moving, his figure looked very fast, but in fact it seemed that he didn't have any weight.

It was like a ray of light, shining directly towards him, or floating towards him.

Think of the situation of Shengdian.

His expression suddenly became weird.

The Lord of the Palace of Life, it turned out to be just a ghost.

No wonder that when he attacked the light that burst from Gu Chenxing's eyes, he was able to severely inflict it.

It turns out that everything is not without reason!

"Gu Chenxing, are you finally willing to take action?"

Qin Shaofeng laughed loudly, but his moves remained unchanged.

It was still Han Haiyin, but it suddenly attacked Gu Chenxing.

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