"A trivial martial arts skill?"

Gu Chenxing sneered, seeming to be indifferent to the attack on him.

Qin Shaofeng saw a touch of jealousy in his eyes.

Sure enough.

He was overjoyed immediately.

"Just a mere trivial martial skill, it is completely enough to deal with you!"

Qin Shaofeng also laughed.

He completely urged Han Haiyin to send out, and he ignored it.

The figure suddenly retreated.

A phantom beast had already emerged from behind him.

"Gu Chenxing accepts the move, the beast is thundering!"

Since getting the inheritance of Si Beast Kuang Lei, he rarely used this trick.

After all, as long as it is used, all the colorful power in his body will be drained immediately.

He has never encountered such a difficult battle.

Now it is completely different.

Since Gu Chenxing is a ray of ghost, what is ghost most afraid of?

If it were on the earth, someone might say it was Uncle Lin.

But here is another world.

There is no influence from those movies, and there is no so-called inheritance of immortality.

As for the cultivation on the Three Continents.

He didn't really care about it, just called that kind of name, really thought they were cultivating immortals?

What international joke?

That being the case.

Thunder is the only divine weapon he can think of to deal with this ghost-like existence.

The moment he shot.

Click! Click! The sound of thunder had already emerged from the air.

The Thunder just emerged.

He clearly saw Gu Chenxing's figure shake suddenly a few times.

Has not yet tried to resist the Thunder.

His figure turned out to be a little illusory.

There are great signs of collapse.

"Can Si Beast Kuang Lei have such a great restraint on this kind of ghost thing?" Qin Shaofeng was about to be stunned.

The shock in my heart is only an instant.

He was already sober, and immediately shouted in his heart: "Upgrade!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for upgrading, the current eighth stage in the early stage of the void."

The first time the system sounds.

He filled up the upgrade options again.

Before seeing the results brought by the Si Beast Thunder, he had already displayed the Si Beast Thunder again.


The terrifying thunder sound resounded endlessly.

When he was casting the second scorpion beast violent thunder.

The first Si beast phantom had already rushed out, with a dazzling four-color light and thunder, directly blasting on Gu Chenxing's body.

The roar of horror resounded.

Gu Chenxing's figure suddenly became thinner.

He roared at the same time: "Boy, you have indeed found the old man's weakness, but you want to kill me with this level of thunder, but you are still too whimsical!"

"Oh? My thunder power is not enough?"

Qin Shaofeng almost burst out laughing.

How can this guy dare to tell the truth?

He was struggling, he couldn't level up too many times, and as a result, this guy took the initiative to speak out his own weaknesses.

That being the case, what else is there to say?

"Colorful inheritance and upgrade!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng's seven-color inheritance and upgrade, the current five-tier seven-color, consuming 10 million shining stars.

He wants to upgrade a certain ability.

As long as the various values ​​are sufficient, only one sentence is required.

This made him the moment before the attack was displayed.

Colorful inheritance and upgrade.

The thunder in the sky suddenly changed from four-color to colorful.

Red orange yellow green cyan.

Five colors are more than just adding one color.

The appearance of the colorful colors instantly made the Leiyun doubled in size.

Even the thunder that flickered in the clouds has doubled.

But the original four-color has become colorful.

At first glance, it seemed that the color was increased, but the power of Si Beast Kuang Lei had been reduced. It immediately gave Qin Shaofeng a feeling that his power had at least doubled.

The next moment.

Amidst the rumbling noise.

The colorful thunder had already descended with the sprint of the Si Beast phantom.

"Five... colorful, multiplied in power?"

"How is this possible?"

"Even if you have a seven-color heritage, there must be a gradual process for the increase of seven-color. How can you directly turn four-color into colorful?"

"Could it be that you have cultivated to the four-color peak a long time ago..."

"No! It is absolutely impossible, what is going on?"

Gu Chenxing roared in disbelief.

Si Beast Kuang Lei had already slashed down towards the top of his head.

The loud rumbling sound resounded.

I saw his figure thinning at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He was supposed to be extremely fast, but under the Si beast's violent thunder, he even lost the ability to move, and could only resist the Si beast's violent thunder.

But the Thunder did indeed have terrifying restraint for his existence.

In the face of such circumstances, his blow has become extremely thin.

But when his figure dissipated.

A soul body completely emerged.

In his previous state, he was indeed extremely afraid of Si Beast Kuang Lei.

But in this state, Si Beast Kuang Lei couldn't hurt him much.

"Boy, you actually ruined the old man's soul body, you **** it, you **** it!"

The soul body that Gu Chenxing transformed into roared furiously.

"Soul body? Isn't that your body just now? Now this is your soul body, right?" Qin Shaofeng escalated in consciousness, but asked Gu Chenxing.

This one in front of me is so cute.

Ask him what to answer.

It is almost necessary to tell the opponent about all his weaknesses before fighting.

He would be really stupid if he didn't take advantage of such an opportunity.

"The current state of the old man is the origin of the soul, or in your words, the origin of the soul. You can't even use that kind of thunder to hurt the old man." Gu Chenxing really fulfilled Qin Shaofeng's wish and said the situation.

Seventh ancestor Zhan Cai'er heard a big change.

She thought that she had seen too much of Gu Chenxing's situation, so she rushed to Qin Shaofeng's side and said loudly, "Now he is not afraid of your thunder, and I will leave the next battle to me."

"Cut! He is not afraid of Thunder, is he really afraid of your attack?" Qin Shaofeng said speechlessly.

The opponent is so cute, he has to use it.

Even if he knew that Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er really wanted to shoot for him.

But how could he not take advantage of such a good opportunity?

When the voice is exported.

His divine consciousness observed that Gu Chenxing's soul origin changed slightly.

Upon seeing this, he secretly said that it was a pity.

If Gu Chenxing still had changes in his previous body appearance and expression, he would be able to see many things through the opponent's expression.

It's too much trouble now.

Can't tell, but he doesn't care.

He turned around and said toward Gu Chenxing's soul origin: "Hall Master, did you say I was right? In your current state, you can only rely on sustained combat power to kill you."

Seventh ancestor Zhan Cai'er suddenly rolled his eyes.

Xindao: You are simply asking about the weakness of your opponent, how could someone tell you?

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