Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4266: Desperately

"The power of colorful?"

It was the first time Qin Shaofeng shot casually, and he directly inspired Qicai's inheritance.

Suddenly the doubt in his mind reached its peak.

Just when he was puzzled, the Crimson Wing Poisonous Dragon had already responded.

Just a flick.

But within the scope of its tail flick, whether it was a wild beast or a few hapless Sun Soul squad fighters, they were all familiar with it.

Electric light flint room.

The huge snake tail had already fallen towards Qin Shaofeng.

The size of the Red Wing Poisonous Dragon is comparable to that of a large python, with a size of half a foot in thickness and a huge size of tens of feet in length.

Just this flick of the tail gave Qin Shaofeng a feeling of being overwhelmed by the mountain.

"My lord, be careful!"

The few Yang Soul squad fighters who were the closest to Qin Shaofeng rushed over immediately.

They also knew that they weren't the opponents of Crimson Wing Poisonous Dragon at all.

Available at this moment.

They resolutely displayed their strongest moves.

There is no hesitation, no hesitation.

They had already attacked the tail thrown by the red-winged poisonous dragon before Qin Shaofeng and the red-winged poisonous dragon confronted each other.

puff! puff! puff!

The sound of blood spurting sounded.

Qin Shaofeng didn't have any thoughts to care about.

The flick of the Red Wing Poisonous Dragon made him feel a tremor in his heart.

He really didn't know.

If he really took that flick at all, what would it be like?

All members of the Sun Soul team broke out.

In that state of being fierce and not afraid of death, the combat power soared several times.

This also made them really unable to withstand the attack of the Crimson Wing Poisonous Dragon, but under the successive shots of several people, it also reduced the power of the Crimson Wing Poisonous Dragon's flicking attack by 90%.

Rao is so.

Qin Shaofeng still felt like Mount Tai was pressing on the top.

But he knew very well that it was not time for him to hesitate.

Now that the knife has been issued.

He must first personally feel the power of this Crimson Wing Poisonous Dragon.

The colorful light flows around.

The sword in his hand was already severely chopped down.

A crisp crash sounded.

Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt that his right hand was torn apart, and the shock of fear caused a touch of blood to fill the corners of his mouth.

Can't hurt it at all?


Isn't this the final boss in the quest of Yin Yang City?

When he was shocked.

The colorful force in the body immediately began to run uncontrollably.

The strength of repairing that has not recovered much has consumed as much as 90% at this moment.

All the power worked on its own, and all merged into his right hand.

Colorful power automatically protects the lord?

In Qin Shaofeng's colorful inheritance, he remembered that there seemed to be such a situation.

But it was the first time he felt it personally.

In other words, he before, could not be regarded as a true successor of Seven Colors at all, and he only gained this ability after reaching Wucai.

The colorful light on the sword shines even brighter.

Faintly, there was a feeling of piercing into the tail of a red-winged poisonous dragon.


Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt his heart, gritted his teeth, and displayed the space map.

The space tearing force is integrated into the war knife.

The power had already reached the power that was about to pierce the skin of the Crimson Wing Venomous Dragon, and suddenly burst into the tail of the Red Wing Venomous Dragon.

Blood burst out.

The red-winged poisonous dragon was in pain, and immediately took the snake's tail back.

The sudden movement made Qin Shaofeng's eyes panic.

With all his strength, he could only break such a small wound. It was almost impossible to fight again.

"Master, there is a play!"

The Heavenly Void Insect King cried out in surprise: "Master, my level is not enough to control the actions of the Jade Dragon King. You quickly throw us into that wound."

Qin Shaofeng didn't know why.

But he knew that since Tianxu Insect King made such a request, he clearly saw something.

Time is running out, and he can't explain it in detail to himself.

Without even the slightest hesitation, he drew the sword out of his hand and flew out directly.

Suddenly tugged on his left wrist.

The Emerald Dragon King had already been pulled down by him like a real bracelet.

With the last trace of his remaining strength, he instantly threw it into the wound of the red-winged poisonous dragon's tail.

next moment.


The red wing poisonous dragon flicked his tail and knocked him out.

This direction turned out to be the group of wild animals.

Among them, there is still a ghost king.

This ghost king had expected this scene a long time ago, so he came here to wait for me?

Qin Shaofeng's heart is called hatred!

He has almost exhausted his cards now, facing a ghost king, he really feels helpless.

"No! The general is in danger!"

"Rescue General!"

The nearest Sun Soul team, but everyone who saw this scene, leaped one after another amidst all the exclamations.

Some rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

More people were killed directly towards the place where he was about to land.

Under the complete outbreak.

Their combat power is simply not comparable to all existence on the path.

After a short burst of rush.

The real battle has already begun.

Qin Shaofeng, who was still flying upside down, clearly saw that they were members of a dozen Sun Soul squads, and they had already begun to fight the Ghost King.

The King of Ghosts is indeed suppressed by the rules of Yin Yang City.

However, there were still several powerful beasts working together beside him, and even in one encounter, a dozen or so members of the Sun Soul team were injured or killed.

"Quick! Rescue the general!"

The captain of the Sun Soul team finally approached.

After seeing such a scene with my own eyes, he roared loudly and brought twenty people to rush to kill.

He shouted at the same time: "Yang Soul belongs, at all costs, you must not let the general have an accident, otherwise, everyone, come and see you!"

When Qin Shaofeng went to deal with the Crimson Wing Poisonous Dragon without hesitation, he was already completely moved.

Even if he knew that Qin Shaofeng was unlikely to succeed.

He didn't even have any other thoughts.

After all, if you don't kill the Crimson Wing Poison Dragon, all of them will die here.

After seeing Qin Shaofeng's difficult attack with his own eyes, he couldn't sit still even more.

Regardless of whether Qin Shaofeng is beyond self-reliance.

If the general can stand up at this time at any risk of his own safety, he will absolutely not allow the general to have any accidents.

"Yang soul belongs! Fight for yin and yang, and die!"

More than a dozen members of the Sun Soul Team, who had already begun to retreat, yelled again and again.

The shout rang into the sky.

The Ghost King was shocked to find that the dozen or so people who were about to be defeated turned out to be crazy.

One by one didn't care about their own life and death, and even hurt him a little bit, or even a little bit.

This terrifying intent to fight immediately made him take a few steps back.

Only these steps retreat.

He had already lost the best opportunity to ambush Qin Shaofeng.

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