Qin Shaofeng had already fallen down the moment the Ghost Corpse King retreated.

A member of the Sun Soul squad suddenly turned around to pick him up, then turned and threw it towards Captain Sun Soul outside the battlefield.

the first time.

Qin Shaofeng felt the powerlessness on the battlefield for the first time.

When he was caught by Captain Sun Soul.

Captain Yang Soul shouted loudly, and took the twenty people to guard him thoroughly.

"My lord, that Crimson Wing Poisonous Dragon has reached its peak stage. Those of us are not its opponents at all. Let our subordinates take someone to **** you back to the city?" Captain Yang Soul shouted loudly.

A person's personality charm can often create shocking scenes for countless people.

This is the situation now.

Captain Yang Soul was completely overwhelmed by Qin Shaofeng.

"No! The Crimson Wing Poisonous Dragon does not pose much threat anymore."

Qin Shaofeng landed steadily.

The feeling of weakness made his feet feel a little buoyant.

But his voice was sonorous: "This seat has done everything to leave a wound on the tail of the Crimson Wing Poisonous Dragon. It is not for the sake of bravery. Let our people take that Crimson Wing Poison Dragon around. It won't be long before the Crimson Wing Poisonous Dragon can't hold it."


Captain Yang Soul was shocked.

There are even more players?

The general is worthy of being a general. Under such circumstances, he could still make such a response.

It's really...

It's so admirable!

He no longer had any doubts about Qin Shaofeng's words.

"You belong to the Yang Soul, and at all costs, restrain the Crimson Wing Poison Dragon for me, no need to think about hurting the Crimson Wing Poison Dragon, just contain it!" Captain Yang Soul shouted out for the first time.

Immediately, he seemed to think of something again.

He hurriedly turned his head and shouted loudly: "Life and death, immediately bring your team to guard the general!"

"Life and death belong..."

"No, let's do it!"

Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er and Capricorn Shenshan Law Enforcement Elder shouted loudly at the same time.

Qin Shaofeng's shot speed was too fast just now.

They were suppressed too much one by one.

So that they didn't react until now.

Seeing the outbreak of the three teams and the miserable situation of the Sun Soul team, they really couldn't sit back and watch.

Even if you know, these three teams are just illusions.

Perhaps they existed in Yinyang City once, but what they see now is only falsehood.

But the fighting spirit of these people has drawn everyone's heart.

As for Qin Shaofeng.

The Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er and others may not have changed much yet.

But people from three continents.

Passerby had been completely overwhelmed by Qin Shaofeng.

I believe that as long as there is nothing beyond the scope of his heart, he can only be Qin Shaofeng's subordinate throughout his life.

The other powerhouses on the Three Continents felt like they were in the drama when they saw Qin Shaofeng.

There are such superiors around.

Especially this high-ranking person still exists in their camp, making them all feel proud.

The people Qin Shaofeng had brought, except for Ximen Lingzhong, who had been hiding again.

The others have been released from the ghost mansion by him.

There are even more people from the three continents.

For a time, Qin Shaofeng was completely guarded.

"Yang Soul, this seat is just being out of power. With their guardianship, you will immediately take the three teams to arrest all those alien races who dare to deal with us!" Qin Shaofeng ordered in a deep voice.

"Master General...Yes!"

The Captain of the Sun Soul hesitated and shouted loudly: "You twenty of you continue to guard the general, and the Sun Soul belongs with me!"

"Life and death belong, leave a hundred people in charge of battlefield control, and all the others will kill me!"

The captain of the life and death team also called out loudly.

Because of the ghost clan, they actually had such casualties, and even if it weren't for the appearance of the general, they might all be here.

The people in the three teams couldn't swallow that breath.

It was supposed to be the most difficult life and death team, but this time it became the most leisurely existence.

The leader of the Life and Death Squad, naturally, it is impossible to watch the Sun Soul Squad desperately.

Their complete eruption immediately made the Ghost Squad uncomfortable.

The betrayal of the ghost corpse slaves is not just a matter of the life and death and Yang soul teams, their ghost team is also among them!

But the problem is...

The beast they faced was too powerful, and they didn't dare to relax even the slightest.

Not to mention the division of troops to deal with the ghosts and corpses.

In a moment.

Everyone in the two teams has already rushed into the beast group, and they all stared at the ghost corpse.

The battle unfolded in no time.

The three kings of ghosts and corpses were dumbfounded after seeing such a scene.

What is this special situation?

The only thing we have to deal with is Qin Shaofeng alone.

Why is it that these three teams seem to have been beaten up with blood, and even the beasts are ignored, just to deal with our ghost clan?

Is this unscientific, okay?

Naturally, it is impossible for them to know how terrifying Qin Shaofeng's digging methods are.

Otherwise, even if they were suppressed by Qin Shaofeng all the way, they would definitely not dare to do what they were doing now.

Not to mention, they even joined the beast through their racial advantage.

For such actions, there is no need to look for evidence at all.

Everything Qin Shaofeng said has become a fact.

The battle is unfolding.

In the incomprehensible look of the King of Ghosts, a large number of ghosts were taken down by a few people led by Captain Sun Soul, as well as people from the Life and Death Squad.

This way of fighting will surely shock other people to see it.

Because on the battlefield, it seemed that their biggest enemy should be the Red Wing Poisonous Dragon.


Half a cup of tea time after the start of the battle.

During the attack of the Crimson Wing Poisonous Dragon, the Sunsoul warrior, who was about to run out of lamps, was shocked to find that the Crimson Wing Poisonous Dragon who had just launched an attack violently did not know what had happened, and unexpectedly fled towards the battlefield Open.

Such a scene immediately shocked all of them.

But when they remembered.

What their life and death general Qin Shaofeng just said, when everyone looked at Qin Shaofeng again, there was only endless admiration in their eyes.

The general's previous full shots were really not aimless.

"The Yang Soul belongs, let's help the captain and the others, and take down those nasty alien races together!" The Yang Soul team shouted.

His voice was obviously weak.

And in the previous battle.

The Sun Soul team suffered the most severe losses, at this time there were only about two hundred left.

The milky white flame burning on his body was extremely dim.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know what the burning flames meant.

He knew that it would definitely not be a good thing.

"The Sun Soul Warriors follow the order, all come back to rest!"

Qin Shaofeng once again displayed the majesty of the general and shouted out loudly.

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