Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 430: one move?

Qin Shaofeng's entry into the ring surprised everyone present.

"No, Qin Shaofeng is going up now?"

"Heh, this Qin Shaofeng is really arrogant! He thought that after defeating some weak people, he could really have the strength of the top ten of the reserve camp Xiaoyuandan?"

"Hmph, overwhelmingly, look at it, I bet this kid can't last three games!"

"Three games? Ha, I made him roll after watching one game!"


After a loud discussion, no one under the ring was optimistic about Qin Shaofeng, even those who had been defeated by Qin Shaofeng before, looking at Qin Shaofeng at this moment were full of disdain.

Facing these disdainful gazes, Qin Shaofeng didn't care at all, even at this moment Qin Shaofeng still sneered.

Oh, I'm overwhelmed?

This is the best way. As long as you have this idea, there will be many people who will challenge me. In this way, my experience value can also increase.

After the fight is over, let me rise to the nine-fold realm of Xiaoyuandan!


Just as everyone was discussing, a figure suddenly jumped onto the ring where Qin Shaofeng was.

Then everyone heard a wild laugh.

"Haha, I didn't expect Qin Shaofeng that you would actually dare to come up. It seems that you really have no self-knowledge! Well, let me, Wang Sanlin, let you know the facts!"

After this loud laughter, everyone discovered that someone had gone up here, which made many hearts secretly regretted.

"Damn it, it's Wang Sanlin, who actually let him take the lead, it's damned!"

"Ha, it's out of play, this Wang Sanlin is in the late stage of the Seventh Layer of Xiaoyuan Pill, this time Qin Shaofeng is probably over!"

"Heh, although it's a pity, it's a pleasure to be defeated by someone watching this arrogant Qin Shaofeng!"

"Indeed, but, what do you think Wang Sanlin can do to knock Qin Shaofeng off the ring?"

"Well, within ten moves!"

"Ten tricks? Ha, what are you kidding about, that Wang Sanlin had already reached the eight-fold standard of Xiaoyuan Pill some time ago, so can Qin Shaofeng insist on ten tricks?"

"Ah? There is actually such a thing, so it seems that Qin Shaofeng can't stand the three moves!"


Qin Shaofeng could naturally hear the rumblings under the ring.

However, even if he didn't hear it, Qin Shaofeng had a clear understanding of Wang Sanlin who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Because at the moment when the opponent boarded the arena, Qin Shaofeng had already found out the opponent's attribute information with fierce eyes.

Character: Wang Sanlin

Level: Seven Peaks of Xiaoyuandan

Spiritual power value: 210,000 / 210,000

Spiritual root of talent: Grade 8 water spirit root


Unlike what most people knew, Qin Shaofeng had discovered that the person in front of him called Wang Sanlin was not in the late seven-fold Xiaoyuan Pill, but had reached the peak of the seven-fold Xiaoyuan Pill.

And even though it was only at the pinnacle of the seventh level of the Xiaoyuan Pill, the opponent's spiritual power actually reached 210,000 points, which clearly exceeded the reserve camp's target for the eighth level of the Xiaoyuan Pill.

Speaking seriously, Wang Sanlin is afraid that this is no ordinary genius.

Unfortunately, despite this, Qin Shaofeng still didn't pay attention to the other party.

Oh, only 210,000 spiritual power points.

But Wang Sanlin didn't know what Qin Shaofeng was thinking at the moment. He glanced at Qin Shaofeng triumphantly, and smiled triumphantly: "Qin Shaofeng don't say I bully you, I will let you do three tricks, so I won’t end it as soon as I shot it. Don't watch it!"


When Wang Sanlin's words fell, there was a burst of laughter under the ring.

It is true that Qin Shaofeng showed extraordinary strength in the events of the past few days.

But that was just the strength of the five layers of Xiaoyuandan.

In the reserve camp, the strength of each realm is extremely different.

If it weren't for a true enchanting genius, it would be impossible to leapfrog the challenge.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, not only was Wang Sanlin not wrong at this moment, but he felt that what Wang Sanlin said was nothing more than normal.

But when Qin Shaofeng listened to these words, his heart was filled with laughter.

Let me do it?

And let me do three tricks?

With a soft smile in his heart, Qin Shaofeng was very playful and said to Wang Sanlin, "Are you sure you want me to act first?"

"Huh, that's natural!" Wang Sanlin snorted, his face full of arrogance, "Although Wang Sanlin is not a big man, I have the say, let you do three tricks!"


Qin Shaofeng suddenly shook his head slightly, looked at Wang Sanlin helplessly, and then said softly: "There are no three tricks, one trick is enough!"

As he said, Qin Shaofeng's eyes condensed and his tone became serious.

Gently raising a finger, Qin Shaofeng said to Wang Sanlin very seriously: "Because I only need one move to defeat you!"


Wang Sanlin was a little dumbfounded, but he quickly reacted.

"one move?"

Wang Sanlin turned back fiercely to the people under the ring, and shouted with a laugh: "Haha, have you heard that Qin Shaofeng can beat me with one move? Do you think it is possible?"

Everyone in the ring was also shocked by Qin Shaofeng's words.

At this moment, upon hearing Wang Sanlin's questioning with laughter, they all laughed.

Because no one believed Qin Shaofeng's words, nor did he take Qin Shaofeng's words seriously.

Defeat Wang Sanlin with one move?

What's a joke, you Qin Shaofeng as Wang Sanlin is the fourth and fifth level of Xiaoyuan Dan?

"Haha, it's so ridiculous, Qin Shaofeng, even if you are arrogant, you have to have a limit, right?"

Wang Sanlin had already bent over with a smile, and he couldn't believe Qin Shaofeng's words from the bottom of his heart.

Seemingly laughing enough, Wang Sanlin straightened up and said to Qin Shaofeng still smiling: "Okay, very good, come on, Qin Shaofeng hurry up, uncle, I will stand here, I want to see how you can do Beat me with one move! I'm waiting!"

With that said, Wang Sanlin really stood there, not very prepared, just waiting for Qin Shaofeng's attack.

The corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth turned slightly, and he didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment.

Really brainless enough.

However, if you ask so, then I'm not welcome.

It just so happens that I want to try it too, now how powerful is my masculine finger.

With a movement in his heart, Qin Shaofeng stretched out his right hand, flexed and extended his index finger, and his spiritual power instantly condensed to his fingertips.

"Ha, really come?"

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's actions, Wang Sanlin laughed, his expression still disapproving.

But in the next moment, his face changed instantly.

Because at this moment, he suddenly discovered that Qin Shaofeng's index finger exploded with an invisible and qualitative transparent sword energy.

Regardless of Wang Sanlin's turbulent appearance, he may have cultivated the eighth level of the Xiaoyuan Pill in the reserve camp with the seventh level of the Xiaoyuan Pill. Is this Wang Sanlin a simple one?

Among other things, this Wang Sanlin has spent ten days in the Jufeng Secret Realm every month. Since entering the reserve camp, he has experienced many battles.

Almost at the moment Qin Shaofeng broke out a Yang Zhi, Wang Sanlin's fighting instinct was to feel a hint of crisis.

Although Wang Sanlin really didn't care about Qin Shaofeng's strength.

In Wang Sanlin's opinion, a mere Qin Shaofeng was nothing more than sending him the **** of the bronze order of Qianshan.

But even so, when he felt the crisis, Wang Sanlin's fighting instinct made him make the right choice for the first time.


As soon as the spiritual power surged in his body, Wang Sanlin's body surface was covered with a layer of light blue water vapor spirit armor.

Condense the ling armor in an instant!

I'm afraid there are not many people who can do this.

However, Qin Shaofeng also discovered that this water vapor spirit armor condensed by Wang Sanlin was still in a vague state.

Obviously, the spirit armor condensed by Wang Sanlin was not in perfect condition.

But even so, the defensive power of this spirit armor is extremely amazing.

At the very least, a general attack can't break the defense of this spirit armor.

But is Qin Shaofeng's Yiyang Finger a normal attack?

The answer is yes.

The result is also predestined.


With a blast, the moment the sword energy of a Yang finger hit Wang Sanlin's water vapor spirit armor, the light blue water vapor spirit armor on Wang Sanlin's body was instantly defeated and turned into a burst of water vapor spirit energy.

Not only that, at the same time that Wang Sanlin's Ling Armor was broken, the powerful force erupted from that Yang Finger directly blasted Wang Sanlin's whole person into flight.


With a simple collision, Wang Sanlin's body came into close contact with the ground.

The people under the ring were stunned.

They just saw Qin Shaofeng gently pointed at Wang Sanlin, and then Wang Sanlin's spirit armor instantly collapsed, and even his whole body flew upside down.

And this flight flew directly out of the field.

Well, yes, at this moment, Wang Sanlin has fallen off the ring.

Falling off the ring meant that Wang Sanlin had lost, and Qin Shaofeng had succeeded in defending the ring.

But in the face of such a thing, it completely exceeded everyone's expectations!

one move?

This Qin Shaofeng actually defeated Wang Sanlin with just one move?

Is this an illusion?

Facing the shock of everyone, Qin Shaofeng at this moment heard a system prompt.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing Xiaoyuandan seventh master Wang Sanlin. After five times the experience value bonus card, he gained 110,000 experience!"

When Wang Sanlin shot, Qin Shaofeng used a five times experience bonus card.

For the current Qin Shaofeng, it is just a five-fold experience bonus card with 10,000 points, which is a piece of cake at all, and there is no need to reluctantly. It is natural to use it for the experience value.

"Well, yes, according to this situation, if there are enough people who challenge me, maybe once the small contest is over, my level will really increase!"

Seeing his 110,000 experience point increase, Qin Shaofeng was in a good mood.

But the mood of the other person at the moment is terrible.

Under the ring, Wang Sanlin, who knocked to the ground, quickly got up.

For such a situation, Wang Sanlin suffered a great blow.

one move!

Qin Shaofeng actually defeated himself with one move.

how can that be?

At this moment, Wang Sanlin's heart was full of anger, but he was unwilling to accept 11 million of such results.

Qin Shaofeng's current Yi Yang finger had already been raised to level 3 with the help of that level 3 skill fruit.

Level 3 One Yang refers to the highest consumption of spiritual power, which has reached 100,000 points.

However, Qin Shaofeng only consumed 5,000 points of spiritual power with just one finger and one Yang finger.

But even though it was only a Yang finger with 5,000 points of spiritual power, that power was enough to break Wang Sanlin's spirit armor.

However, Qin Shaofeng deliberately controlled it in the end, and because of this, Wang Sanlin was not injured at all at the moment.

But for this, Wang Sanlin didn't know, he just knew that he had great anger in his heart at the moment.

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