Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 431: Still a trick

"Qin Shaofeng!"

With a roar, Wang Sanlin broke out!

After a flash, Wang Sanlin stepped onto the ring again, staring at Qin Shaofeng with anger in his eyes.

Facing the angry Wang Sanlin, Qin Shaofeng didn't care at all.

Because he doesn't need to care.

In another place, when Wang Sanlin flew to the ring again, Xie Zijun frowned slightly.

Although it was just a wrinkle, it was the first time that the other two referees who had been secretly following him noticed it.

At this moment, the two referees were scolding

Damn, why is this kid so innocent?

Didn't he know that Xie Zijun has always been known for observing the rules?

The rules are broken at this time, don't we also get involved?

One of the referees couldn't hold back, and immediately furiously shot.

Those who can serve as referees are all masters beyond the Yuan Dan realm.

This rage shot referee, although only a master of the first layer of the Earth Element Realm, but even so, it is not a mere Wang Sanlin that can resist.


A cyan light shot out, directly hitting Wang Sanlin on the ring.

With this blow, Wang Sanlin spouted out a violent mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew directly like a piece of rag.

After finally falling under the ring again, the breath of Wang Sanlin's whole person fell into an extremely weak state, his face pale.

However, more is confused.

What's wrong?

Wang Sanlin didn't understand, but the next moment, a cold snort sounded, making him completely frightened.

"Hmph, challenge the ring, anyone has only one chance, don't you know?"


Wang Sanlin, who was originally pale, his face turned pale as paper after hearing this sentence.

At this moment, he suddenly sounded, this is the venue for small competitions.

He actually boarded the ring again after losing the challenge. This is exactly the rhythm of death!

In an instant, Wang Sanlin burst into a cold sweat all over his body, and for the first time he forgot the weakness and sharp pain on his body. He quickly stood up and respectfully faced the referee who shot the shot, and said: "This brother is my fault, I am confused. I promise there will never be another time!"


The referee who shot coldly snorted, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

However, he felt a little relieved at the moment.

Because this was because Xie Zijun didn't show any dissatisfaction anymore, it also made him breathe a sigh of relief.

"Forget it this time, deduct your ten record points. If there is another time, just leave me ruthless!"

Xie Zijun was not dissatisfied anymore, and the referee naturally did not intend to pursue Wang Sanlin.

Hearing these words, Wang Sanlin breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly replied: "Thank you brother!"

Although ten record points were deducted, this made him very heartbroken.

But compared with the punishment for being expelled from the reserve camp, it was much lighter.

But even so, ten record points are ten record points after all!

Even for a master like Wang Sanlin, this is still a big price.

Damn it all because of Qin Shaofeng!

With a roar of anger in his heart, Wang Sanlin looked at Qin Shaofeng on the ring again, with a very malicious look in his eyes.

Then, Wang Sanlin left directly.

The blow he had just suffered, although the referee had been merciful.

But how could Wang Sanlin relax in the face of an attack from an Earth Element Realm powerhouse.

Wang Sanlin left immediately and went back to heal his injuries.

In response, the others in the ring were silent for a while.

For Wang Sanlin, not many people sympathized with him.

Actually daring to violate the rules of the small competition, this Wang Sanlin really asked for trouble.

As for Qin Shaofeng's fact that he defeated Wang Sanlin with just one move, everyone discovered that Wang Sanlin was not injured after being defeated by Qin Shaofeng with one move.

Under such circumstances, many people think that Qin Shaofeng's strength is probably not really strong. The previous point of sword aura is probably a special move to break the spirit armor.

Many people have such a move, so Qin Shaofeng was not taken seriously.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng's second challenger soon appeared.

On the arena, facing a new challenger again, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed strangely.

Because this time, his opponent is actually only a small Yuandan five-layer realm, and his spiritual power has just reached 30,000 points.

Although I was afraid that no one would challenge myself before, so I deliberately kept my hands on Wang Sanlin.

But this is not enough. Let some people in the five-level realm of Xiaoyuandan have the courage to challenge themselves?

Looking at the opponent in front of him, Qin Shaofeng felt a little bit dumbfounded in his heart.

He really wanted to know what kind of confidence the person in front of the small Yuandan five-level realm had, so that he dared to challenge him on the ring.

However, Qin Shaofeng soon knew where the other party's confidence was.

"Qin Shaofeng, right, I know your strength is good, but you'd better give up to me now!"

This was the first sentence of the other party after they stepped onto the ring. The other party didn't seem to want to attract attention either. The voice was so low that only Qin Shaofeng and him could hear it.

But after hearing what the other party said, Qin Shaofeng was stunned.

Admit defeat?

This kid told me to surrender?

Qin Shaofeng wanted to laugh, and wanted to laugh loudly.

As if he could see what Qin Shaofeng was thinking at the moment, the man said in a cold voice: "Huh, Qin Shaofeng, I advise you to be more acquainted. My eldest brother is a master of the three layers of the Great Yuan Pill. If you don't admit defeat now, this will I can’t guarantee the result.”

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng could have heard that the other party was threatening him.


Heh, will Xiaoye care?

Qin Shaofeng smiled disdainfully, and looked at the other party and said softly: "You said you want me to surrender and lose the bronze order Qianshan Ling to you?"

The person seemed to feel that Qin Shaofeng had compromised, and his eyes flashed triumphantly, and he said arrogantly: "Yes, Qin Shaofeng, I can tell you clearly, the power behind me in the Qianshan Sect is absolutely beyond your belief. You will now admit defeat. If the bronze order of the Qianshan Mountain loses to me, I think that for the sake of the bronze order of the Qianshan Mountain, I can still take care of you, and..."

The man didn't talk about the latter words.

It's not that he doesn't want to continue to brag about the power of the forces behind him, and Qin Shaofeng can't listen anymore.

While the other party was still bragging about feeling good about himself, Qin Shaofeng didn't even look at the other party, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, and then lightly pointed his right index finger.


Another yang-finger sword aura aroused.

This person was only the sixth layer of Xiaoyuan Pill, and because he thought Qin Shaofeng could also be stunned by himself, he didn't have the slightest defense at all.

Under such circumstances, even if the sword aura of one Yang pointed out only Qin Shaofeng burst out with a thousand spiritual power points, the final result would be a lot of harm to that person.


With a loud explosion, under the person's eyes full of disbelief, he was instantly hit by Qin Shaofeng's Yang Jianjian Qi, and the whole person flew out of the ring and fell to the ground fiercely.

"You, you, how dare you..."

Under the ring, the person vomited blood, pointed at Qin Shaofeng in disbelief, and shivered.

But before this trembling was over, he fainted because of the injuries on his body.

Under the ring, many people felt very speechless about this scene.

Heh, although Qin Shaofeng's strength can't compete to become the top ten, it is not something that a cat or a dog can deal with!

It seems that he was another person who was completely lost because of the Bronze Order Qianshan Order!

No one sympathized with the boy who fainted, and didn't pay much attention to what happened to him.

For Qin Shaofeng, this was even more of an episode.

As for the threat from that person to him, Qin Shaofeng didn't care at all.

What are you afraid of, this is the reserve camp, even if it is a powerhouse of the Three Element Realm, it is not qualified to intervene.

Even if you offend the other person, what about it?

As long as he becomes a disciple of the inheritance, how many people in the Qianshan Sect can dare to attack him?

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng simply didn't care about the so-called threat, and he completely forgot about this one.

Qin Shaofeng also solved this second-person challenge.

However, when they thought that the challenger was only the five-level realm of Xiaoyuandan, everyone didn't care.

At this moment, everyone seems to have seen it.

It seems that Qin Shaofeng's current realm is no longer the fifth level of the Xiaoyuan Pill, and it is even possible that he has surpassed the sixth level of the Xiaoyuan Pill and possesses the seventh level of the Xiaoyuan Pill.

Because of this, many people in the sixth level of the Xiaoyuandan immediately dispelled the idea of ​​challenging Qin Shaofeng, and even many people at the seventh level of the Xiaoyuandan had no idea of ​​challenging Qin Shaofeng.

After all, even Wang Sanlin lost to Qin Shaofeng. If the spirit armor is not as strong as Wang Sanlin's water vapor spirit armor, I'm afraid it's better not to challenge Qin Shaofeng.

But there are always people who don't shed tears when they don't see the coffin, knowing that their condensed spirit armor is definitely not as good as Wang Sanlin.

But these people still plan to fight it. After all, if they win Qin Shaofeng, they can get the Bronze Order of Qianshan!

This temptation is so great that few people can resist it.

But everyone who challenged Qin Shaofeng's Xiaoyuandan six-level realm, not surprisingly, without Qin Shaofeng's sword energy, directly broke the spirit armor.

As soon as the spirit armor is broken, many people will immediately be shaken out of the ring by the explosive power.

Even a person who could barely resist the explosive force, finally saw Qin Shaofeng's right index finger, faintly shining again, was shocked, and immediately gave in.

Once the spirit armor is broken, it will not be able to condense again in a short time.

In such a situation, if you were hit by that kind of sword aura, just thinking about the result would be a chilling thing.

Therefore, in the face of such a situation, even the arrogant little Yuandan six-layer master will directly surrender at the first time.

Therefore, after more than a dozen consecutive challenges, every challenger did not make Qin Shaofeng a second move.

This is all solved with one move.

It even included several masters of the seven-fold realm of Xiaoyuandan.

This made everyone under the ring finally understand one thing.

No matter what Qin Shaofeng's realm is at this moment, at least Qin Shaofeng's strength at this moment has surpassed that of Xiaoyuandan's seventh realm.

Under such circumstances, those who don't have the eightfold realm of Xiaoyuandan have no idea to challenge Qin Shaofeng.

Although I don't want to admit it, most people understand it in their hearts.

Qin Shaofeng, a newcomer, already has a strength that surpasses most of the Xiaoyuan Dan realm.

It was precisely because of this reason that Qin Shaofeng finally ushered in the first opponent of Xiao Yuan Dan's eightfold realm.

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