Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 432: Qin Shaofeng's strength

On the ring, Qin Shaofeng smiled softly as he looked at the opponent in front of him.

Oh, finally a decent opponent has arrived.

Character: Lin Jun

Level: Xiaoyuandan Eightfold Mid-term

Spiritual power value: 260,000 / 260,000

Talented roots: Eight-Rank soil system spiritual roots


At this time, Qin Shaofeng had already discovered something.

Perhaps the reserve camp's requirement of ten times the spiritual power value for each realm is exaggerated in the eyes of ordinary people.

But in this preparatory camp, facing everyone who is a genius among a thousand people, only ten times the spiritual power value of the same level as ordinary people, it seems not very difficult.

At the very least, Qin Shaofeng's opponents seemed to be up to standard.

Many people even exceed it.

Not only that, those hard-to-see spiritual roots of the seventh or eighth rank seem to be available everywhere in this preparation camp.

This caused Qin Shaofeng to sigh with emotion: "Sure enough, there are more geniuses, and they are no longer geniuses!"

Perhaps, outside, even in the Thousand Mountain Sect, anyone in the reserve camp is a rare genius.

But in this reserve camp, these geniuses have become not very geniuses.

Because among geniuses, only the more talented can continue to be qualified to have the name of genius, and those who are not qualified can only become ordinary people among geniuses.

Qin Shaofeng sighed with emotion. At this moment, the Lin Jun facing him flashed his eyes and said to Qin Shaofeng, "Qin Shaofeng, you are really not easy!"


Qin Shaofeng was slightly surprised, he thought the opponent would attack him when he came up.

But I don't want to, this Lin Jun doesn't seem to be eager to shoot at himself.

But Qin Shaofeng was even more surprised by Lin Jun's next words.

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng didn't speak, Lin Jun didn't have any surprises, but he said a word that made most people in the ring very surprised.

"Qin Shaofeng is serious. At first, someone told me that I was not your opponent. I didn't believe it, but now I believe it!"


Upon hearing Lin Jun's words, the crowd under the ring instantly boiled.

"Oh my God! Did I get it wrong? Then Lin Jun is not Qin Shaofeng's opponent?"

"Uh, it seems not! But how is this possible?"

"No, this Lin Jun is a real master even among Xiaoyuandan eightfold people. I didn't expect that he would actually admit that he is not Qin Shaofeng's opponent?"

"Now, things are fun. I didn't expect Lin Jun to say this!"


Under the ring, amidst the noise of the crowd, the atmosphere in a certain place became a little weird.

There were only ten people in this place, but a large area was vacated here. There were only ten of them. The rest of the people seemed to have deliberately avoided this place and left this place alone.

And the reason why these ten people are so special is because these ten people are recognized as the strongest masters of the ten large and small Yuandan in the reserve camp.

But at this moment, one of these ten people has a very ugly face.

This person was named Liu Yaofeng, possessing the middle stage of the Xiaoyuan Pill, and his strength was strong. In the Xiaoyuan Pill stage of the entire reserve camp, he was ranked in the top five.

But at this moment, his face is not very good-looking.

Because just now, someone said something to him that made him very unhappy.

"Lin Shaoyan, what did you mean by that sentence?"

A trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and Liu Yaofeng asked a young boy who was sixteen or seventeen years old in a deep voice.

The young man named Lin Shaoyan didn't pay attention to Liu Yaofeng's anger, smiled lightly, and said, "It's nothing, that's what it meant. You may not be able to keep the position of the ringmaster of the seventh ring. If you don't believe it, just watch it. !"


Liu Yaofeng was furious, but when he thought of Lin Shaoyan's strength, he finally resisted the outbreak.

But at this moment, looking at Qin Shaofeng on the seventh ring, a cold light flashed in Liu Yaofeng's eyes.

Humph, is this Qin Shaofeng still wanting to grab my place?

is it possible?

Not only Liu Yaofeng, but the others are not very optimistic about Qin Shaofeng at the moment. No one thinks that Qin Shaofeng will be Liu Yaofeng's opponent.

The ten strongest members of Xiao Yuandan had already allocated ten rings each. Among them, the seventh ring, which is the ring where Qin Shaofeng was at this moment, was the ring that Liu Yaofeng was assigned to.

But at this moment Liu Yaofeng didn't see it. Lin Shaoyan glanced at him at this moment, and then when he looked at Qin Shaofeng on the 7th ring, an inexplicable light flashed in his eyes.

Oh, Qin Shaofeng, you really are an interesting person!

I don't know how much strength Lin Jun can force him!

Lin Jun, who belonged to Lin Shaoyan, sent Lin Jun to test Qin Shaofeng, which was what Lin Shaoyan meant.


Faced with what the Lin Family suddenly said, Qin Shaofeng was a little surprised.

However, Qin Shaofeng soon understood why the other party was doing this.

"Lin Jun is afraid that he has cultivated some kind of technique to probe the realm of others. He has already seen your realm, and most of it has already sensed that you have more spiritual power in your body than him!"

When Qin Shaofeng was surprised, the sound of the ball suddenly rang in his ears.

Upon hearing Xiaoqiuqiu's words, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with surprise, and then he asked Xiaoqiuqiu: "Can he detect my spiritual power?"

"Yeah!" Xiaoqiuqiu replied affirmatively, "Not only can it be sensed and probed, I am afraid that even the spiritual power possessed by your dantian's five cloud pills can be sensed by the opponent!"

Can even sense the spiritual power possessed by Yundan?

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was shocked.

On the contrary, Xiaoqiuqiu did not show anything strange, and said softly: "This is nothing strange. After all, your current "Alchemy" cultivation realm is only the initial stage, and the grade is only five-star heaven. It's normal to be sensed by others!"

Uh, too!

Xiaoqiuqiu explained that Qin Shaofeng was also relieved soon.

At this time, Lin Jun said again.

"Qin Shaofeng, I'm not talking nonsense, let me see how much strength you have!"

After a sound, Lin Jun's spiritual power surged, and a powerful aura burst out of his body.

"Broken Army Fist!"

As soon as the breath broke out, then Lin Jun slapped Qin Shaofeng.

Spiritual power gathering!

When Lin Jun made a move, he blasted out a fist of spiritual strength.

For a while, everyone under the ring felt the breath of the spiritual power fist, each one was shocked.

Until then, everyone discovered that Lin Jun was actually much stronger than what he and the others knew.

Just the breath of the spiritual power fist at this moment, I'm afraid it's not something ordinary people can take.

This kind of power, even some people in the eightfold realm of Xiaoyuandan, would not dare to insist on it!

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's actions made everyone even more alarmed.

Because facing Lin Jun's punch, Qin Shaofeng was even dodged.


Still stretched out his right hand, and everyone saw that Qin Shaofeng once again exploded a sword energy with his index finger.

call out!

The invisible and qualitative transparent sword aura shot out in an instant, and when it collided with the blasting spiritual fist, a loud noise erupted.

But what made the master couldn't believe that Qin Shaofeng's sword energy finally broke through with the spiritual fist that condensed Lin Jun directly after a meal.

The moment the spiritual energy fist was pierced through, it was completely scattered, and the sword energy rushed towards the Lin Jun with a fierce aura.

Lin Jun's face changed slightly, he didn't expect that his army-breaking fist would actually be penetrated.

And the most important thing is that the sword energy Qin Shaofeng displayed after passing through his martial arts fist did not weaken in the slightest.

Not dare to neglect, Lin Jun condensed the aura in his body for the first time, shakes his hands, clenches into a fist, and bursts out again.

"Broken Army Fist!"

With a violent shout, Lin Jun punched a spiritual fist again.

This time, Lin Jun broke out with all his strength.


This time, the sword and fists exploded fiercely in the ring, and they disappeared.

But this scene made everyone in the ring dumbfounded.


what's up?

Everyone did not understand.

Everyone has re-evaluated Qin Shaofeng's strength again and again.

But at this moment everyone discovered that they didn't seem to have a thorough understanding of Qin Shaofeng's strength from beginning to end.

Everyone under the ring had already known the strength of Lin Jun.

Not only is the realm of Xiaoyuandan eightfold, but also the previous performance, I am afraid that it has already shown that the strength of this Lin Jun is far beyond the ordinary Xiaoyuandan eightfold other people.

But even in the face of such a master, Qin Shaofeng actually had the upper hand.

This is surprising!

"Haha, Qin Shaofeng, you are really amazing!"

On the ring, Lin Jun laughed, then his eyes flickered, and he stared at Qin Shaofeng in a low voice: "If this is the case, I won't hide anything, Qin Shaofeng will take it!"

While speaking, a light yellow light flashed across Lin Jun's whole body, and under this light, Lin Jun's whole body breath actually gave out a thick breath.

That is the power of the earth system spiritual root.

"Qin Shaofeng, take the move! This is my strongest punch. I once had the luck to kill a monster at the eighth peak of Xiaoyuandan. I hope you don't let me down!"

Finally, after a roar, Lin Jun threw out his right fist.

With a bang, Lin Jun punched a fist of khaki-sharp spiritual power.

Just breath, this punch is probably not inferior to the breath of the ninefold power of the ordinary Xiaoyuan Pill.

For a time, the complexions of many people under the ring changed drastically.

But for this punch, Qin Shaofeng was expressionless, as if he hadn't paid attention to it.

Still extending his right hand, Qin Shaofeng flexed his index finger, his fingertips surged.

But this time, Qin Shaofeng spoke for the first time since boarding the ring.

"One Yang Point!"

With a soft drink, Qin Shaofeng's fingertips spun spiritual power, and with a sizzle, an intangible and transparent sword aura was instantly excited, and shot at the blasting earthy-yellow grinding-pan-big spiritual fist.


There was a loud bang, and then everyone saw a scene that was extremely unbelievable.

Lin Jun's full-out burst of strength has already shocked many people.

But it was Lin Jun who suddenly flew out after an explosion.


Lin Jun actually lost!

After seeing the figure flying upside down, everyone was completely shocked.

For a while, looking at the figure on the ring again, everyone was shocked.

Can Qin Shaofeng defeat Lin Jun?

He actually has such a strong strength?

how can that be?

Such things are unacceptable to many people.

But the facts were before them and they had to accept it.

Qin Shaofeng's strength really exceeded their expectations!

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