Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 444: Successive kills


Appeared again!

That's it!

Seeing a few small Yuandan ten-layer masters around him fell to the ground in a strange way, Lu Renyi was shuddered.

In fact, Lu Renyi was the first one to disagree with his elder brother's action against Qin Shaofeng.

Because every time he thought of Qin Shaofeng just taking a look, he would fall into a coma inexplicably, Lu Renjia had an indescribable fear in his heart.

But in the end, he still couldn't defy his elder brother's wishes, and this time the plan was arranged by the three princes of the Huoyun Kingdom. He counted his elder brother on his side, but he was a master with five Great Yuan Dan realms.

With such a lineup, it shouldn't be a big problem against Qin Shaofeng, right?

But the scene before him at this moment seemed to arouse the fear in Lu Renyi's heart.

Had it not been for fear of the identity of the third prince of the Huoyun Kingdom, he would probably turn around and escape immediately.

"Damn, what's the matter?"

Seeing the few people who fell to the ground behind him, Lu Renjia felt angry.

However, he didn't think much about it. He turned his head and looked at Qin Shaofeng angrily, his face completely sullen.

"Asshole, give it to me, I don't believe this kid, and can use that method to deal with a few of us in the Great Yuandan realm!"

After this roar, the four Great Yuan Pill Realm masters who originally felt a little unbelievable were sure to pounce on Qin Shaofeng again.

Humph, we are in the realm of Great Yuan Pill, so Qin Shaofeng can deal with them?

Qin Shaofeng was not surprised by this situation, but he didn't kill the two dozen people in the Xiaoyuan Pill Realm with the moon reading.

Instead, Qin Shaofeng smiled when he looked back at Du Meng and Tang Qijian beside him.

"Okay, now there is no opponent of Xiaoyuan Dan's tenth layer. Can you two solve the remaining twenty-odd Xiaoyuan Dan?"

That's right, not only did Qin Shaofeng not panic in the face of such an encounter, but instead planned to use this encounter to improve Du Meng and Tang Qijian, and train them.

Du Meng and Tang Qijian also understood Qin Shaofeng's intentions for the first time, and both nodded and smiled as they understood God.

"Boss, don't worry, it's just this little opponent, why is it difficult to get me Du Meng?" Du Meng smiled confidently.

Tang Qijian also said coldly at this time: "The problem is not big, but it will take some time!"

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, they rushed towards more than twenty people including Lu Renyi.

At this time, Lu Renjia had taken four Great Yuan Pill Realm masters and rushed to Qin Shaofeng's side, and the five of them paid no attention to the actions of Du Meng and Tang Qijian.

Even in the eyes of the five of them, it won't take long before Du Meng and Tang Qijian will be killed by Lu Renyi and others.

"Qin Shaofeng will die!"

With a roar, when he came to Qin Shaofeng, Lu Renjia stretched out his hand and struck Qin Shaofeng's head.

With this strength of Lu Renjia, if this is cut, then Qin Shaofeng's head must have blossomed directly.

But Qin Shaofeng would not sit still.

call out!

With his right hand stretched out, facing Lu Renjia who had split his palm, Qin Shaofeng just lightly tapped, and directly exploded with a sword energy.

This time, Qin Shaofeng used his full strength, and the yang pointed to the intangible and transparent sword energy, and with a flash of light, it shot through the air to Lu Renjia.

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng's sword aura was unusual, Lu Renjia's expression changed slightly, and he chose to avoid it for the first time.

After closing his palms, Lu Renjia avoided the sword energy.

But Qin Shaofeng had long expected that Lu Renjia would dodge his own attacks, and all the sword energy he displayed this time was slightly different.

It was because Lu Renjia avoided this sword aura, but what Lu Renjia never expected was that by avoiding him, he revealed a master of the Great Yuan Dan realm behind him.

The sword aura of a Yang pointed directly at that Great Yuan Dan realm master.

The Great Yuan Pill Realm master who had originally followed Lu Renjia obviously did not expect that he would suffer such an attack.

This is so sudden!

In this rush, he can only condense his own spirit armor in a hurry.

After entering the Great Essence Pill Realm, the means of instantaneously condensing the spirit armor is quite common.

But even if it can instantly condense the spirit armor, there is still a difference between the prepared and unprepared spirit armor.

At the very least, the spirit armor that the Great Yuan Pill Realm master now condenses in a hurry is probably only one-fifth of his strongest spirit armor's defensive power.

and so……

With a bang, the sword aura of that Yang finger directly smashed the spirit armor of the Great Yuan Pill Realm master, and then the Great Yuan Pill Realm master was blown out.

But it's not over yet!

The six-pointed star in Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed slightly as soon as the opponent's spirit armor was broken, and he gave a low voice in his heart.



A black flame appeared in vain on the Great Yuan Pill Realm master who was flying backwards quickly, without the defense of the spirit armor, the black flame burned directly on his body, and even Qin Shaofeng was slightly surprised at the speed.


With a scream, after the Great Yuan Pill master landed, Qin Shaofeng received a system prompt, and the Great Yuan Pill realm master also completely lost his breath and was directly burned to death by Amaterasu.

All of this happened in an instant, but two of them couldn't breathe, and a master of the Great Essence Core Realm was damaged like this.

This situation completely exceeded Lu Renjia's expectations.

Damn, that kind of weird black flame!

There was a horror in his heart, and Lu Renjia immediately yelled: "Give me all the spirit armors. As long as I have the spirit armor, the black flame can't help us!"

After listening to Lu Renjia's violent drink, the remaining three Great Yuan Dan realm masters all condensed their spirit armor for the first time.

But seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, then stepped in the air, his eyes sharpened.

"Lu Renjia, do you think you are safe with the spirit armor? Or, let me try it with you. I just learned a trick soon!"

Having said that, Qin Shaofeng's spiritual power circulated rapidly, the next moment Qin Shaofeng stretched out his hand and punched the four of Lu Renjia in the air.


With a violent shout, Qin Shaofeng's punch directly consumed 400,000 points of spiritual power, condensing four Qianshan fist shadows, and blasted at Lu Renjia.

Damn, what's the move this time?

Feeling the blasting shadow of the fist, exuding this indescribable aura, Lu Renjia was shocked, but in the end Lu Renjia gritted his teeth fiercely and burst out with a punch.


There was a dull and explosive sound, although this time Lu Renjia directly blasted the shadow of the fist away.

But in the end, the aftermath of vigor that broke out still shook him back ten meters.

This shocked Lu Renjia's heart.

Damn it, how could Qin Shaofeng possess such strength?

Isn't he Xiaoyuan Dan?


Just as Lu Renjia was horrified, a scream suddenly sounded not far away.

Hearing the screams, Lu Renjia's face changed, and he looked up sharply, but he saw another person from the Great Yuan Dan realm on his side, who was smashed to pieces by the fist shadow, and the black flame burned all over his body!

Another master of the Great Yuan Dan realm was burned to death!

Damn it!

Lu Renjia's heart sank, and there was an ugly expression on his face.

He didn't expect that he had an advantage in realm and an absolute advantage in numbers.

But in the end, they were killed by Qin Shaofeng one after another.

They are the cultivation base of the Great Yuan Dan realm!

Qin Shaofeng actually possesses such strength?

Suddenly, Lu Renjia felt a bad feeling in his heart.

But before he had any other reaction, Qin Shaofeng punched again.

A punch blasted out, and three powerful punch shadows burst out instantly.

Damn it!

With a roar in his heart, this time Lu Renjia didn't plan to fight hard, but chose to avoid it again.

Frozen, Lu Renjia was able to escape this attack by relying on the mid-level of the Great Yuan Pill.

But his other two companions were so lucky without him.

Of the two Great Yuan Pill Realm masters, one of them didn't evade, but was stupefied again with this punch.

Last time, his spirit armor was punched hard, this time after another punch, the covering spirit armor on his body finally couldn't stand it, and it exploded and burst into pieces with a bang.

Needless to say, Qin Shaofeng would not let go of such an opportunity.

One day passed, and the next moment, a scorched corpse appeared on the ground again.

As for the other person, even though he escaped the Qianshan Fist Shadow that Qin Shaofeng blasted, he only escaped most of his power and was still attacked by the edge.

Although such a side attack kept his spirit armor, Qin Shaofeng's eyes were cold when he saw this situation, and he flipped his right hand gently.


A flying knife as thin as a cicada's wings instantly appeared in Qin Shaofeng's right hand, fluttering and shaking gently.

It was the second zombies that Qin Shaofeng hadn't brought out for a long time-Feiyu Dao!

The next moment, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, Feiyu Dao trembled and disappeared instantly.

call out!

A bright silver blade flashed out in an instant, rushing to the last Great Yuan Dan realm master like a thunder.

Then, the next moment the silver blade light flashed, and the face of the Great Yuan Dan realm master flashed with a hint of astonishment, the spirit armor on his body instantly collapsed, and the breath of the whole person fell crazily.

At the moment his body fell to the ground, Lu Renjia saw a small blood hole between the opponent's eyebrows.

It's dead again!

At this moment, Lu Renjia panicked completely.

In just a few breaths, the people on my side actually died one after another.

Up to now, he is the only one of the five Great Yuan Dan realm masters.

This time, Lu Renjia's heart was completely frightened.



This Qin Shaofeng is definitely a monster, he actually wants to kill such a monster?

how can that be?

At this moment, Lu Renjia felt regret. He regretted that he had agreed to the three princes' request this time.

What made him even more regretful was that he actually ignored his second brother's warning.

After remorse, Lu Renjia thought of running away.

Qin Shaofeng seemed to see through what Lu Renjia was thinking at the moment, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. After a glance at his spiritual power value, Qin Shaofeng had an idea in his mind.

"Well, let me try, just how powerful is my three-fist Qianshan fist!"

With a movement in his heart, Qin Shaofeng stretched out his right hand and slapped Lu Renjia who had turned around and was about to escape from the air.


At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's spiritual power instantly decreased by 900,000 points!

Then, a Qianshan boxing shadow with a faint golden light condensed in an instant and blasted towards Lu Renjia.


With a loud explosion, the pale golden Qianshan Fist Shadow finally blasted onto Lu Renjia.

In this explosion, this Qianshan Fist Shadow completely shredded the spirit armor on Lu Renjia's body, and then the violent power blasted Lu Renjia's whole body directly into the ground.

After everything subsided, only one mutilated body remained on the ground.

At this point, all the five Great Yuan Dan realm masters were killed by Qin Shaofeng!

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