Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 445: Careless!

After Qin Shaofeng solved the five people of Lu Renjia, he set his sights on another battlefield.

At this moment, Du Meng and Tang Qijian were in a lot of trouble.

The two were only the six-layer cultivation base of the Xiaoyuan Pill, but their opponents were all with the six-layer Xiaoyuan Pill and above, and there were even several nine-layer Xiaoyuan Pills.

Even if Qin Shaofeng eliminated a few small Yuandan ten-layer masters, the remaining twenty or so people still brought a lot of pressure to Du Meng and Tang Qijian.

Faced with the dilemma between the two, Qin Shaofeng didn't mean to come forward to help, but just stood and watched quietly.

However, Qin Shaofeng also discovered at this time that the cooperation between Du Meng and Tang Qijian was extremely tacit.

Du Meng was the meat shield, and Tang Qijian was the main attacker.

With this kind of cooperation, the two not only withstood the pressure, even Tang Qijian also used swordsmanship to kill the three directly by taking advantage of a few opportunities.

So far, Lu Renyi has only twenty people left.

But even so, for Du Meng and Tang Qijian, if this continues, they may be in trouble.

However, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng happened to solve Lu Renjia.

As soon as I noticed that the five Great Yuan Dan realm masters on his side had all been resolved, the twenty people panicked.

Lu Renyi thought of running away for the first time, and he was not the only one who thought about it like this.

Under such circumstances, the twenty-person team finally appeared flaws.

"good chance!"

Just as Lu Renjia drew away and ran away from here, a bright light burst out in Tang Qijian's eyes and screamed at Du Meng.

Du Meng had cooperated with Tang Qijian for a long time, and naturally understood the meaning of Tang Qijian in the first place.


With a roar, Du Meng's body flashed with fierce golden light, and a layer of glazed golden light instantly appeared on his body.

This is exactly the golden light of his protective body of "Nine Revolutions Indestructible Body".

Du Meng doesn't have a ling armor, but for him, the golden light of his "Nine Ranks Indestructible Body" is more suitable for him than a ling armor.

As soon as the golden light of the body guard appeared, Du Meng rushed into the crowd abruptly, and then he was violently attacked by several people.

But under the golden light of Du Meng's glazed protective body, the attacks of those people didn't hurt him at all.

However, Tang Qijian took advantage of this opportunity to use his right hand to cast a sword tactic, and the flying sword behind it flashed with cold light in an instant and shot up.

Huh huh!

Just a few flashes of cold light, and then a few heads flew up, and the team of twenty people instantly dropped to fifteen people.

No, there are no more than fifteen people.

Because at this moment, Lu Renyi had already flew away.

And seeing this, the remaining people, among them the more clever, also jumped up and flew away for the first time.

For a time, Du Meng and Tang Qijian faced only ten opponents.

The pressure was greatly reduced in an instant, which caused Du Meng and Tang Qijian to completely erupt.

Two-on-eight, instantly fighting into a group, the fight is inextricable.

As for the escaped Lu Renyi and others, Qin Shaofeng just raised his head slightly, and the six-pointed stars in his eyes flashed slightly.

In the next moment, several people escaping quickly in the distance, without exception, lit up a black flame.

The current Qin Shaofeng, even the masters of the Great Yuan Pill Realm, could burn with the sky.

In the case of the Xiaoyuan Pill realm, even the tenth-tier masters of the Xiaoyuan Pill, at the level of the spiritual power in their bodies, as long as they are not the evildoers like Qianyang, facing the burning of Amaterasu, they will not be able to resist for long.

After a few breaths, the escaped Lu Renyi's spiritual power was finally exhausted, and the spirit armor collapsed. Then, under unwilling gaze, he saw the black flame burning into his body, and finally died after a scream.

A quarter of an hour later, Du Meng and Tang Qijian finally solved everyone.

During this period, Qin Shaofeng only shot the escaped, and the remaining eight people were killed by Du Meng and Tang Qijian.

Even the strength of the two is much stronger than those of the same realm.

But after this battle, there were still many wounds on their bodies.

However, after the battle was over, the two people who were lying on the ground looked at each other and laughed fiercely.

In this regard, Qin Shaofeng also smiled slightly.

Obviously, based on the current situation, he achieved his goal, allowing Du Meng and Tang Qijian to experience an extreme battle.

Then, Qin Shaofeng didn't have the first time, he was ready to take the two of them away, but directly took out two special edition second-grade nine-layer spirit pills, and let Du Meng and Tang Qijian subdue them.

This is the first time for the two of them to take a special version of the second-grade nine-fold spirit pill.

However, according to Xiaoqiuqiu's research on the second grade nine-layered spirit pill, it found that if the special version of the nine-layered spirit pill was taken after the battle, it might have the strongest effect.

Therefore, at this time, it is time for Du Meng and Tang Qijian to take a special version of the second-grade nine-layer spirit pill.

As a result, it also proved that this thing was right.

Because an hour later, Du Meng and Tang Qijian's breath suddenly rose.

The two have been promoted to the ninth level of Xiaoyuandan!

It has directly promoted the triple three levels, which has brought the special version of the second-rank nine-fold spirit pill to the extreme.

Dependent: Du Meng

Level: Xiaoyuandan nine layers

Occupation: Knight

Spiritual power value: 2.5 million / 2.5 million (level 2 Yi Jin Jing bonus five times)

Spiritual root of talent: Five Elements Overlord (earth, gold)

Talent skills: Nine Ranks Indestructible Body


Family: Tang Qijian

Level: Xiaoyuandan nine layers

Occupation: Knight

Spiritual power value: 1.5 million / 1.5 million (Level 2 Yi Jin Jing bonus five times)

Genius root: Jianxin

Talent skills: swordsmanship


After breaking through the nine-fold realm of Xiaoyuan Pill, the spiritual power of Du Meng and Tang Qijian both exceeded one million.

Especially for Du Meng this fierce boy, his spiritual power value is 100,000 points more than that of Qin Shaofeng plus five cloud pills.

This made Qin Shaofeng very emotional. After all, Du Meng's Yi Jin Jing was only at level 2, but his Yi Jin Jing was already at level 5.

Once again, Qin Shaofeng complained about his thunderous body.

"Hey, people with strong spiritual roots are simply unreasonable, why the level of the thunder body is so low!"


It was another hour later, after Du Meng and Tang Qijian had a thorough breakthrough and consolidated their current aura, Qin Shaofeng planned to take them back.

Now that the three princes are focusing on him, Qin Shaofeng has already thought about it, and don't let Du Meng and Tang Qijian come to Jufeng Secret Realm during this time.

As for actual combat, aren’t there other disciples in the reserve camp?

Qin Shaofeng believes that as long as Du Meng and Tang Qijian speak out, accept everyone's challenge.

In this way, there are definitely a large number of Xiaoyuandan nine-fold disciples who come to challenge them both.

This doesn't need to worry at all, you can't increase your actual combat experience if you don't come to Jufeng Secret Realm.

However, this is still not a good solution.

But what made Qin Shaofeng a little helpless was that even though he had the ability to kill the lower realm of the Great Yuan Pill, he still had some trouble facing the three princes.

"Hey, in the final analysis, I am still not strong enough! If I have a cultivation base like Senior Brother Xie, and I am a disciple of the Thousand Mountain Sect, the third prince of the Fire Cloud Nation, how dare I provoke myself?"

With a sigh, Qin Shaofeng secretly made up his mind, and after this competition, he will strive to be promoted to the Sanyuan realm as quickly as possible.

Only when he enters the Trinity Realm, I am afraid that the three princes will not deal with himself blatantly.


Since both Du Meng and Tang Qijian had already been promoted to the 9th level of Xiaoyuandan, when they went back, the speed of the three of them was much faster.

But just after arriving at a certain location a few miles away from the exit of the secret realm of the giant peak, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt something wrong.

be quiet!

It's so quiet here!

Even if it is closer to the entrance of the Jufeng Secret Realm, no monster will approach this area.

But no matter what the situation is, it will not be so quiet here that there is not even a worm, song, or bird.


The perception field of the fiery eyes opened in an instant, and the next moment Qin Shaofeng's expression changed drastically.

Damn it, careless!

Qin Shaofeng immediately discovered the current situation of the three of himself after the field of perceptive eyes opened up.

They are in a formation!

With a trace of regret in his eyes, Qin Shaofeng couldn't wait to slap himself directly.

Did he take the initiative to enter the array that other people had arranged in advance?

This was a blow to Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng immediately woke up.

Because he knew why he was so careless, the reason was the battle two hours ago.

After all, after killing five Great Yuan Dan realm masters, even Qin Shaofeng had a kind of arrogance in his heart subconsciously.

Xiao Yuan Dan Jiu Zhong killed the Da Yuan Dan first-tier master, such an achievement, I am afraid I can't help being proud of who it is.

Qin Shaofeng didn't show it clearly, it was already pretty good.

But in the subconscious, Qin Shaofeng still feels a little more proud and even arrogant because of this.

Therefore, on the way home, he didn't have the realm of perception with open eyes, just rushing back all the way, with a completely fearless aura.

And it was precisely because of this reason that now he took Du Meng and Tang Qijian, stupidly and actively fell into the formation deliberately arranged by others.

And at this time, Qin Shaofeng knew in his heart.

I am afraid that for this formation, the small ball has long been aware of it, but it has not told himself, this is nothing more than letting myself remember the lesson this time.

And until now, Xiaoqiuqiu has not made a sound, or even ridiculed himself. This also made Qin Shaofeng guess that Xiaoqiuqi was completely angry with him at this moment.

After all, what happened this time is completely careless!

"Oh, careless!"

Shaking his head gently, Qin Shaofeng sighed, then stopped suddenly.

Du Meng didn't understand Qin Shaofeng's sudden stop.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

On the contrary, Tang Qijian seemed to have noticed something and became vigilant in his heart.

Qin Shaofeng didn't say anything to Du Mengduo, but looked up somewhere, smiled faintly, and suddenly said, "Lin Shaoyan come out!"

Lin Shaoyan?

When Qin Shaofeng said this, Du Meng and Tang Qijian were both slightly surprised.

They naturally knew who Lin Shaoyan was, and that was one of the best masters in the reserve camp Xiaoyuan Dan.

"Flap! Pop! Pop!"

A few clear clapping applause, a person walked out under a gloomy jungle, isn't that Lin Shaoyan?

However, at this moment, when Du Meng and Tang Qijian saw Lin Shaoyan behind them, their eyes shrank instantly, and their whole bodies tightened.

Because Lin Shaoyan was not alone, there were more than a dozen people who appeared with him.

Among the most important dozens of people, none of the breath is lower than the Great Yuan Dan realm.

They are all masters of the Great Yuandan realm!

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